You have a Chance

Daniela way, Dear George and Alexander 2004

I am writing this letter ... to show you if ever it were needed, how much you love him

On the night of 12 December it was the longest night of my life, not for the expectation of S. Lucia or by the solstice, but because I have thought and suffered a long time on your sentence Daniela: “Popes do not want to see you "* …I stopped the heart. Sentence spoken in front of the doctor ASL durnate then the absurd “protected meeting” . The same daughter just out of the library(incontri headquarters) approached me and told me Papi is not true what I said before in truth I miss you so much….but blessed… Do not worry you do not smash your head, even I take you by the neck, how I recommend doing your aunt, on the contrary I thank you for having the courage to express your thoughts, so controversial. If a child says a sentence so heavy it means that a parent has to do mea culpa, I do not want to defend assoggettarti, in fact know very well what I think: I never buy a person; but I would be irresponsible if they do not ponder on a statement so extreme.

Of course I would have preferred that you told me the first, since you say that three years is that you feel this necessity Who knows what rock could be for you all this time. But I think you have not ever expressed , not for fear of my reaction (you know who loves loyalty and frankness) but because you yourself perhaps you were not convinced, demonstrated by the fact that shortly after you had already changed my mind

Anyway, thank Daniela, thanks for the clarity

I'm sorry if sometimes I made you suffer, but believe me if I did it was only by accident, but always in good faith or for excess of love, however, never on purpose

I've made mistakes I've made and how, the rest is not easy to get thrown out of the house, at my age to start from scratch, legally declared invalid, and deprived of the most valuable asset for a parent: their children. Nothing worse than nothing. The important thing now is to have at least a chance.

As the protagonist of a famous book I found myself on the street evicted all.

While reflecting the incident known children play on a field tilted: the younger children play downhill: here they have had a chance. And 'that I ask myself to get back into the game, maybe to be able to carve out a small space in your agenda heart Daniela, colored with great affection by many friends. No regret, therefore,, no hard feelings, we start from this point to build something great. Time is running fast spends, you grew up in an amen, I heart you have already arrived at the. When you get even more "big" you will understand that even intelligent adults sometimes get it wrong ... I imagine. I do want to tell you that a parent is not a piece from a Meccano parts to replace when there garba more or no longer responds to our comfortable or commands. A father may be distressed or sick and then you change it you put it on the part you do not want more, so we arrived at? Like an uncomfortable furniture, not necessary that cluttered or taketh away light?

Logical that you did not blame, is the fault of anyone who teaches hatred and division. A family is a community chooses not to measure but is built together in bad and good fortune

Loving people is not as we would like to, but as they are. This does not mean to be condescending on the contrary help us grow and improve each other. Being a parent is not a job nor a duty is a free choice, as well as being married. To love sometimes also involves risk, your loved one can be transformed into a special prince or toad will depend on our very kisses .... A sacrament is a deal where everyone from to receive,someone with me to give me everything he demanded "nothing". Parent is not the one that takes you on his lap but he that will grow,the heart and the brain do not have sex. Dear children, you are not our property, but that does not mean people autonomous independent share your every desire or whim, those who love you know how to say the word often.. no. Educating children to freedom, break the chain of slavery of affect is difficult, you run the risk of being underestimated and then repudiated. But there is the danger of another bondage: regrets that. The wounds seem to shut the scars are barely visible, but it takes nothing to make them open up like broken bones when the weather changes and you become prisoners of remorse omissions of memory. Be able to see only in a regime is not protected .... the Maximum. Unfortunately always wins the most overpowering the least generous,but only in appearance .... It made me happy defend to the bitter end that you have made with regard to mom but believe in life, you must also have the courage to stand with the weakest, cheer for losers

You have lawyers collaborators psychologists assistants that protect, I have only you, but it's not cheap

Not even imagine how much strength and courage you give me, do not get anything if you do not courage

Kicking cowardice, learn to be gentle with the weak with fierce bullies

Fighting is much nicer than winning, how to travel is much nicer than arriving, but the result does not count the part and do it with honesty and loyalty, otherwise there is no purpose and life is not "fun" more. Not discouraged by the hardships and defeats because in the long run always wins the strongest and that is who really loves ... So .. dear Daniela, Dear George and Alexander know that I will continue to love your mother if it were another, we have in common the fact of being your parents., which is not just. I spent with her the most beautiful days of my life

This does not mean that it is not free to do what he wants maybe who knows .... riaprimi the porta

I wish you still much serenity as you the rest you deserve it. Love is a season of blooming flowers in the bud, and has a putrid pile of leaves in his dying has always a seed that can germinate in the warmth of a careful. We consolidated the fact that no one is perfect everyone has their headaches Life is beautiful but delicate. I want you to know, however, that at any moment I will be "close", ready to listen to you. I urge you to use your head, do not be arrogant, has never learned enough as well as people you do not know enough. Daniela yourself by reading my biography so many things you did not know your father and yet we have lived together for several years. While on the other hand I knew by reading sentences extracted from a memorial game and you were doing it for the fight, who even dared to think about the war. Bad people will have only read excerpts of my writings. Did you know that even on the same pamphlet there are documents that certify your being repeatedly been awarded the prize goodness And not for recommendation but .... Credit. Even reading all my thousand pages could never understand the "silence" of a parent. Is not it better to know us personally? Now, not in a vague and uncertain tomorrow. They say the future is full of opportunities is true but you kids today are not men or children(?) tomorrow. A famous writer said everyone has the life they deserve. To say that a poor deserves to be such a baby in a pram or deserves the same. He was a stupid man although he was intelligent. The wire that divides the intelligence to stupidity is so fine that when it breaks fuse together so the wire that separates love and hate death and life. Homer was blind Leopardi Hunchback yet without them mankind would be poorer, An Olympic champion doubt their worth as. Ale and George are in a wheelchair but without you I am more than a seagull I feel a measly chicken. This is partly true, life has a meaning depending on the content that we give. I wanted that life had a purpose, it was worth the "pain" of being navigated, I think this has been satisfied. Now I want to return as soon as next to you .... real pain in the ass ... I miss you. At my age receive Pinocchio as a gift is not the Maximum besides they are in need of everything, but I confess that the lesson has served me the rest of a gift is a gift and must be accepted for what it is. Even I miss a lot of gifts Genia brandy always the same every year even though he knew that we were abstainers,we had a belief Grande is full of regret for your rejection of a bid for Evance your foster brother, I hope you find the remains of the example of the lesson grandmother. All those colorful notebooks for them is like getting a game boy. Always grandmother Carla * without many words has demonstrated an excellent person you remember Ale last year I met you on the street and with an excuse grandmother left us alone this is authentic therapy has not yet studied at Oxford

* sure that with this gesture has earned eternal life, if your mother finds out about the complaint

Giorgio with you I'd like to realize a dream: although legally separated can unite their mutual love we have for the sport I would like to coach a football team of kids Modesty aside I consider myself a good trainer, but I do not understand anything technical diagrams and various formations. You could give me a hand about. You have carte blanche the only thing that I recommend to you and to focus on the amalgam group not to think about the result then comes from only

Ale And you're still there? Are you listening? On with the head, inside that chest, out of those balls prove to all these Mongoloid what we know.. be There is no person who does not have an important secret of his own, us that the secret share into two for this has even more significance. If for various reasons we are limited in our actions or want we can always burnish our wings ... wings and fly, flapping wings like the butterfly that radiates a chain reaction and makes us all better. This year is the International Year of diversabili in truth we are all no one is perfect perhaps even because God created man, let us help you starting to eradicate the worst evil: hatred and indifference

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