A special insurance

Referring to the new City Council my financial difficulties and my difficulty in finding employment,l’Assessore preposto mi fissa un incontro con l’Assistente Sociale(?) click here to read) Proprio poco prima di entrare nel suo ufficio (22.04.2010 h 16.00) I get a call from my insurance that tells me that today is the last day to pay for the insurance of the bike, reticent if possible confiscation of the same sentence (?)(?) The next day I went to the agency and wonder why I have not received the usual notice?* They hand me (the envelope attached above) con l’avviso di ritorno perché l’indirizzo è sbagliato (?) . Strange because it is already more than 2 years that I have a new address that the agency still well-known but nevertheless continue to practice ( and positive esito) to send me correspondence with the old address.

*As the Director of our Bank Of leo, told me that having learned that I was not using the machine to fall within the more trust ( I speak of only 1.000 euro and who knows what figures ) had spoken with the insurance agency which is based in our country, to block the cashier insurance ( now tell me that they can not even do it) . having had to deal with the insurer for a 2ridicolo "left ( see below) I thought the same insurer knew of my difficulties and so I did not bother too much to remember the date of expiry of the insurance of the vehicle stopped her as well for months due to a failure. How many lies always told me the Director of Banca Di Leo time, for example from my checking account are not the mortgage payments that I made ( when I still worked at Preserin) to pay the maintenance ( 2 months past due) to my children .. and he tells me that he removed from the account because these days have the inspection of the Bank of Italy how this subject? how could one believe ? what is its true intent? Cosa mi nasconde o trama ancora ..

infatti guarda caso o magari ancora il diavolo (?) today 27 April I will arrive by mail to the prompt payment of the installment above click here to read installment due) and I also arrives (rispeditami just now from my college IPASVI) the installment due at enrollment’ Albo PROFESSION, fee which is usually paid by the Bank, inter alia dated January 2010 when I was still in positive credit ….


Stranamente alla clemente vengo spedito dalla Proserin dalla TecnoCryo di Basiano a fare un corso di Pronto Soccorso di 16 concentrated in just hours 2 days 20 people (?) (quando il corso è riservato a solo 2 employees per company) I'm leaving early in the morning to avoid the traffic and be punctual. Arrived at the intersection of Bridge St Peter on Briantea (h6.30) although there is absolutely no traffic I encounter a motorist clumsy that you do not decide what to do; rallenta e poi riparte infine si accosta per parcheggiare (?) and overtake your mind to do, esce dal semaforo il colore giallo e lui a paletta riparte io lo seguo. Mindful of the other 2 imbranati incontrati poco prima nell’incrocio sia di Petosino che di Paladina Villa e vista anche la telecamera presente decido di non compiere possibili infrazioni e per fortuna mi fermo. To my surprise, I realize that although it is already far beyond the stop the motorist ahead of me does the same.

Se come da intenzione e logica dinamica l’avessi seguito avrei disfatto non una ma 2 machines .

At first I thought it was a joke I think you can not do such a maneuver is real crazy, and even if I had I might have to follow in any event wrong with yellow, I think that if I had a child in the car after such a maneuver would have given definitely a kick in the ass. The driver gets out and as well as give me a fake name (Sweets) and his car has a sign that hardly takes away the dust from the bumper (I do not even what) pretende di non muovere le auto e di voler chiamare un vigile suo amico che abita mi dice : proprio qui a Ponte S. Peter , I ask him if he drank and if it has no mind? and noting the line of cars that already was being created behind us ask him to move not before he had done with the phone some photos that bear witness that I had stopped on the stop line.

The motorist is have another name and even is a colleague of mine : registered nurse who works at the 118 Ponte S. Peter , where even I in that (page) struttura Sanitaria ci lavorai per 1 single day and give immediately after the resignation (see below). We exchange information and given the negligible damage (in reality non-existent) lui mi dice che preferisce non denunciare l’accaduto per non incidere poi sul bonus/malus e vuole chiedere al suo carrozziere la spesa .

It is a cost of 200 euro for me is preferable to report everything first in order to respect the law and also because I have serious doubts about his reasons. Reasons that my insurance agency ( sentita ed incontrata per l’occasione più volte) not want to hear, telling me that I still have not kept a safe distance

A distance of time I get the urge of the inconceivably headquarters dell'assicruzazione stating that I had not reported the incident to

A distance of time I get the urge of the inconceivably headquarters of insurance stating that I had not reported the incident to..

…è così che immediatamente scrivo alla Direzione dell’Agenzia Assicurativa

Giusto poco tempo prima avevo riferito e mostrato alla mia stessa Agenzia Assicurativa il lavoro mal eseguito dal carrozziere Testori, che mi riparò l’auto colpita dalla grandine. Resosi conto del mal operato loro mi dissero che non potevano fare niente perché il carrozziere era un loro referente solo causale .

I remember some time ago again when my ex-spouse, poco prima di chiedere la separazione separarsi me ne combinava di tutti i colori lasciandomi spese insolute a mio nome e carico e che io venivo sapere solo a sollecito avvenuto . La ex coniuge si comportava così anche perché supportato dal ex direttore Cavaller..della banca paesana amico intimo e tuttora giocatore della squadra di calcio della stessa assicurazione sopracitata.

Preventivo spesa macchina colpita da grandine

The Perito rightly tells me to tell my body shop will show that when the actual invoice of paint used and he then gladly cover all budgeted expenditure ..

Cala so drastically the amount but not the …time is expected to perform the work agreed; once summoned after she stops taking the car still more than a week after handing me the same 2 bins and still visible Foppe small dents and hail those who had already suffered…in time ... he is justified in saying yelling and contrary to agreement, taken…What do you if you think so then you leave me here the machine and retreats only when I've paid the deductible

The wife of the coachbuilder has common friends with my ex-spouse ( but what does this? appunto..) lo stesso carrozziere è socio ed è nel direttivo della squadra della Bichers di Petosino , which has as President my own Hairdresser, and even though I travel the world by bike and I was one of the first founders of the company itself, when they are separated from, I can not have your membership card because some of them are not acceptable (?) absurd

from the series.. Rogne and trouble (species is “driven”) are never alone laws attached bank

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