Printout compensation


after several reminders to the av gaggese ( wife of our former pediatrician and very intimate friend of my ex ) I receive compensation for printout nothing inherent in the statistics produced by the verdict of The Hospital
No time to finish the script below (and send it via e-mail) that I finally receive the long-awaited tabulation of counts see section below
Dear avv.Maffettini smoked gray or white? after yet another rejection by the lawyer Pizzocheri (with Gaggese(?) holder practice our compensation) that only through email yesterday, She delegated as a reference for printout counting compensation, expected as agreements entered into and the guarantee given to me yesterday by phone to finally receive that document.. but still nothing. The recall also that in spite of my ( and other concerned people who follow the evolution of this practice) thoughtfulness no one has ever questioned my desire about such compensation, confirmed on appeal in October. The recall also that I came to 10.000 euro debt(so over trust). I continue to pay maintenance to their children ( that x is not absurd encounter and still do not even answer the phone) but I can not pay the rent ,when my new house is ready for months…but I have no money x the notary and pay the installments remaining(x This is why the risarciemenno the end I will remain something?) . I can not pay the fee of the lawyer in Mestre(how much money I spent on land) RAI and the subscription fee and the annual enrollment register of my professione.Inoltre more than 2 weeks aspect of the resolution in order to have direct access to my bank account via the Internet . In order to avoid unpleasant misunderstanding or better to see, for example, even though the agreements entered into : non-payment of the check to my dentist and finally the appearance of the check for the payment of my new site (x intestarmi finally renew the domain and I sweated + Hercules) on the current account only last week ( and only after several requests for clarification about my) when in fact it had been collected by the 6/12/07 With best regards good job Petosino 16/01/08
Just sent the email above I get an answer after a few minutes loscritto attached herewith invite anyone of good will to compare the counts with the judgment of 1st degree e la judgment of Appeals
The: Mr.. Flaminio Maffettini A: 'Bonfantialviero’ Cc: Subject: Bonfanti / OO RR Bg Received: 16/01/08 10:35 2008 01 1& Cont Caggese.pdf(88318 bytes) Egr. Signor Alviero Bonfanti e-mail OBJECT: Bonfanti / OO RR Bg For the purpose of verification of the amounts due to you I need to know the amount of the advance payments you have received and the date on which were perceived. I enclose counts Att. Caggese in which I asked a couple of questions. While waiting, I offer greetings.


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