Stalking Instance Hospital Authority

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Years later receive as New Year's Greetings from the study represented. Bruni instance a Hospital Authority € 10,000 compensation for contributions… already inter alia the negotiated (see below)

I try to understand best to put an end to everything but the Ospedale Maggiore even appears to have decided that instance they tell me it was a free lawyer's initiative ( maybe or maybe x x damn me destroy avert the prescription? Pitch between different offices of the Hospitaller x understand more but it's just a waste of time to them is not nothing about ... my office telling me that seems to ride and I both want to rush the payment even when the same is apparently due ?.. Meanwhile, well then re-pedal maybe when I'm short of “liquid” and in the middle of the climb I recur account …asphyxiating a real sword of Damocles over the head as if I had not already other headaches without work in progress

this is not enough it also puts the Indap to invent a job before the court then to the town more and Brescia (?) freezing thus further my contributions x click here to read the contributions paid and re-paid

I write my wing legal
Subject: instance lawyer Boffelli brown study
A: <>
Date: 15/02/2012 11:53
Attachments: 1 View file
Studio-Attorney-bruni.jpg (107.0 KB);
—-Original message—-
Date: 11-Jan 2012 14.31
A: <>

Gent…QED not leave me in peace and as bolt from the blue I get this request from the study plot Bruni-Boffelli (he always???) I called the lawyer Mafessttini that says nothing about it while he himself had consulted an accountant (paid handsomely at my expense) about the strange and abnormal counts and it appeared that I had nothing more to the Hospital

I have written in the last friser experience at admission Gleno at this point we might as well make it public in the hope that sooner or later someone would protect me and left to live in peace greetings Bonfanti Oliviero


My lawsuit asks through written ( see attachment below) clarification on the Ente lawyers Hospital but he did not get any results these last remaining vague

Always My legal meanwhile invites me to send documents on the tortuous practice in order to take it in a better idea…that's how I write

Dear Lawyer Toscano I send attachments on the convoluted claim for reimbursement that the Hospital Authority claims against me

The legal matiozzi (x click here to read Ente consultation H.) that in fact I did not even protected them in the practice of joint custody to me most at heart, images as I have protected in this instance del'ente hospital, in fact refuse to co about see Annex 1/2/3/4; for me is still a demand absurd and incomprehensible

The new lawyer in charge always Mafettini x joint custody, for this practice since the compensation (disabled children) just received from the same Agency I recommend naming it first owner, not a legal office and then pay for the instance of the body do you recommend instead of spilling only a considerable part (all. 5) so that then also face adjustment and resolution

Balance of indemnities paid regularly after dismissal, the reinstatement (x Sentenza1 °) and re-dismissal after the absurd Judgment of Appeal without any legal due; my then lawyer Stocchiero came only at the end and was left alone for a few minutes x reading of the sentence and immediately walked away without even talking to me or greeting)

Through av Mafettini Consulting accountant of Dr. Di Lorenzo (cosulto laws in all. 30/31 etc.) I highly paid stating that the instance indeed everything seems to ... Wonderful. 12

Thanks x your kind attention and cooperation

Greetings bonfanti alviero oliviero Alfiero


Allego qui il versamento per il patteggiamento obbligatomi dal mio legale Maffettini e avv Locatelli consigliatomi dai Carbinieri di Zogno Indagati per malavita clicca qui x leggere articolo


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