
After months finally back in Europe.
I visit the Prado museum…I still imprinted on the retina works .. hermose .. Rubens Titian to Goya Velasquez etc... especially the single framework of Caravaggio: David with the head of Goliath (1610) moral theme of the victory of’humility on’arrogance and, on the blade of the sword David, the sentence from S. Augustine:”Humilitas occidit superbiam”.

arrival at 12 with 3 h delay in Madrid.. I can not use the bike route and with the bulky luggage can not take the bus, much less the meter… so that the taxi cost me more than the journey

.. New York airport to the fact I have destroyed half bike even have sliced ​​the wheel axle x luck in Madrid meeting a great cyclist .. I do not recommend the same to go on a bike in Barcelona x’ in fact the journey is a very dangerous highway.. so I decided to take a bus (traveling at night so the hotel savings) up to Barcelona and then home again from there by bike

I waiting for tourists in a city really nice and hospitable


una città a misura “d’uomo”

Check-in MADRID for the event but I soon fell in love and in fact .. this is where I find the real America and the civil reception


Goya…Also under the monument there is the famous phrase by Goya… The dream of reason produces monsters

Prado…I still imprinted on the retina works .. hermose .. Rubens Titian to Goya Velasquez etc... especially the single framework of Caravaggio: David with the head of Goliath (1610) moral theme of the victory of’humility on’arrogance and, on the blade of the sword David, the sentence from S. Augustine:”Humilitas occidit superbiam”.

I create also a monument …the rider rotates.. mondino

..Then night falls .. and riavvolgo the day and re-think of the works of art enjoyed .. but mostly I recall the disarming kindness of these local clientele

Barcellona …I reach the Catalan city bus from here then reassemble bike

1^ Stage Girona

2^tappa Perpignan passando x Figueras (museo in Dalì)

In village after figuers just before Step Pertus Soccorro an elderly man suffered a heart attack .. everything is resolved for the better as well get the ambulance emergency department that decides to hospitalize him for questioning

Step Pertus = the name of the location (Roncola) confined to my country

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