Primasso anything pink east

Dear Professor (Letters Rossi) I give you this letter just after my last (I hope) appeal, not to affect the judgment and its final assessment.

Beyond the outcome not so much in fact I have to thank for the evaluation, but what could give me; I go out from his lectures richer and after all, ultimately this is the result that counts most.

Only now, saw the copious amount of the program, and the common knowledge of his reputation as a professor precise and meticulous, I understand that choosing his form was a decision a little risky.

Without too many calculations, I preferred to run its course even if a bit intimidated, because so fascinated by the study authors estimated, also made, because I had a real chance of being able to attend

I had the honor, therefore, and in truth the pleasure, to attend his lectures and even though it was a major commitment,the ultimate prize amply rewarded me about attaching some phrases from my writing

I never would have believed ... that a person could "grow" change psychologically in an almost physical and tangible thanks to the notions of literary culture .... just this last term makes me think of literature course that changed me:A shocking experience .... Dazzling ... contemplative mystic like in front of an admirable work of art or a Stupa or a cross that is the effect of the Divine Comedy anagogic?2

I confess that at first I did not call in time to study all the pantry I was left to read his colleague Violetta de Angelis and even confused at first I thought it was the mother of Virgil, images you what kind of high school ... stuff to the earth tremble ... for best threshold

Just then his lessons, I have rather a lot enriched and ...

The importance of glosses comments, of the notations. A pattern of notes that were choking and at the same time reveal any text, knowing that in the Middle Ages wrote deliberately obscure so not to be understood except through a kind of initiation.

Understand the importance of this find the textbooks because of the great authors :

Quod nova testa capit inveterata sapit.

I have only "capit" that as a child I have always worked hard and often, and that the study was a true and pure chimera images from vetera what can come out of my barrel ...

On the other hand now you really want to read his other essays and deepen the various authors studied only briefly sigh ...

A program to be refined palates, names that inspire reverence only to hear them say, imagine my hesitation in interpreting, but she masterfully with his readings, has been able to also show their weaknesses, without shrinking their size, we made them more "human"

In the written test, I could not complete all of the answer on the "transmission of a work"

The worry of not being able to write in a few minutes what you studied for hours hours, themes that the authors themselves, conceived in a lifetime.

Translate them into a few moments and tanned lace concepts, is a little like a curse in front of their shroud also not knowing her well, there is a fear that does not understand the effort made, and exposure was more focused to show what and how much one has studied, more that make sense and emphasize what we truly inclusive. In the words of one of his good colleague:

To argue it takes time and it is just that temple that we seem to have no. Hence the need and the fake paradox of losing time to conquer, there is no need to be present, you dream of bi empty to indicate the full

In the specific case on the application of critical reading, I wanted to add that the text lives, talk and transformed over time, for the same Cottini the critical edition, as every act is only a scientific hypothesis economic work while Avalle original concept is one of the most elusive and ambiguous, and therefore the translation of a work is a tribute to the extreme hidden truth

In his own lecture notes I read that a perfect text in its entirety perhaps never existed, also we do not see only what we look at but also what we know.

So for all the senses, therefore perceive what we know, hence the importance of knowing how to read the text critically Understand that there is always someone who acts as a filter and that we ourselves are called to do so in front of the page we read. I learned more concepts of psychology and psychoanalysis in its course and in the preparatory this is true interdisciplinarity migration

Wiva the school when it is so meticulous Wiva professors, Wiva diligent students that in spite of little culture where motivated and determined, however, have the opportunity to express themselves and assert themselves and why not .... to redeem their ignorance

I confess that I will miss his lessons and I think this is the biggest compliment for a teacher; I do not know but then again vote, I do know that are a little more rich ...

As Petrarch taken by a sort of graphomania, after his last successful appeal I write my impressions: write immediately to make my experience sharer, not that mutating the places and time, mutate my thoughts… As Lamartine also this letter was written at (?)

The poet should imitate the bees to flowers that do not return what they have taken, but they know to dial wax and honey with wonderful blending True elegance is in proposing the concepts with our words even if they belong to other, as bacchi that fare silk from their bowels, by themselves derive substance and form. But I feel more like Macrobius in his Saturnalia suggested that not only the concepts of others, but revisited intact fruits found on the branches of other Moreover assume that even Collodi have borrowed a little bit from the metamorphosis (l'asino d gold) by Apuleius and for the same Leopardi:

Petrarch was much imitated by himself seem imitator. As more about Eco says :

books always speak of other books, and every story tells a story already told

He asked me a review of Petrarch, difficult to have a critical thinking, there are too many contradictions:

Desiring the impossible ... you end up losing the will is not possible ... we must yearn to achieve the purpose. The talent should be helped with the study comforted with meditation, but do not force him to go where he can not ... moderation in the study otherwise live better the ignorant person who does not know the human misery Chase away the darkness of ignorance in this land find the strength to climb up to heaven ... to settle the limits that God has given us otherwise . Often those who have talent ends up the urge to speak too well with the silencing of all ... if you prefer to be the opinion that we are interested not so much the applause of the crowd as the truth of silence. For softness many do not tread this path how much effort to overcome our earthly habits toughest .. you better hide the hive of your heart and with time Make it honeycomb with the pen

advantage as long as the mind is vigorous not expect the cold of old age overtake us .... after very wrong to break away from the pleasures of low rise .... The same climb on Mount Vantoso apparently never happened the date 1333 is symbolic since it speaks of the conversion of his brother instead occurred in 1345

Sitting resting ... I thought to material things and incorporeal,what happens to me is the same as anyone who comes to the blessed life at the top of the difficult journey, end of life, goal of all our trip ... more dear to him

But nature does not give the human will can it be that a body falling earnings in height, an agile and immortal soul against a transient body and deadly under the weight of the limbs. Raising the soul to the example of the body reached the top, breath the light air, I admire the sweeping view of Italy to friends think of my sins and to double man in me. Consultation and read the confessions: they go to the mountains by the seas et neglect themselves and also learn from the pagan philosophers that nothing is more worthy that the soul, nothing is greater. Search not the vain glory, ma la modesta Vallechiusa, however, generates the same sentence: too close to Avignon too far from Rome.

Petrarch soul in torment in the balance between worldly life, rich of fame and the contemplative life says that will soon be sued because it disturbs the public peace because everyone wants to stop and ask for advice You pretends sorry but enjoys the self-congratulation. Graphomaniac so that even writes (criticizing) to famous authors of the past

Superstitious messes up to the required dates change personal letters feigning indifference and false modesty It denotes herring studied in Bologna, where his teacher made him Cino da Pistoia and Dante directed him to study materials humanist. But he says in his famous letter to Boccaccio that he would never read anything of the Supreme Poet order not to be affected and the risk of copy, while in truth the Triumphs and Secretum with the guidance of Augustine and the flaming Laura, are nothing more than a bad copy of the Commedia Indeed such is the envy that even mentions it, indirectly criticizes him for having used the vernacular while he himself ironically will be remembered for posterity in particular because of its works in the vernacular, and for translating the same, the most famous novel of Boccaccio.

The same letters that make up the Family,he says with mock modesty of saving them by accident rather than by intent, while it is known as the very Soliero: Petrarch did not write any line without the intention of it for posterity.

He himself says : In re-reading the letters I realize that I have said things contradictory, but I could not do otherwise for diplomacy and attention to the recipient with different personalities. Tante tante FACC Menti ...

In light of these inconsistencies difficult to love an author so much controversial, but then less superficial study of his works, discover the suffering man behind the famous poet.

The death of his parents at a young age, the loss of his son John and grandson of the much-loved, the political commitment to the unification of Italy, suffering exile, the search for inner peace and the eternal wandering

The painstaking study of historical texts such as the decades of Livy he was the first historian to put them together for the benefit of all humanity, even at night in the light of a humble cero, with the handwriting tired of dirty wax and stained with ink from the poor quality of the paper that has been eroded by the enemy of Pallas And we now with cut and paste with pc cd floppy after reading two dispensine arrogant we believe in the right to criticize who despite , made not only Italy, but the whole world a little more human.

Storytelling is a bit 'as Nulla rosa est, how many characters I have met, by Ghino heel that with bread and water (placebo), Cliny that heals the abbot took the biggest concern of captivity forget the stomach. From the dominion of vice Ciappelletto the triumph of virtue Griselda I found that each of us can hide a Primasso and reading one of the most beautiful and sensual pages of the Decameron,the hardest as the Count Guido says.. is the one who knows how to win before the enemy himself the loving relationship in which man suffers on the one hand the labor of passion and attraction of the flesh and the other enhances the chastity of the beloved. Folded himself, I sore the wonders, reflects on time, on death and vanity of man and things, oppressed from the impending frailty, can only recognize: how the world, dream is short .

Sorties dispensae and read:Thou didst as he who walketh in the night that bears his light behind you does not help ... the rest I will act as rectors and leaders who get in the way forces weaker .. so dream teachers and educators.

He asked me what was the reason for my passion for literature, believe me I do not know, or maybe the simple fact that a good read is a good therapy for all ills; I open the book at random and I will read: Consider your seed .... you were not made to live like brutes but to seghir virtue and knowledge .....

thanks again while I hope that apple cable

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