Petosino – Resegone

Walking Petosino – Monte Resegone (Lecco) 18 August 2007


Map2 Mappa3



Photo of the day

Ubbiale …put to the army It looks like a Madonna but it is a boulder


Are passed along =

Path of the Partisan
Rifugio Stoppani
The former mines Passed


Childbirth Sabato 18 August 07 to h 7 in truth a little 'delay in bringing, and not just time but as the season .. now autumn approaches and the days and the light …reduce. From Petosino along the county road Heath reach Villa d'Alme and shortly after passing across the bridge Clanezzo From here I get to the restaurant and then Belvedì not without difficulty I hardly the path to Mount Union (better to follow the dirt road that starts directly behind the cemetery Clanezzo. Pe rmia luckily there are several hunters who settle huts x the imminent opening of hunting …and though I am an ecologist background I have to admit that often only thanks to them the trails are still part of the Path percorribiliPercorro Angelo Gotti Partisan …how much history …contained in these boschiIncrocio the former mines Passed qunata fatigue blessed work …and it is not medievoAlla Top Quarenghi crossing a plaque. I am opposed to the tombstones xi dear fallen climbers… Imagine xi and dogs must also have x little sense to bring a dog into these places in steep paths and sconessi, where even just stirring up stones can cause harm to others escursionistiAl refuge Azzoni take a short time wet shoes and the asphalt in the final stretch I generate pain at the foot x vescicche



Hours Place Altitude Note
7.00 Petosino 300 Tardi delivery slightly
8.00 Clanezzo 296 Difficult to find the paths ask for information to hunters
9.30 M.Ubione 895 X luckily you are at least k and settle their huts and trails
10.00 Corna Marcia 1033 I lose myself. Caution take the private road Undertaker Roncelli
10.30 Pso del Canto 818 Follow Laxolo but not for x the tombstone of the Partisan Angelo Gotti
11.15 Berbenno 675 I go out on the pitch brambill aLaxolo,along the paved road reach Berbenno
12.00 Cle.S.Pietro 933 Return in the woods
12.30 Cemetery Blello 950 Just behind the cemetery take the path between k and salt meadows
13.30 M.Castello 1217 Here are several farms but not meeting anyone
14.30 The Three beech 1399 Follow the dolmens of the Virgin Mary at the bottom right you see Gerosa
15.00 I Canti 1563 Place really impressive
15.30 Zuc. of Valbona 1546 Beautiful panoramic views on one side .... Valtaleggio
16.00 Valbona 1430 On the other view of the Mortlake and Valsassina
17.00 Pso del Palio 1362 Mammeloni fork after you climb to the summit Resegone
17.01 Resegone 1875 Short time and then fog
18.00 Refuge Azzoni 1860 Mangio un panino.
18.45 The Past 1440 Steep but not too difficult Difficult x 'wet,
19.00 Pertus 1193 Obtaining for mount Ocone but stay low to the left x Step Pertus
19.45 Pond 1314 Here is the Hotel with paved road x Costa Imagna
20.00 M. Treasure 1432 But still continuous paths x to Monte Tesoro
20.30 Valcava 1254 Now it is evening I have to stop to get off on the asphalt road
21.00 Coast 1000 Arrival to Costa at the pitch dark
22.00 Roncola 900 I walk on tarmac with wet shoes = ouch.. le vesciche
23.00 Villa d'Almè 330 I reach the state 470
23.30 Petosino 300 And then ... my country that already sleeping

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