Pasotti Arlecchino

1 Harlequin film presentation 1010....3 Arlecchini
a lato 3 Arlecchini

2 Momumento Arlecchino arle

3 bike trip EXPO 31

Two events that come to perfection to promote Terra Nostra during the Expo Mondiale..grazie the sculptor Nicola Gagliardi and our Local Promoters for the gift of the picturesque Monument Brembano..e thanks to Director Matteo Bini and Giorgio Pasotti and actress Valeria Bilello.. for the gift of good movie ... I, Harlequin. Still debate if the mask was Venetian valance or Bergamo when it is common knowledge by now its universality and antiquity much that Dante already quoted Arlechin in the Divine Comedy.
The movie really surprised me ( this say serve movies ) and excited as simple as beautiful. Underlying theme is the ability to accept the different, represented by actors of unusual origin, amazing the gimmick of Pulcinella color that so resembles our Zani = black face for fulgine of coal unloaded in ports and white dress made from the sheets now threadbare but neat as the filming of our Valley ... I rediscovered the pride of be Bergamo and although a little 'excited (They are shy to "Nature") would not let some sent word



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