The Great Beauty

Because the parties still? Why are those who dream can move mountains ... and maybe.. who knows maybe even prejudices..

Let me introduce myself, my name = Oliviero but perhaps also Alviero and Alfiero1 , at least it is nell'anagrafe Altoatesina, since my Mother emigrant Bergamo, convinced me to die soon2 she had forgotten the name that my grandmother Angela, addressing its unique long journey, had assigned me with so much love.
But I also grew up and married
My daughter won Miss Bergamo, a real beauty ( I admit that this has taken everything from mom) Gemini children are even more beautiful (all.01) but I'm in a wheelchair from birth, disabled from birth hypoxia. We opened a case against the Hospitals MEETING WITHIN, Institution in which I worked as a Professional Nurse, practically = David against Goliath; litigation we won, but in return I lost everything =
family, the house, work nearly as well and almost self-esteem ...

Camp Forrest for the pain has started running, I rather to sublimate all pedalo, and occasionally ..graffio

Separated by years, children even now send me the Christmas Greetings or Happy Birthday; increasingly only, without pedaling without working with the rent to be paid the ass of Apuleius do not give up.. I Shot down, let alone bores me rather, This year, for example, during the Tour of the Refuge are passed under the arches of the dam Gleno, Our Vajont .. will have been fatigue or the infirmities of age, but passing under its arches bargain, I took a myriad of 'Voices', I have not done anything but collect and patiently lay them on a sheet and then lay it all inside a suitcase, ensued as, the same story visible on the site and that I sent to my only friend, village and Mother 10 children, that after reading it, Instead of the promised comment ... I have taken the salute ... alleluia.. eureka What to do ? I go back to Oil the bike. Remount on my Rocinante and pedal along the City of the Pope, Brazil and straight, straight to the Sphinx as well as see a modern Oedipus, but with all the painful awareness of the event, since after all this pilgrimage right on the "threshold" (a classic) I finally understood the real reason for such obstinacy towards me and I'm free revealing in this my last written = The Great Beauty of Creation this title, well my next trip (all.02)
Despite all.. floor.. plan I can find my stability, my peace after years back to attend the film (great movie = The Human Capital) the theater (excellent = Ol teater de guera and Around the World in 80 days, played by patients with Parkinson's disease; valid work the Ivory Tower but the recitation of bad Zingaretti) and various courses ( excellent = The Great War) conferences and meetings, obviously someone does not like this and is exposed so that "show" in a direct way all the visceral fury against me, starting with the Court of Bergamo by Equitalia (?) (all.03.04) send me the bill to pay for the costs of the Process of 1st grade 04/11/2008 done without my knowledge and made irrevocable by the Court of Appeal of Brescia 14/01/2010 Where I come convicted Violence Home Care and specifically for 2 episodes dating back to May 1999. I protest, but I pay and I also ask for clarification. An Act due.. tell me. Absurd to think that the process of 1st grade I was called and I'm not oblivious to everything even risultavo, write to the file ... in absentia, and this unfortunate episode, smitten him also complained on appeal and the Modern Leviathan proposed to me on a silver platter (?) prescription, but as Socrates, as Antigone that goes beyond the Law, or rather like a Donkey = refused the, saying.. it was not a building amnesty, violence at home after the crime pedophilia is by far the most serious and if they were convinced of my guilt to continue well into their purpose and all this took place in the presence of my impassive yet another new legal, a real criminal consigliatomi by police in Zogno, recently come to the fore and not to give luster to his beloved weapon. It all started when the marshal Pisanò3 advised me in the presence of my lawyer, well del..avv Menga consigliatomi by Berreta ORBg to denounce his wife to even the score and then treated at par any accusation. So it happened. The wife got what she wanted: chase me from home and practice-billion compensation of twin sons with disabilities, recanted all, but since it is the practice continued violence at home office.. I'm fine with agree.. but why not also went to my complaints ?

[1]Coso.. they called me instead of colleagues during the bullying immediately to the Sports Medicine
[2] I was born Ottimino, a codpiece bone, already had two sons and two abortions, are then two other females
[3] These "ridiculous" and driven episodes, are made, however, regrettable that date back to May 1999. Immediately after the Marshal left the headquarters of the Carabinieri in our area to move to the middle of Bergamo but although many times it has tried to thank him, has disappeared I doubt there is a well that he has deceived me ?

I miei 'Gioielli'
Attachment 1 .... my jewelry
4. Equitalia Spese processo Apello 3. Equitalia Spese processo Apello
Annex 3.4 Equitalia requires me spending Process
6. CONDANNA... 5. messaggio d' Amore
Annex 6. Sentence Annex 5. Without words or message of Love ?
Tema viaggio 2014
Annex 3. Theme Travel 2014

If not, where does the child ? told me yet another new (?) legal.. ports for their patience Them Well, bear then you will see that everything will not even be reported on the criminal record.. indeed..[1]
17 Years of Marriage, challenging but absolutely the most beautiful of my life. The very rare reports mentioned above are all limited in a short period of time, namely since his wife had already decided to part ways, but not before to get me to sign the warrant for the practice of compensation to the legal Pizzocheri and its close study, also legal and wife of our pediatrician that well (?) the counseled about it so much that now impugnarono well Separation, generating a shame the same Legal Order, a real shame vulgar conflict of interest that will remain imprinted in Time.
At that time the wife was subjected to violence psychologies (absolutely the most traumatic experience of my albeit intense) bullying and harassment of any kind, even though he did not hesitate to hit me to get me to react and create precedents and pretexts for epurarmi for .... spurgarmi ; Patient hated everything because the same, alternating moods of elation (all.05)and depression convinced it was subject to a transient dysfunction, convinced that as she reiterated to me in flashes.. would soon be rearranged everything.
The well could beat me but I forgave all, but not when abused children then I became a beast; I remember once I took her by the neck in order to move it away from the child who was beating, accordingly remained a slight blush, and she thought it well despite the cold season to work ( a verb conjugated in the days not so much a genius) throughout the week in the shop of the dairy of his Mother[2], with a pullover scollatissimo well that denoted the showy and believe me even ridiculous mercury chrome strips that had stroke him.. danger of possible infection laughingly told me in the evening ..but even if there was abrasion?
In the same process 1 where can repeat, not improbably called me, I read in the Acts that the same con-fate admitted that it was true when the spintonai and said the fateful words cope[3] she was mistreating his disabled son, = saying but what does this mean? not because it is in a wheelchair parent can not impose discipline in educating a child? Absurd as absurd when read at the end of his speech also suggests the Judges to use pity to me these characters in quotes.. are not to blame but to be subjected to mandatory drug treatment. And all this just as in bike just returned from Lourdes, I received a strange phone call from a certain Rimbaudo tells me.. hello, I am his new lawyer appointed by the court ..was acquitted is not happy ? but ..sollevai the entire Court, Including PM and casino made, proceeded to run a resort on appeal. More than a drama seemed to live in a joke in a ciack from Candid Camera with the vain expectation of order = stop.. everything is over.
Quiet Judges are not stupid ( io si ?) they understood, that will not be reported no criminal record.. I told the lawyer that strapagavo, while its own with its new protection[4] I could no longer see the children, that once older then decided not meet more. I had already understood that something was wrong but I guess Mother Nature puts us in the margins with tolerable limits..
In the meantime the various Guest meanwhile grew enormously my social marginalization = dismissal divorce, annulment of marriage etc ...
I remember the first (?) gardener who after suffering the dismissal gave me work even in black, when one day he told me point blank ... you're a person of normal, unbeknownst to you I have put well under stress on purpose to prove (?) but nothing no reaction on your part, I discover that you are indeed very nearly even special and yet if I had not ..viewed (?) and felt I would not believe everything that is said about you ..for strength they must have drugged (?)And yet ... well Philanthropist Floricoltore 'investigator' as precise and supportive, when I suffered an accident at work, without many words or remorse I "dumped" out of the hospital and did not give me more work, I assume for fear of possible repercussions.[5]

[1] After 10 years condemnation and Pillory for an indictment so serious then , me and you wonder why so much = waiting time ? While yet another legal then I will update the x = The draw does not exist for the Law.. someone has to lose and pay
[2] Loved and lamented MILF, as everyone was full of flaws, but it was also a truly extraordinary woman.. I really miss
[3] I read the Acts which specifically was this sentence.. you cope.. which caused my condemnation ... I do not justify but think for a single moment ... if this kind of justice was applied to all, in a day how many there would be indicted in Italy?
[4] Even sent her best wishes to the children through R.R. Recommended that I was refused in the absolute indifference of my overpaid legal (illegal) that ridge in front of his colleagues also boasted of being smart and sailed nell'avermi prevented meetings with children, increasingly influenced, that once older then they finished the atonement or better = purge .. when it is known the Father is BE a right and duty sacrosanct guaranteed even the worst criminal convict.
[5] To speed up the work we jumped inside the fence of the gardens and once completed we climbed on the edge of the truck happened that the latter gave way and I fell over the laurel hedge; I relaxed lascai go, but emerged under an iron pole that pointed me pierced the Gluteus ... the same hip that still sometimes causes me soreness ... maybe just to remember? In fact, the owner literally dumped me out of the gate of the Ospedale Maggiore . A painful limp effort I reached the ER . The doctor on duty Bertocchi I knew so well avendoci worked together in Trauma, I asked = What did you do? Nothing no nothing.. have only slipped into the garden ( see below) both smiled slyly that to do otherwise ????

The story of the video I was new and I confess that the fear of being cheated stuck by my "dear" is concrete, In fact, I can not explain why all those people who just know me and show understanding and solidarity, immediately after once documented avoid me as a true appestato.
For this reason Please do not stop at the mere appearance of any analysis or Condemnation[1] and evaluation but to make sure good, but above all with a critical spirit and free.
Moreover also I'd like to understand what I have done for their children to discriminate against me in this way ?
A few years ago when I made available to political, only by chance that I learned in my Civic List antagonist there was my son, happy now withdrawn the charge. It turned out a real brilliant orator but just to hear him explain his program, so smooth and pleasant but also sneaky and unfair in criticizing rival candidate ... was the occasion that made me open my eyes and make me understand that all children grow up and not always well-behaved. Immediately I was reminded of the last days of cohabitation when in my presence, several times messaggiava dozens of text messages to his friend at a time coach of the Basketball Armani Jeans, , and he told me that he considered ... like a real father, while in the meantime once again offended me and told me that he was ashamed of me, at the same time giving me the Handicapped Mental and kept us.. specify in the calendar which did not say it as a "joke" but as a concrete affirmation and conviction..
And if it were true it is a sin as well as this ? from the pulpit and then I came to this offense that he actually can understand how hard daily struggle against prejudice and exclusion Free; Intelligent and sympathetic because all this resentment and contempt and hostility with me ?
The daughter is and will remain my only Princess. Ale my real Forxa; Gio was and is my idol, with him I had always had a special relationship, we were really Friends inseparable; separate steps just told me my disability but at least the pain of two Separated Parents god could spare me and I would eat shit just to please him; confided to me ill-treatment and punishment that submitted the spouse because you do not resign to lose ... it puts me in the corner and in the dark without any lights on blackmailing and threatening me that if I continued to defend yourself or talking with others about our situation she finished in jail. Then everything changed suddenly and precisely when We attended the CVS group (center volunteers suffering)[2] of S and Employer. Vincenzo[3] officiant priest and professor of ethics Don (in the sense of clan) Nails that literally washed his head to my children, and even though I did not even sconosceva, became available as heads for the annulment of our marriage before the ecclesiastical tribunal Lombardo[4], then sent to a medical justification stating that he could not be present at the Hearing why he had to go to the dentist [5] while as with the 1st degree Criminal them too they forgot to summon the debate!!!!!!

So those were all lies only son? while on the contrary it made me shoes and tailored ...

Full indulgence empathy even tenderness to his son, but that's enough, however,, and my refusal is a duty to give a voice to those who do not have it done, to all those parents ( no gender difference) that affected by the pillory of the State eddy structures do not have it made sense their gift item and also to my pain..
If so, the child becomes aware of the consequences of his act, and takes his responsibilities, for example, the Ipasvi (Professional nurses) now suddenly calls me and says, interested in having the record "dirty"(all.06) perhaps at least in part to justify the total exclusion shameful to me and hit me again now raised (serfs medical?) having in hand a lot of Pedigree?[6]

[1] I violent ? absurd ridiculous follower always Lanza del Vasto (my teenage idol) of S. Francesco e Gandhi. This does not mean that I consider a saint far I have done all sorts of sin and error but do not give me at least the ones that I did not commit and even considered in the antechamber of the brain, the polar opposite of my nature and genetics
[2] Most of the volunteers working in the Court of Bergamo. Their president was the direct assistant of the then Judge A. Galizzi I drove before the Court and then from home and became guardian of my children ... poor man makes me a lot of pain.. as it will revive to remedy the terrible wrong that was done with such arrogance and still show without a slightest remorse
[3] I served with the Employer's 2 years as a volunteer in Bolivia where I revealed and criticized severe episodes of pedophilia *.. with the only result of being marginalized by the same religious organization. The then director was the husband of the consultant appointed by the court to test my parenting skills made me the Rorschach test (other nice found) which in my humble opinion is useless = those who know him, may well affect its. Without me a share in contrast to the former spouse of my right to have an expert to part. Among the spots I only saw Dante and Sylvester the cat and they wrote = years is perennial under stress may reach the limit on the bordellane and this brought him back in every court even where I was acquitted in Criminal = Finazzi to the threats made to an employment tribunal, that only after years and 15 hearings in Mestre (Ve) admitted that there was a clerical error trai various stenographers.
*Now times have changed as well the local newspaper is more open and fairly critical when you need it the sacrosanct (?) Employers (all.07)
[4] Ecclesiastical Court lomba = Gentili as a true mafia spite of poorer miserable corrupt church (all.08.09 )
[5] Another law of retaliation? Time-tested in the concentration camps in asylums and continuously used to withdraw = = depersonalize those who disturb the Power. Waiting for the evolution of 17 intense years of marriage, the meaning of my life and he was the priest opposes the dentist ... maybe for the chance to get a good laugh ? I repeat ... = poor miserable church
[6] Every year, despite of being readily available to pay a call unnecessarily enrollment in the insurance trade union

7. 7..
Annex 7. Without Words
8. Trib Eccl. Ge Sala di attesa 7
Annex 8.Ecclesiastical Court. Genoa. Room Appearance
Annex 9. Ecclesiastical Court. Without Words

This can compromise the reinstatement to my job; son sings of being in solidarity with the latest losers, now, therefore, to ask me = the grace. As well knows that I would never do that even under torture = are loyal faithful even in the stupidity and stubbornness. So I violent? Ridicule at the mere thought actually my only crime, is precisely that of being too good and I do not say for certain pride.. indeed
The same son teased me and criticized me for my nature this species when I said that every day I am committed in making at least a Good Action[1]. I would say you are the handy ..sei usually like children in kindergarten who make the Little Flowers of St. Francis in the month of Our Lady
I respect the opinion but why offend ? What harm did well in this ? In vain I explained to him that mine is a predisposition that, if cultivated leads you to a dress to a different inclination toward the Others to Life and makes you feel good even with yourself.. Kindness then it is also contagious = greater harmony
Kindness that is not accurate, however, madness.
The lawyer's wife ( well separated is the most evil person ever met in my way) in force to see us, became attached well to my presence so much so that before various audiences gently tried in vain to convince me ... you do cure his madness will then see the children whenever they want ..assurdo ?
While the court of Urbino[2]of the Juvenile Court, without any kind of verification or appraisal m'imponeva care coercive c / o the Hospital and that is the body in which I worked, and that at that time I had to face the Judgment of 1 able for unfair dismissal.. so much so that I won it[3] an unacceptable conflict of interest; I refused the absurd imposition and they removed them the right to see their children at all, I underwent in the meantime to various surveys which settled my physical and mental integrity, but meanwhile the time passed and the children grew more and more mesmerized

'True' to date ... Word

Yet it would be enough that his wife would make public his letter of apology to rehabilitate totally ; I have already mentioned in my last writing and someone asked me the reason why the public does not rendessi copy?
To keep the promise made to his wife own the last time we made love; I cried on the chest, The hot tears came down while I stroked my face and said I'm sorry.. I made him promise not to show anyone anymore copy of his letter.. now how do I betray ? Facevamo l'amore with coitus interruptus..[4] I could very well take revenge and not restrain my temper but luckily for me it is not vindictive[5] I think that if one knows how to control himself in that moment of supreme pleasure then can undergo ALL
Including that of the rest then wife was a victim of the same Power that destroyed the Our Family to divert attention to the drama that we had hit or perhaps de-wanted to punish me for talking too much Bolivian?
The soaring, Power uses people, before sowing calumnies then reaps condemnations and collects consensus. And shame on all those who work created only obey and feel good conscience and wash their hands and slander me while I like the protagonist of the film The Tin Drum that does not want to grow not only physically continuous 'play' around the world with my bike I "monster" to me-gogno while those who m'incontrano know and I'll re-state ... in truth you thought much worse very different..

[1] This expedient taught me Don Vittorio Rossi Our old pastor loved me very much; when I was in elementary school I was always making an altar boy and although just barely got to the lectern I was also reading the Sacred Readings; then I had to stop to go to work always as small as the barber for my parents it was a festive day of big tips that I delivered them diligently. I continued to serve Mass early in the morning usually in the Chapel of the Sisters Asylum, and those moments still harbor fond memories especially when the initial glow in the quiet winter blanket of cold and frost as in a poem, I saw the starry sky mirrored in icy road surface, illuminating even the rime and the silence was broken only by my 'old' thundering shoes .. seemed like a long time of waiting of Advent or rather the only new face all day while the pure air will penetrate straight, straight into the heart and mind.. the exact same feeling I relived the past year, Christmas Eve when I went in the dark Scalve and handed it to several people at my book freshly baked = The valley of the suitcases.

[2] Her husband, Turkey was the President of the Bar Association and advised me (?) lawyers to choose from interesting real ? I began to understand it on my skin that ... dog eat dog ran the most corrupt in power.. network

Also wrote that it was unacceptable and unbecoming for the children that a father would do the hunger strike to have a legal . whereas Now it is fashionable to go on strike, also clear that I have never experienced for the job, but only for my God-given rights of the Father. I would like to see any other parent who loves their children, in my shoes would have acted as. The One result of the strike was to piss off the rich sister (who claimed to know the whole Bergamo In Parcassi Pesenti Rocca etc..etc.. I threw in my curtain air mail outside the courtroom and railed me and pulled me telling me that I was the shame the shame of the family I did not even reacted even talked, with difficulty I could barely stand (I was on the 20th day of strike) luckily for me some passers-by began my defense, prejudice par appalled that wanton violence and wickedness ...
And to think that pretending to be supportive she also advised me the legal; she still is a friend of my ex-spouse ... alleluia
She is the sister Piccolo engraved, that newborn accudii with so much love and feces from mom, since our mother was hospitalized for several months = varicose veins quoted the official medical, only with time including the real reason for his hospitalization.. while stocks last
[3] When I returned in the same structure (? other violation and abuse of power? ) sports medicine & physical therapy that had formed part of the Department of Trauma, site in the detachment of Borgo Palazzo and precisely in the former psychiatric hospital where there were still beds for electroshock.. eh si.. one has to admit that when yes commits the Power Leviathan does things bene..tanto that after a year I riconvocarono without a lawyer on appeal in Brescia and I rilicenziarono . It would be interesting to discover who was the judge who ruled that in a way and with such opprobrium
[4] Of course if the former spouse has requested the annulment of the marriage, saying she never loved me you at least is at least a doubt ? For this reason dream of meeting at least once in my life a nymphomaniac does not matter if old or drooling with her tits in the shape of ears cocker, I care only that for once in my life, My someone to make me feel loved and desired a man without restraint and .. 'demeanor'
[5] Revenge is a source of many diseases and perennial evil

Dignify my parenting with gardening (all.10) and care for plants and sublimate my pain by practicing any kind of sport but also emerge here ... or rather marginalized.
Dal Trauma[1] I am finally beaten in Sports Medicine and hence outside the gates. Interestingly, the Doctor is the doctor that I license dell'Albinoleffe Social Roots of the relatives of the doctor who gave birth to my children with disabilities from birth to hypoxia and still I wonder that fateful night 06.06.1990 where it was never the ethics justice[2] e puree anesthetist?
The strength of the sport but also here so ... I sawing
After playing several years in football I decide to make the referee as the spirit of service and thanks to a sport that I love, as beautiful as 'tortured'.. and corrupt ..but well here has appeared an outcast?[3]
Already at my very first game I was sent to officiate in Borgo Calale of the Upper Town where it is impossible to park and the local team is in the field again with 20 'delay and after less than an hour I have to arbitrate as well Alzano High (?)[4] Not even Superman could achieve all? Like what to do ? I adjusted the shower jump, I wear the suit over his uniform and go with my bike flight in Val Seriana , yet shall know then that in the beginning you do not direct more games, and that in any case the same place the following on the same field with different categories that follow one another in the most appropriate times and pre-.
For a hiccup I suffer a hip trauma and a delicate surgery to the fractured scapula, after only a few months, everything ok and ask you to return to arbitrate but they tell me that it is impossible to have stood still for too long (?) and therefore I have to redo the course (?)
Last summer I walked along the refuge of our mountains and I have not read any notice of the annual course of CSI, while this winter instead of the article even appears during an extraordinary winter because there are no referees[5](?) is not required no age limit or specific connection the only skill required is rather specify the desire to get into the discussion.. get in the game ... (all.11)
In a spirit of humility subordination introduce myself but at the end of 1 lecture masterfully from the usual ...... ..I say.. I'm sorry you have passed the age limit and above the 50 years we accept only those who already are our Distribui ? and I just say to those who are? but by now you stood still for too long and now it falls more in the canons but ..because but if others.. but, but maybe the answers are simple, well here is the imprint of 'Albinoleffe and Roots of the "Missionary and Employer" don Nicoli the Marcinkus orobico
An association like any breed is going to disappear if you do not change and amalgamation with other species they are less or more severe or resistant or resilient and better not only in physics but above all in the mind of thoughts and ideas otherwise poor Oratorio here would find only paraculi lecchina the serfs ... bully the weak and the lowly ..zerbini with the powerful
I advise to kick the soccer or football better in the past, but I receive it in the ass indeed in the balls.. sport but change itself is the old story

[1] In trauma there were more doctors who almost daily contact with almost all the provincial sports clubs to name someone to start from the then medical dell'Atalanta Tagliabue
[2] Although I present the operating room the lawyer of the former spouse quoted the Acts that I was absent during childbirth and assisted her in So. the sua amica Manuela (?) then librarian of our country as absurd as when he wrote that even I did not know how to call the my children so I was absent at home . But when the names they chose by mutual agreement, according to their places of our childhood. S. In fact, George was the patron of the South Tyrolean village where I was born, and while Alexander the patron saint of the city where his wife was born
[3] Meeting leaders coaches several former colleagues at the hospital increased many former teammates still remember well my glorious past, especially for my sportsmanship and fair and congratulated my pure arbitrage; after all, it does not take much just become invisible, boo you need and let the kids play in peace by giving them explanations only when the occasion demands it or the rule applied. My only real drawback is that a covenant for a little weaker when they succumb to goleada, also struggle to restrain myself not to applaud, when planking a beautiful play.. that beats me
In truth, often even before you start playing "conquistavo" small players, as when, for example, wished them a good Birthday or Nameday even if this were relapsed during the week. Or how to Stezzano when waiting for a start time with the players of both sides we began to do a lesson on World War II and all starting from the name of the visiting team Pierino Ghezzi. Spurred on by the questions of the boys I found myself even Maestro, even when I knew I know so much; High Moor surrounded with the ball in hand spiccavo in the midst of them as a modern Father Brown these are the scenes that we see in Speakers and certainly not the kind of parents quarrels vision and leadership to get useful results only for their "curriculum". Yet even here disorder ? Maybe "someone" does not like just because of-monster, my whole being simple person and good for all the calumnies that jars with Free sown to my account
[4] Location was not even specified on the release of the report, but as I will often , I got used to purposely go on patrol days prior to check in person eh .. as a registered nurse and I quote ..prevenire is better than cure
[5] When you give me no reason (I thought it was for the separation) I summoned the Judiciary in Venice just in front of the Judge Casson (that pissed off because I had not recognized) appointed me on the spot in an office of the Laguna, Judicial Action for a criminal, threats to employment tribunal (see below) and because my new Legal Belloli in the morning via fax sent its revocation . lawyer who advised me to follow the Separation Who was then I found out I'm Belloli then president of the arbitrators = Lombardi eh.. you imagine the world is just small Bergamo

What do the oil delivery via bike and down Gran Fondo

I am joining the Group Amateur Seriana Noris (Former White a true myth still practice various sports very well) with the sole purpose of having an insurance in case of accident, but they make me do a bunch of tests a lot of money spent only to discover later, enough that a certification of Doctor Base. Which proved already rationed and I adapt just returned from one of my usual long travel bike I subscribe to the Gran Fondo Felice Gimondi [1] organized by my own company and while my whole my team is lined up in the front row next to the athletes and the various influential champions of the past, I come shipped in last (Great) Fondo ai 4.550 enrolled because ? Because among other things that as I was later told I had won on the field (with my long bike Tours) law duty to tell me.. to be first in line ? Childbirth and recovery but at the first asperity, Col di Pasta bus [2]is stopped across the street and occupying all of us runners do not just have to deal with a long walk in single file in the unexpected Gap. On the way to meet and overcome several acquaintances [3] that detachment like skittles, because as I get up and I press on the pedals express maximum power. Although most of 1500 runners had chosen the same path my June in the first 25 in the final classification, really a good performance . In the aftermath, there are well- 4 extra pages in the local newspaper devoted to the gran fondo and the ranking of all 4500 athletes from the 1st to the last, minus one. Who is missing if not yours? It is not fair the sustained effort is sacrosanct and must be respected. Some acquaintance and several villagers that usually I do not even turn the greeting, I asked curious and pleased ... I have not read in ranking.. you cut off the path.. you have disqualified?[4] Only one episode? such as the prohibition of entry to the course referees? it's not all so trivial and also what is striking is that these species do reprisals are accomplished through the work of well qualified people distinct x, see below

butil rat

The Association promote the revival bike motorcycle bike; I am a registered them and between the various partners we are well almost all the authorities of the City, Judge Galizzi including, and even Vince [5] who like me, tours the world by bicycle, a real star since it is always in 1st page while I on the contrary, I never come minzionato. Only appears in the local newspaper after an Article 3 months from the interview, all odd, on my trip to the North Cape, but only with the photo of the year before that portrays me in front of a Mosque in Marrakech (!). Opera journalist Aresi vile that even the signature, he too is a member Aribi so that tells me.. here I will have to work, seeks to understand, the problem is your pastor (?) I replied.. What should I do then to have a little consideration ... the World Tour ? In fact ... And I can also see the site. The trip attracts a lot of vision outside the Province and therefore can not help but open up the doors of the Auditorium even[6] Roots[7] (?) to organize in a bad way[8] Presentation of my amazing trip, but thanks to my ability to charm and magic can, however, make up the audience and their calculated mediocrity. I state on my website soon after the incident and threatened to sue if I am not immediately obscure pain welcome comment, I wrote the president in person remarked that ... if I'm not ashamed, and if this is the gratitude to those who sent me sms as well at night as it was the only time of day that was free to devote Imagine if I had responded well to quell ' Now what would have reported unusual ? The precisavo who hesitated, however, already have my mail, however, was a free single interpretation.. I thanked them very welcome, however, the attention and consideration; but since then, although I was still their member I sent more than even a shred of email if not in private for the "Holy" Christmas, when the same Dean and Family sends me little poems and little prayer and perhaps he does it on purpose because I told him how much I suffer in that very special day solitude, the absence of a family and this doubt when I came to only on special occasions I always get through her articles about to Violence against Women (?) (all.12) and I think it is the result of chance if I received them just when they appeared the last 2 articles in the paper that I cited, while the last mail.. for a course among other dated of self-defense only reserved for Women.. just when I went 17.03.2014 all'Ass.Bergamo in the World to have some contact details to my next trip ..certo that if he did it on purpose would not equal his twisted pathological wickedness

[1] His biggest supporter and sponsor is Sana = Former student employers and linked to Bolivia, see below and also do nails don Mansueto pastor Alme team president of the same Gimondi where to gross negligence of the former spouse our son suffered severe head trauma see website

[2] An episode very very strange since it is known that the farm starting with the drivers who are runners or managers associated with the Bianchi

[3] including the sympathetic learned that Signorelli is literally amazed of my ride ! I explain to him that are very trained because I have just returned from one of my long trips, just do not know ponder my power and my 'reserve' , account a slow ride with 25kg of luggage another run at an average so high so I do not know about regular

[4] In the attached photos come portrait mid-term and final Selvino precisely on the ramps and driveway just before the arrival (all.13)

[5] His brother George is a valiant missionary priest Monfortano

[6] Sede pure CSI it was the cute secretary Manuel landmarks that eventually another Pc compatible with the screen

[7] A name you can trust, namely that of the same Our president who a few days before withdrawing, leaving the task to the new Leader (area Pesenti) that changes little so that I remain in perpetual quarantine.

[8] They had sent invitations created from them and not my already agreed; even worked the projector; I 'sabotaged' my Pc and several people told me that they could not attend because they are already at 21 they found the gates closed external (?) see annotation evening on the Site

10.. 10...
10 10. la cura
February 2014 . I manage a tower with Roccolo great place to inspire the writing or dancing folk dances
Sublimo my parenting with plant care and always purify my physical strength with sports activities
Annex 11 CSI ..There place for everyone except for me ..
13.A 13.B
Annex 13my whole my team is lined up in the front row ... ..I come shipped in last (Great) Fondo ai 4.550 members and then ... all 'arrival.. note the bracelet on her ankle
12. Aribi 12.. Aribi
12..... Aribi 12.... Aribi
12..Aribi 12....... arbi censura
Annex 12 mail ? Aribi


From the local newspaper[1] now I get a lot of attention and this makes me very happy but intimidates me a little, since they are not accustomed to receiving considerations; a newspaper critical praise and at the same time as it is close to the Common People to his Territory, perhaps a little 'too partisan but at least I know how he thinks and after all that's wrong in this valley of tears to plead Believers miserable and wonderful Church?
Through the newspaper know the President of the Bergamaschi in the World, although he had already had my travels Eco, I am the 3rd grade and tells me that I was wrong "disturb" battle against the Hospital Authority ..If no more my twin sons with disabilities compensated now have a more peaceful future.. Answer. Then he picks up the phone and called the newspaper to do an article on my upcoming trip; immediately if anything, the block work in progress, now it is better to shave the ground and flying low with humility ... Pedaling. He asks me to send him my resume right away but it does not have email addresses and phone ? and since he is always absent tells me to put it under the door, but even if you open (?) if not all disellato streaking the floor in the cramped office that recalls bleak Ebenezer Scrooge a notch with even the house number wrong. Imprinting is not the best, although in fact performs the task assigned: be quiet[2]. If nothing else, the same day I receive the email that "shows" reveals the true nature of that relationship leder Aribi and colleagues of the Great Company around the world and as well on my next itinerary, Fortunately we are not all Equal and 'fallback' to Excellent people will be more clear to the back so it is common knowledge makes more noise than a tree falling in the forest that grows
Well ... it is well known that ....when the shit mounts ol oo scan the bride or dan ago
They are full of aches and advancing age but if I have a valid reason not defeated flight indeed.. Danzo
For this reason I pedal towards the Sphinx to put an end to this grueling game of discrimination
I have a hip dancer tell me to work and yet I'm going to climb marathons; limp slightly only when the voltage is a bit high 'as a Coso or better Cosini the protagonist of Confessions of Zeno.
I ask for a tour of the hardware control of the scapula, I saw that a few cm leans your heart ; Dr. Rondi (H. Gavazzeni) compliments for the way I restored the bad fracture [3] but since they do not bother me I recommend that you leave the plates and wires where there are, while on the other hand confirms the need for intervention at least one hip[4].
The ridge is seeing that practice any kind of sport nobody believes, and pitch well for a sick imagination while in reality the hip is making very bad and now reiterates the radiologist of the hospital of St. John ( excellent l 'organization of their company ) he also former colleague and team player CRAL. ORRBG; I had addressed them with the vain hope that the disastrous outcome was a mistake of plates or report as I repeat that it is impossible even with those I am able to walk and even tells me so well the good Rosina my ex-colleague of trauma[5] that seeing the plates of even gets scared and tells me .. Sure that you have just consumed if one day God will ask of the Talents.. you can show them to him as evidence
God is their god.. Of course I have just tried? seems to take pleasure in teasing me while I run the marathon and maybe I struggle to cross the road if the limb is not hot . Then while peeping photos of the ole my last trip tells me.. sure that you are really a great all over even in misfortune in fact not a child but two disabled, not one but two hip etc... One! Do not 1 dismissal but 3 (all levels of courts) I say as I presents the Primary that I had never seen before!!![6] Just a nice and good person. Rosa tells me ... then they cleaned it the rotten of Matteo Rota (ex Trauma) and as for your hips do not complain to God does not swear he looked round about take a ride to the Department for realizing the reality today, for example, there is here ol Piero another former colleague retired because her daughter was made and after the 'surgery 3 days ago but still did not move at all the arm and is the mother of two Trottolini

[1] I remember when I was in Bolivia, volunteers as we were expecting the arrival of manna every month of the Eco Bg albeit only copies of Sunday (Day of the Lord) and Monday ( for football results) and there contendevamo sometimes unfairly chance to read it first to the last line. So you believe me well for many elderly or sick (speak as nurses although in this case the page is longer listed, maybe that of Morc ..) but especially IMMIGRANTS eh ... it's really true I always say as Health well your country.. we realize their importance and beauty only when there
[2] As we all once they are documented on my account = disappear. I insist and I can through the "neighbors" very kind Accountants in source and finally reveals to me the promised delivery of reference for Buenos Aires a Countess 90 before. Well I say.. already know it is worth the trip ..but still he did not answer he breathed ... it will be another joke by priests?
[3] I will thank their team for the occasion that much more nefarious circumstance of the hospital authority instead view the complication of fracture I had sbolognato
[4] The recall that when I had the accident taken by the urgency of the scapula even gave me the plates even though I complained several times to the control of pain and only a year later proved me right
[5] I am speaking from an orthopedic doctor Zambelli cousin of my cousin, working in the Hospital New, tells me that after the visit make a life more than normal in fact.. continues so what are you looking on the run pedaling.. pedala pure. For the occasion I visit and I for the first time the New Hospital and although it is very critical, I confess that I liked and not a little (for example, the beautiful hostess uniforms a touch of class never hurts) who will travel with my'm used to seeing that kind of gigantic buildings, of course you can not expect to find the niche of the Madonna or saint limb or apparatus changes the world evolves.. religion as well
[6] The sports medicine where they fired me even deployed beyond, depended on his department

Rosina former colleague at the Trauma graduated with me over the years 90[1], it is the archetype of the good really good nurse, However, the study was then a little facilitated[2] and even do it on purpose as I speak with her comes (after the Primary) another young former colleague of study, that after working a short time in Psychiatry now has "ambush" in the Offices.
Although accompanied by a colleague more elderly, suffered attacks, saying that has some fond memories of me and the school, although the force has made to sweat to pass the class assignments at the Bibo Matteo and me that I was unable to study pre-occupied then for my twins, because first I had to go to breastfeed in intensive care and then once I had resigned bring in several sessions of physiotherapy or medical. I tell her she is confused and perhaps even much, reminding the same arrangement of our distant seats in both classes translocated, outlining how I had always been their classmate of Rossini the Lead girl known just for its acidity in support of the City[3]
So just a simple little word to discredit a person did not gave me anything rather[4]
The recall instead the specter Ugolini with the anatomy and his frantic search for a volunteer to summarize the previous lesson, otherwise the question proceeded random then all species all, I were turning the pleading eyes and I went out for the umpteenth time[5] giocandomi stoop only the risk of the media since it was already high. ..Ah yes it's true what I remember it well ... says the cheerful Cicciobello
The Classmates treated me not as a father but as one of them = a real achievement. Yet I forgot instead were kids then already a 16aa could be recognized and work in the face of death and suffering everyday.. So as not to be in solidarity empathic. Our other teachers were the failure to ex sister Andreina alias voluntary missionary Celim that I avoided like the plague & Pier Aldo alias nurses shit, because it explained the collection and transport feces, that just avoided me but maybe just because he was a relative of my ex wife? With difficulty I turned the salute while the other species males grew into a thousand to help them in all possible ways, revealing their pure issues before final exams.
PA was involved in a single parish criticized because I was like this too too Parsley protagonist but only with his usual favorites selected and distinct; however, marked the history of our Oratory recently failed, even had prepared the spiritual testament (?); I was sorry not to be there at his funeral[6] but as often happens nobody warned me but they buried him anyway, and yet we make it even without him anyway peace to his soul . I was very sorry not to have instead attended the funeral of Camilla pretty much the opposite of PA. always available and the shade was very good. As a young girl was raped but no one knows this why hide it as she did in her life, a poem of his tragedy.(all.14) They differ in abundance and nonsense of my aggression. Perhaps that Violence Women attracts political consensus? not least because the majority of voters are female but because then you do not speak the same psychological violence or violence or bullying as it affects the family without work and without income ? Or the violence against the elderly and disabled institutionalized, perhaps does not have resonance? So against all forms of violence in .. Gender

[1] Her as well as me (appena subject) Auxiliary employees were already, then the students external students perceived a higher monthly from our. After years the unions were able to re-establish the school for internal employees, convinced that they had submitted at least one hundred inscriptions, instead we presented only in 10 and at the end of 3 years, the graduates were only in 4 = Joan Constantine I and Rosina note
[2] Our first teaching was false priest Teoldi (revere the Priests ..quelli true, however,) Classic doormat with the Powers despite many sermons and moral sull'ammalato and merciful God had never seen a lane nor a pan. The comparisons are annoying but sometimes need to understand a particular situation in fact I pointed out to Master Teo although the task in closed scheme was the same for all I caught only 6 unlike the Rosina precisely 9 ? Because I had left out as Base Unit of the patient's foot stool holder. Mi these .. it is important not so much for himself but for the discipline and methodology of teaching me said the theologian. In other tasks instead complimented but also blamed because I prolungavo too.. we need to understand if you understand the essentials and then imagine if all your mates upwardly expand as you like I could fix all the assumptions'.. therefore more 6 And ... 6 you're a shit.. now I can say without fear of being sent back to September .Discorso totally different for the teacher who came in 2nd and 3rd year Mrs. Carrara a fortune meeting her and not just as insegante, very strict but good competent and intelligent too cute not ask for more ? He told me once is very prepared but I like the feeling that you will encounter difficulties in his new profession ... holy words indeed prophetic
[3] Yet once made a common mistake and teaching Carrara called us on the sidelines telling.. you were the only class to find a solution so original then inevitably one of them copied.. I rejoiced exceedingly ... and when they were alone, I told Barbara ... I never thought of you then ... I still feel honored..
[4] Thank you anyway School I.P. who has prepared in a highly specific way to deal with our difficult profession
[5] I remember that well in Middle School in the lessons of history or letters went out often volunteer in queries, I loved the Classic Literature, and when they told the famous operas I imagined to have the eyes of an insignificant character inserted into the narrative itself and sitting in despair I enjoyed the story from the inside. Professor Perona was very strict and yet before the lessons explained to me how best to prepare baby food to my baby sister since our mother was frequently hospitalized for ..debilitazione. When I questioned was left spellbound as well as the whole class, happy also the danger of question dodged all ...? unless the class president Alberto that I was ruining the media segnandomi on the blackboard every time the villains who were then penalized with a bad grade. I was the manager of the football team, since I was also the largest having failed and the class monitor one of the most brocchi inter alia, demanded from me as well as play the entire game, I remember that I had to play twenty companions, well as the captain who usually gave more willing to. .So even then I was allergic to the bully protected ?
[6] Not even the day before I was doing it on purpose since the funeral of Sister Gina knew that not even the 50 years in Africa convinced there was nobody on the other hand the church was packed. To preach a priest of the Congo said Mother Gina was active as thin as a thread of the current ma.. d 'high voltage

Annex 14..Camilla and handle two extraordinary women
One day he gathered all the gods and decided to create man and woman in their image and likeness.
But we have to think of something that differentiates them from us, said, otherwise we would be creating the new. We need to get them something, however, that we raise?” After much thought one of them said,: “Ah, lo so: will lift their happiness, however, the problem will be where to hide it because I do not ever find. The first proposed: “Nascondiamola on top of the highest mountain in the world”. To which another replied immediately: “Not, remember that we gave them the strength, sooner or later someone will go up there and find it and if it finds one, everyone else will know where to find it”. A second then proposed: “Nascondiamola in the bottom of the sea”. He answered someone else: “Not, Remember that we gave them boldness, sooner or later someone will build a machine which can reach the bottom of the sea. Propose a third: “Nascondiamola on a planet far from earth” and they immediately responded: “Not, Remember that with intelligence one day someone will build a spaceship with which they can travel to other worlds and find out and everyone will have happiness and be equal to us”. The last of the, who had remained in silence listening intently to every proposal of the other gods, said: “I think I know where to put it because I really never find”. Everyone turned to him and asked in unison: “And where?” “The hide within themselves, will be so busy to look out, that will never be found”. All agreed and since then it has been so that the human being spends his life seeking happiness, without knowing that it brings with it. “One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.” A very personal comment to this thought: There are so many things “essential” that we carry hidden inside us… and many things are hidden in the people around us… Maybe we do not know so well what it is… Most of them are to be found with patience and with the utmost attention: and sometimes even this is not enough… Some appear to us only after you have opened the doors of the heart… but it is a task to be balanced, not risk-free:
overexposure dazzles… closing the lens does not allow to see properly.
14.B 14.A
Imagine a new world, full of happiness and peace.
Imagine that it is inhabited by good people, generose Colme e amore.
Imagine that the sun and the moon scandiscano times and accompany the souls in the journey of life.
Imagine that there is a Creator of this world… you say? Do you think God?
Not… YOU are the creator. The World is this…
Now, which… stop only imagine… begin your inner journey, is the way to free yourself from the fears of the mind and let emerge the Heart.
Present day, only for today… Love that you'd like to be remembered, despite all the difficulties.
No matter if cadrai, it does not matter at all. Rise up and continues, better than a life spent in its continuing efforts to Love, rather than a life withered envy and hatred self-denial.
14.C 14.D


Shortly before leaving the 'New Hospital, well as a meeting employee (non-health) dancer, the trust of my dancers and also remains stupefied.. but if what you are You always dance until late at night and never lose even a dance ... Exactly as not to cool off.
At times I was sweating from evil but sor-so I flew was the happiness of being in the midst of the Group. However, here too I suffer discrimination absurd especially when warned me that he was saying to Reartur dancers stay away from me because I had the habit to palpate ... absurd lawsuit. Already "anointed one" step hours, days, years months to make up for a Picture, as an imbecile in a few seconds you thrown to the ground and destroy everything ... this joke as a priest as well as courses in folk dances are performed mostly in Speakers ? Palpate among other things is the thing that suits me less and more contempt in the world, will not sense; I then I prefer a hug a kiss a caress rather than a simple fuck; simply absurd to find a look, a silk lace, immensely more erotic that most palpated shown to butcher. So I'm also a maniac? As far as I am concerned I am for free choice as long as the person has not 18 but more than 21 years, and respects the partner, then they can fornicate all geometries that most pleases them. Instead, I believe pedophilia sin is by far the most vile and I imbestialisco when once discovered the true maniacs unbalanced first deny and then once ascertained the guilt they claim that it is the consequence of what they themselves have suffered in childhood, as if it were a natural and predictable consequence. Absurd. As it did not exist the ability to stand up to sublimate. Yet this theorem has spread from the corrupt power to permanently destroy those who truly suffered such abuse, usually difficult to manage, maybe because it has been violated by a member of their own Club[1].. because these real monsters have the ability and power to conceal itself in the daily regularity and engulf each larva of truth
I greet the fellow dancer which I recommend to address the union confident ... you just have them that they fired me[2] What else do I chiede..beh meanwhile I sold the apartment and reassemble a bike

Recently married a dancing teacher who often asked me how come you're so hard when you turn to the left !! Others asked me why do not you ever stop when you dance? Or because they always repeat the Basic Course ? Simply because I was interested in just being around people to drown my pain, and certainly not that of the hips. We must always give a judgment in everything? so that on the occasion of the Marriage of Frauschnell I pretended I'm in love and I got even on the altar…. I beat the saddle to make it clear to the donkey or Somara it.. some courage for that one that you consider shy all.15
Without cycling dance I throw them in the care of an arbor. The old orchard I left the wicked fortunately remained the murals and the crucifix that the Councillor whole house and church (Dc Cl) considered an abuse of bad housing bill, undisguised tacky and malgradito because in his own words ... of a South Tyrol

[1] After the tour of Italy Centenary passing through the city of our more masks I'd love to write a story of deception "passions" species with the Commedia dell'arte, of Theatre and Canvas (well as their branches of power) that allowed the aristocracy at certain times of the year to mix their moods and heat with the gross mob
[2] Since I'm a union member I go to their nearest place of Alme to ask for clarification on my request for reinstatement of the years of the University (after the reinstatement of the military period and 2 years of volunteering in Bolivia) but Dr. Salvi from the Offices Bg responds to them that they are a DIMMED ??? while compiling ISEE takes me well 4 meetings because there was always something that did not work; jump to the last meeting even the Pc and this shortly before the expiration date to deliver the application of the rent being subsidized unemployed, even if the technician of my municipality is useless because they look the CC. and not the absence of income (?) But then I wonder why the famous chef Rachida although wealthy impego with a fixed and well maintained by her former husband wealthy live in rented accommodation at the expense of the City ?
Impressive rudeness of the owner of the door CGIL Alme that although retired and does volunteer weigh and how ( like gifts of all kinds) so vulgar and heavy his work. Smoke Scream Shout Blasphemy and more I wonder what spirit ? service ? I wonder there is a young man who will replace him as often says that he has sick and tired of running after people ignorant ? This is the prototype of a volunteer who likes the Power doormat with their fierce and with the weak. I see it often in meetings ACLI *. The last time his eyes were watery feel in the experience of Sami Modiano, the concentration camp survivor who for years was silent and then hiding now too flashy and a little actor playing the part most welcome and really like the Power historical revisionism ? I speak for the occasion with the real great man his wife.. which confirms how much patience and indulgence next to a man so enigmatic.. I caress his well tattooed number and how many feelings certainly not positive ..mors your life mea ...
The theater was packed for the tightrope walker in the morning while it was empty the park of the Palace Frizzoni where there was a moment of Recollection in Memory of the twenty Jewish children killed in the camp of Neuengamm used as guinea pigs for experiments by the Great Luminaries . Well they deserve the dedication of my next bike trip = the Great Beauty is to see how the school Donadoni and their teacher John have played a simple but unique lyric that gives hope and at the same time ..Future Memory(all.16)
*Yet the ACLI avoid me and I can not understand if this is due to my ignorance? To the fact that my son is one of their member? or the fact that Daniel has always been a friend of my countryman and rival (?) barabba. I do not think its hard to believe that they too wish I scartino (emarginino) simply for fashion or worse .... only by hearsay

Annex 15. Prayer of the dancers .
Annex 16Future Memory
16.A 16.C


From an announcement of my town I get 2 small plots of land.. but a lot is remeasured immediately after the surveyor (Agazzi yet he?[1]) and is reduced to the only flat part, while the other is of Mercy because it has no transition (and even the sun-drenched) I is denied by the farmer Giannino[2] that says.. I never let the others go because I have to make an exception with you?[3]
If a good day starts in the morning. I ask for guidance to the municipality that tells me that it is not their fault that they put the notice but the owner who kept him at first, (the baker's son[4]) that he had not reported anything, but mostly because I had my first make sure its location.. but it is precisely as? If I had already reported their, that there were no willing the "Terms" with the boundaries of the reference? By dint of gifts and panettone convince the wife of a farmer who although exhausted from the work of Casera also works to the City of Valbrembo (because? Take away the work of others?) to sell me a plot of land of the municipality that already gives loan for use with other, but that being a slight slope is not working, so much so that it is full of thorns and the Near Zambel already full of aches and pains, constant laments its cleanliness. (all.00) Okay; but for the Municipal Technical is not correct and you have to redo the Lotto and charm to also allow other citizens to contribute!! The same as when I saw lumberjack, gave me nell'ilarità total, the wood that was cut last year ... to say that there is a bit of resentment towards the mei is an understatement? means thinking ill? of course you may well say that my son-Assessor is certainly no preferences to Relatives "Close" ..indeed
To my luck with a shot of magic I get to rent an arbor, roccolo complete with a tower, in a restful location that inspires me to write, and even dance.. therefore not all evil comes to harm ?
After the daring removals last summer, ben 2 in just one week (see website = Pene of Poia ) I set out first to the mountains (Refuges Tour) and then I insert stably into the new Houses where I still live and I feel fine though I would say the opposite to safeguard me from envy?
I ship from the shelters a postcard to my 3 condominiums but remains hanging on the cassette, well for a month before some good soul withdraws. I receive in the meantime, the six-monthly water bill & staircase light but no one can explain why the water is so salty ? and yet we are not at sea. (all.17) . The administrator's wife tells me that her husband Renati Regasù is no longer the administrator and that I have to bear the Tasset (see website selling home ) which falls from the clouds. At the end of that Renati made me pay for the whole year so that I did not think so then more[5] !!! I ask the same delivery of his brother missionary in Uruguay, since they already go to find meaning to my trip, but after some prevarication tells me clearly does not want to give it to me, not want to disturb his brother because he tells me to go on a mission.. must take a preparatory course !!! As a young boy, and then to my reputation as a skilled player, I have always hated and envied and beyond me why since it is also a close friend of my older brother and perhaps for this reason ? and Francesc Silì with which battagliavo the despotic oligarchy in managing the camping trips.. however, people grow changes over time.. forse lui no.
With the landlord instead everything is ok as well as with his son who is also one of my cute roommate .
The other tenants = elderly widow and family of his daughter I studied at attention trying to avoid me, but then I write the now famous book on the dam Gleno[6] and I immediately disclose the thresholds hospitality. This also happens to other villagers and acquaintances a bit 'as if with the book, I concretely demonstrated that I am not a brain-dead moron ... but imagine if there is a ..but. In fact it is not so for all
My written hit and liked even in Scalve Valley where I confess I came expecting some criticism, would have been a perfectly normal event, more so this time I'm going to try..
Instead the more classic "bang" comes where you least expect it, namely from my village, only friend and tenacious fans reader, that instead of the promised comment pissed me off greeting [7]

[1] The Surveyor that he forgot to ask for planning permission when I sold the studio, and almost made me jump the deed of the other apartment and I had to pay more than € 1,000 to make a Cure; justified himself by saying that the New Notary for what we had paid too much.. I reminded him that the agreements and written right in front of him, were that the notary and land register them had to pay the purchaser and that ol Carobe . And he answered me that if propre ..sta attent that glalsa toch that u wear out - he is ? but if I've just presented you !!!and why are you telling me just now

[2] my ex brother in law he also occasionally farmer still works also

[3] The facsimile farmer does so much bullying but also the surrounding land are still working the City

[4] Paid the rent but it allowed other than fighting each for the passage whenever they went to make hay
[5] I doubt if his legs and just walked ... I paid for all ?
[6] Ridiculous to think that the input I got from the local newspaper just yet, that only after 3 months puts the article in the Way of my refuge but does not mention at all the unique 2 precisavo things that I really wanted the = Name of Rifugisti and the reference to the celebration of.. Disaster Gleno
[7] It will be a priest in the story that does not come out well, and she has a son seminarian ... But what hits? In the limit criticami offendimi well, but take my greeting was way worse or better (since I know very well) wanted to hit me has succeeded in full
Or are you offended because I speak ill of a Lady of Legna when I write that the same priest says miraculously healed from that statue, while in the same hospital ward is admitted even a Mother who die after seeing one at a time all its 4 children faints and finds herself in lane in front of the bishop and asked him where he had never.. quela madona that both praises ol Presot miracolat when I claimed I ? Her husband just separated at the moment of maximum tension said to me, disabled children are the sins of the parents has appeared then he apologized but then? If these are indeed my only best friends let alone the other villagers? Whited sepulchres ? still do not understand the way I perhaps I went to see them. more

Annex 17..acqua salt


Having disclosed the written, the Historical Bendotti (I find Scalvino) invites me in his Institute 's ISREC Bg[1]
Full of attention and kindness asks me to let him have other couples (?)[2] to disclose it to his acquaintances and maybe ... a dream for me.. draw for a film?
I return with copies in hand but after a long wait, Professor barely greets me and tells me he is too busy but he wants at all costs rincontrarmi; says he will call me in a week, but as this does not happen the next time we go again ..penso well as all he once knew avoids me like the plague thing we will ever be to me as serious ? but at the same time I doubt there is another terrible
..perhaps that is offended in any way possible by the paper itself?.. and that's how I resubmit spontaneously in his Institute to indicate my doubt . The historic ride out of my head tells me the script and liked it very well, only that it is very busy, but given my upcoming trip and therefore the possibility that I meditate more stories, absolutely want to talk to advise the best writing of any of my other writings ... well not a bad itch in less but still look now and childbirth
All I avoid it for the usual Sentencing?
Equitalia get from the enforcement of the payment of the costs of the process that I Violence Conviction for Home Care, I go to the Court of Bergamo, where do I get a different and welcome reception and a pretty and kind Giudice explains that receive such a statement from Equitalia is normal since some years the Agency deputa, ride while feeling the certainty that gave me my lawyer on the non-transcription of the sentence ... does not work like Justice.. he tells me and I recommend requesting a new engagement ring Criminal. Hence the surprise given that up to 2010 my engagement ring was still Candida and Limpia and advise me well for silence not to tell anyone, so after 5AA such notification is also removed from the engagement ring, therefore in fact is now expired? How much I do not know! On the contrary, I put on my Home Page Condemnation for show.. if this is a man but not the time to think about writing that, as often happens in other special situations crashes my Web Site. Ride and makes me messagiava Vince socio Aribi site.. note
At the same time I know a separate Lecco who writes a book on the Sacred Rota who against his will has annulled the marriage and also wins the cause (poor deluded does not know that his is a Pyrrhic victory and that she also has usta ? perhaps even to destroy the husband who has disturbed the Power) . Stunned by my equally absurd story is told in disbelief that I was never called in any Audience[3] and tells me to turn to the European Court European Court of Human Rights (Court EDU) but I say I'm tired is a life that pass between the Courts also want to preserve the peace of my children are the ones who interest me most. Convince me, however, to see us and invited me to lunch. Except that the agreed time while on the road tells me he has a problem with the masons of his bed end breakfast (but if it goes well, saying in its various TV interviews that he has no money to buy bread?) and if we can postpone for dinner. I'm dressed lighter than the cold comes well she's famous (?) writer who tells me you know I do not understand a shit of your writings ? and then with a voice sweeter ... well sort I make you company ... I have already chewed with the builders who have completed not later !!!!
Exhausted of this additional hostility I turn the journalist Ferruccio Pinotti's Corriere della Sera author of the book Health of God[4] the story of the Condemnation well over the injustice suffered by the ecclesiastical court
It remains appalled tells me to call me back but he too vanished .... (all.00) Strange how the publishing group RCS I've always marginalized, it is due to the fact that Candido Reedy had a soft spot for my son then almost Paralympic champion him well enough to be considered his father.. but how many parents have taken my children ? .poi ... Maybe repudiate perhaps the most fair and just happened to be true
I turn my anagrafe City but there were no document certifying our Cancellation or if lamia former spouse is much less answer is that I have never been married simply cites = free state
I appeal to the Court Lombardo tells me that it all depends on the court in Genoa, where I go for the first time here but the manager tells me as it depends on what Milanese and as a kind of justification he says softly.. not angosci of those priests (?) Sentenced who is no one left (all.00)

[1] Bergamasco Institute for the History of the Resistance and of the contemporary need a balance to quote all
[2] I'm an unemployed but for Culture this and more.. it will mean that I bereave more
[3] Just once I spoke with them a priest and precisely when I went to the ecclesiastical court Lombardo MI to deposit some of my briefs and then I did not see anyone but after I went to Rome on foot to protest the cancellation, where among other things I risultavo so favorable to be able to remarry!! Absurd!! Only the return I underwent expertise (that pure?) and professional Paraculo (freeloader) wrote, is presented as having a good level of education also appears that you have been in the military has taken up arms, therefore can not be mad at birth; of course this does not mean that what has ruled the holy seat of the court Lombardo is not true!!! I turned to Genoa available only by phone and they told me that now the annulment of the act was decretalo therefore no longer had any right
[4] Gabri dancer and a doctor of hospitals meeting, during the meetings of dances often advised me to turn to Don Verzè so that they would resume immediately ... she too absurd how little I knew

The website helps me the order of these intricate events, but as always when I need more crashes. I changed the management server[1], the new management has recommended me a socio Aribi friend of the journalist Aresi, who with his real estate agency in one week I was reduced by 20.000 € the value of my home, therefore, to expect some surprises? in fact
After a year continue to have problems in the management of the Site that is often deleted from the vision of Google, and every time I ask for clarification over the long wait are 30 € based consulting expense for every 30 ' . I'm not getting e-mails telling me to send me, while the opposite, a year now I'm swamped by Website hundreds of spam per day from the Louis Vuitton outlet and 'Armani, but do not know how to remedy them!! Also for months waiting to be told whether or not I could upload to a website file PowerPoint e un Video ? As that was not enough then just as I wanted to put the Court Record of Conviction on the home page.. mi si blocks the Site and only after another long and laborious research tell me that is filled il Database . Absurd and their criminal act is a rip off since the new managers tell me that I have a lot of space to free mismanaged and that in any case will be sent an e-mail alert from Aruba when you're close to the limit[2], while management video[3] is Free (when they asked for € 100 annual (all.18) and does not go to anything on pace for Database
I appeal to the programmer occasionally known last year that owns a shop in Brembate, but there is no trace of him in return a computer store and convinces elucidates the place I first I reset the 2 PC but in a bad way so I'll have to come back to them several times; always taken from the customers with long wait and fast clipboard, also the young man to the sites.. combines only trouble.. tells me after a month of back and forth the holder!!
Finally, I turn from my fellow countryman who in the past did not want to manage sites, since it already makes a few but challenging (CSI is quello) I suddenly opens up a whole new world and the problems vanish in a few minutes of real consultation; on the other hand are long waits for their turn in the shop, while meeting the head several times catechumens, a former colleague of Proserim , right where I was fired and the owner is the husband of his niece's favorite pastor ns, that suddenly appears behind me as well as an appearance. Don Angelo that many of you gave up for dead because in those days he was in hospital for major surgery. Usually with me is surly and untraceable, but on this occasion I opened the door and gently do well as a nice chat, after having given 3 mandarins and as many sugary for me mean maximum expression of affection toward a person[4]
But he may not have fully understood my gesture, since barely recovered during the Mass of Don Bosco (Patron ns oratorio ) the curate leaves him clearly uncomfortable, its only reading of the Commemorations and he jumps just a dedication to my mother and my uncle Virgil[5]. Immediately I thought evil rather well ... bona great if he did it on purpose to say that Oram is healing ... in spite of everything I love in our Parish Priest[6] and I respect him very much ... we still need him perhaps because it is not perfect.
What can not be cured is indeed infected is my website (all.00) (first vote ever happens to me) and I realize just happened to be the library of Sarnico since my house and the new computer to the phone instead appeared more visible and updated. I consulted other Pc and libraries everywhere but my site was out.. after nearly a quarantine Waiting is doing well as well him invigorated and ready for the next trip.

[1] given that the holding of the first, unbeknownst to me for years now appeared failed and it was only my virtual vision and their care, certainly not the salty fee, so that every trip I hid my vision.
[2] So how do I get the email just now Free me warn you that are at the limit of capacity and otherwise remedy the mail is rejected (?)
[3] Bergamo tv talking about my trip to Montana. Register the video that I would like to put on the site and advise me to lighten. I turn to a computer so that young villager with the son of the Renati is part of the Group Papa boys, tells me that in 5 'to me the whole system of lascargli well as the key (with all my pass in vision) and to pass in the evening to withdraw. But I will be delivered just under a month after Christmas and after having delivered to him as well (as Farmer) Panettone. I realize that the video is reduced only to the service as I'm concerned, but the weight of the file is doubled. Another joke by priest? I point out to him.. laughs and tells me riportamelo are obliterated from work but I'll try to let you have for the new year ... but it's what month ?
I turn to a computer Brembate but also surprises here ...
[4] are the same gifts that I received for Saint Lucia, clear that they are more symbolic I count on the presence of the substance over appearance
[5] The same sacristan Teresa had assured me that although the celebration was festive in the quote part of the commemorations for the dead was still guaranteed..
[6] The pastor was the one who made me have a document regarding my marriage certificate (All .19) . I went anagrafe Hall and also the Episcopal Curia but nowhere that I have been Married. I went even to the ecclesiastical court of Genoa; I wanted to happen in their offices suddenly , so that they were not prejudiced but the day of departure, thanks to Luciano Bonfanti ( omonomo but not relative ..gli me I have very good leads is thanks to him that I found the actual rent) I come to know that in the day of the funeral there Dear Handle. Return the journey of a few hours I give the effect surprise who cares, compendo that are more important things in life ... such as the recognition that sometimes manifests itself by the simple presence. I visit the Dear Deceased and his niece Laura tells me that if I want my prayer would be very welcome. The excuse I say thank you but I do not feel the need is already HER BEAUTIFUL as well as E 'words are just unnecessary in certain circumstances . Handle as Camilla were once considered simple Potaegie praying for Vocations, while in reality it turns out that today more and more with their hard-working and quiet commitment are the true backbone of a community. And will be ormai and childbirth , on the A4 between the clouds and the first stars I seem to catch a glimpse of something pure and indeed Someone Other Alto (all.00)

Identity Crisis ?

The Municipal Population does not even know my name? and yet I 3 names and even has appeared yet I have been married ... 3 children. Father zealous worker tireless workaholic well in volunteering
now has appeared a parent orphan & negligent Michelas never a real bif enda to who they really are?
Although discriminated against you can not say that I'm not experienced at least for my villagers, while on the contrary, no one knew even exist before opening the practice of compensation for disabled children who jumped to the forefront were the Top Bergamo In be facilitated because of their phenomenal, helped to mitigate their sense of contrast in 'approach with disabilities, the same as that at the same time they vote Balotelli as Father of the year ..strano this very strange beast called.. Men's
With surprise only after written The Valley of suitcases conquered a little consideration, envious except that they tried to hit me again, [1] but what ever happen to me then, when I complete the writing of Don Luigioto the mysterious Priest with healing power and to control the elements of nature? Or, on the occasion of the commemoration of the Great War, when I will finish the book[2] soldier on alone undermines the Alpine Myth ? they put me on the cross or m'impaleranno with easter ?
Dall 'egg meanwhile out our new Curate Part Time Don Gian Luca joined the Community Plan, paino on tiptoe, but that is revealed every day a real tightrope walker[3]. On Wednesday of Lent celebrates Children, but the church is full of adults as well in secret and anxiously waiting for the canvas that will extract from his bottomless cylinder. While I go by the cyclist to pick up my bike ready for the trip, meeting Sara that I recommend and convinces her to go to the "representation".
After a few jokes and laugh the sermon.. The Jordan form 2 lakes, one is il lago Galilee which receives and releases its water, for this is very fishy; the other is the mar morto under the sea level, arrido without fish because it receives only and does not have emissaries; this is what happens to the man who holds and does not share his Talents .. no coincidence that the Gospel of Jesus begins from there ... from the point arrido and lower land. In the Sunday Gospel speaks of the Transfiguration is a big word, however difficult that we do every time a Mass with Communion ... Like every week I leave you with 3 resolutions 1) To wish all the Dad and Joseph* 2) bring a friend to church = to get a higher score by Rosaria which collects points for the prize Pasquale 3) reveal a concrete example of the Transfiguration.
Sitting between 2 stampellati : Old woman and a Gianni (Sana ex Padronato) [4]with my dancers are also at ease; Present at the celebration for the event, while I ponder whether or not to receive Communion known that the lady next door has formed a "third party" lake on the tiles and two-tone disvelate so that the trickle quick runs to the front door forming several dimples ... I am concerned because he has no smell or color of 'or. Then the whole shaky hand to receive Christ, then only for them to shuttle in case of need, and in part to conceal the gutter dragging behind, I also childbirth, among other goes to the catechumen layman who usually avoid[5]. Un call gesto ? Especially if I had not revealed , but I do it on purpose to ask ... I hurt you tell me? 'm a demon antichrist heretic?
Once the Mass softly I consult with the only lady behind me and not even doing it on purpose turns out to be a colleague of mine nurse, and it was said she also worried about the size but also the amount of liquid, while still more are worried and upset its 2 girls that soothe with a story and reporting them.. here you can see this is a concrete example of the Transfiguration is not pee but ... holy Nile water oozed from the fertile land of our Mother Church ,part of the liquid also comes from the vessel that had brought flowers to wet della Madonnina up there but a stick racked On sacrato meeting with the pastor and Sara The recall to enforce the highest score obtained since it is able to lead to putting someone like me; Don Angelo looks sideways almost like reproach.. but then smiles do otherwise … if not premiarla? but in the country there are even those who argue that a Man of Faith !!! blasphemy??[6]
*Before I stop the bike withdrawn from the shoemaker to make him a philosopher "only" greetings Father's Day, but then I remember the provisions of Don luca and only then did I realize that not only is called Beppe.. and then say that the sermons are just useless and boring?

[1] Happy, however, since I had centered my intent to fully ..fare shot.. hit attention to the Disaster.. oil the memory ..
[2] Other books the yard Ol palas for every room a family history from belessa to sopo scarpuli throw from the valley.. from the American and Sicilian ol marcu with its 18 children spinning bike to sell remnants and has built an empire while I with lamia bike collect stories and sell dreams
[3] knows how to make spells better than me.. I owe you Magyar even slices of polenta to emulate.
[4] whole house and church writes that although clerical reflections on parish bulletin, can not tell me who the 4 Saints portraits over our head.. pota u roc san antone that Loter s and chioter but boh EDES me and my ment ... in fact I chutzpah of shit well I knew who they were but left him in the body and how purpose of the week
[5] so deep is my way of not even touch the Sacred Host and I go by the pastor as a form of discipline and subordination with respect no matter if we like a pot of beans brontolo my adversity but the church is good for this because of its variety and freedom (I hope).. of opinion
[6] On Thursday evening there Magris to Donizetti but also Danilo Oratory villager voluntary 30 aa in Bolivia, how to make? I decide to go by the most important person and that is how I do not book your seat at the theater. From the newspaper, however, I find that the fiction prize is the h17 and I go there anyway without reservation . In front of me there is a row of late and everyone present with an apology saying is ... I'm a friend of an acquaintance of ..I am ... it's up to me to be the face of the 4 nice inquisitrici, who ask me she booked? no rispondo but, however, are a very famous in my country. (a bestemmia?) nell'ilarità total amused me assigned a place. In the evening I ask Danilo (which falls in days, I'll join you in a bike in June) if by chance he too has a place = for a spare tire? He tells me that it is already full of bags and catheters for its disabled children (Its you who is a REAL BUSINESS) I am ashamed of my case and I apologize .. I told a true blasphemy

I consider a man of faith and at the same time a heretic.. rejection of both.. there is a middle ground?

Every man is by nature religious. It does not matter to investigate the veracity of the christ, As the Mother Church[1] in cammino (change) that there is tangible, get together and share even a symbolic Pane a Creed the rest for me are all balls[2] I understand that these statements are a wedding invitation, Bread for the teeth to the envious, but I am also convinced that if it were not for the Church to be invented, if only to contain all human misery. Imagine[3]. In the meantime, I find out that the lady of the Lake Tiberias was a close relative.. Narrow Barabbas who have long fights me and marginalizes force of vile slander maybe just because they take away the audience or consent, considers me an enemy nor a rival, meanwhile playing the maverick do not even realize when he does the dirty game of power most corrupt that governs us divide et impera et ... bread and circuses pa and Balù. Forgiveness[4]Nor forget.. the asset received Ora enough butEven do that on purpose (?) the 1° aprile[5] has appeared on the caskets of our small country a strange warning =


The Parish of Petosino will remain closed for Holidays throughout the Easter period.

..we assume all the health food friendship work ... religion (all.20)

Imagine what would happen if ..for a moment the warning was true ? Another flyer announcing

Tomorrow Show big donkey in the Market Square .

The following day several villagers went to Piazza, but there was no beast.. understood that

donkeys were them ... thanks for the valuable exposure.. un'altra quoted locandina

The poor Holy Mother Church 4Papi[6]protagonists in contemporary but perhaps even they are perfect

Papa Woytila, is the pope that "merciful" embraces Pinochet, the church that covered pedophiles, the church of Don Verzé health of god & Communion & Liberation, and also of the church of the IOR of Paul Marcinkus other holy hero ?[7] The same pope who in front of my family I Unit squeezes my hand and says, strength and courage while with the other hand I stabbed her back since shortly after I slammed eating out.. yet He Himself was exemplary a true man just when he was sick in wheelchair.

Pope John Alpine consider that their soldier (all00) soldier was often rude and surly had never worked the land[8] even to pretend and only thanks to the sacrifices of his family was able to study.. He smoked played cards loved good food and good wine, and cursing whoever had disturbed during the commentary of a stage of the Tour of Italy or of Tours. Circulating chilling revelations about him that if disclosed would have shaken all the clergy, yet it is the Pope who rebounded from his mistakes has turned inside out like a sock and revolutionized the church; becoming the Pope Goodness with Sermon on the Moon[9] and the phrase profetica..cercate what unites rather than what divides
..I write low-flying small to reveal great things.. sorry for the arrogance

all good all the saints, while I when I can BE considered as all other ? As time again I have to pay s-veil & cycling?

* cycling as a sport epic? Muscles and Fatigue.. trouble if ..Testa and Heart. Still cyclists are being proposed as myths by Pantani (Victim & heroin addict failed) ad Amstrong ( icon of children with cancer) in reality only now we find out that it was a real criminal covered by the power that seeks only the highest personal profit in every field the same sponsoring Monte Marenzo book : won Gimondi, between the large and sympathetic audience an elderly octogenarian who asks questions spicy and intelligent too and asks only that dares to former champion orobico already visibly angry she cites Basso and Pantani as samples that resemble each other.. also taking prohibited substances? A ruckus drops the chair of the sample rises suddenly, rather than sprint to go straight, straight to beat the elderly, while several people try in vain to stop him; a gruesome scene would not believe if I had not seen it with my own eyes, and the whole front of the small families upset with their children [10] all are shocked dissolves the assembly outline, jumps and even the refreshments that were lovingly prepartum with as much care with their hands.
For me it was an epic event Other than the Berlin Wall (in the opposite logically) I fell over the whole world, un mito, the hero of my childhood ..tanto more years after that in the large fund already mentioned I see him go forward several times attached to a motorcycle, to hear the announcer say, then appalled by his age seventy, and for its excellent performance to say ...but you could do much better !!!
Yet he too was so vile contemptible is the athlete in my modest memory that ever did a fabulous grandiloquent gesture ..when Jean-Pierre Monseré (Roeselare, 8 September 1948 - Sint-Pieters-Lille, 15 March 1971) won the World revealed the advances and threats that made him Gimondi his breakaway companion, in order to win the race. Now the Italian newspapers species that ns Local furiously and reviled the Belgian cyclist in all possible ways ( infamando also his private) that a short time later by a strange(?) [11]accident died. The Champion orobico surprising
all in Honor of the Late Champion admitted the attempted combine and the local paper he inserted his confession in a paragraph tucked between the pages even among those in the news or sports programs . A Big Happy Gesture of a true champion ..thanks (All.00)

[1] The Church as People Lives certainly not that devastating mobbing to life The religious as Diderot

[2] Maybe Faith is nothing more than the grace to be able to recognize the greater plan , whatever it is, wherever we gaze, the rest are just words.. right to love God more than men ? We can also give for love what we do not possess miracle of our empty hands

[3] Imagine a new world, full of happiness and peace. Imagine that it is inhabited by good people, generose Colme e amore. Imagine that the sun and the moon scandiscano times and accompany the souls in the journey of life. Imagine that there is a Creator of this world ..? Do you think God?
Not… YOU are the creator. The World is this… Now, which… stop only imagine… begin your inner journey, is the way to free yourself from the fears of the mind and let emerge the Heart. Present day, only for today… Love that you'd like to be remembered, despite all the difficulties.
No matter if cadrai, it does not matter at all. Rise up and continues, better than a life spent in its continuing efforts to Love, rather than a life withered envy and hatred from the renunciation of self. Gayatri lie down [4] The fool forgives and forgets the evil does not forget and does not forgive the wise forgive but do not forget. For this visit Ferdi & David, I like to give an opportunity to all, some species do not forget the asset received ” ..What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well.. And’ how to say that in every man, even in the bad, There is at heart a shred of goodness… And’ it is nice to think so…The Little Prince
[5] 1April date of the death of Pope Wojtyla then moved a few hours, for best vision and work of man and not some holy spirit

[6] For the en-plein now lacks only a pope jew a black and a female pope

[7] foiled an attack (true?) a Paolo VI, diverting the dagger with which a painter had tried to hit him and thus earning the nickname “gorilla”. n as president of the IOR was embroiled in the scandal of the crack of Banco Ambrosiano, managing to avoid, thanks to the Vatican diplomatic passport, arrest warrant issued 20 February 1987 by the investigating judge of the court of Milano.Il His name is also mentioned in other scandals, such as the death of Pope John Paul I and the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi.

[8] Contrary to Pope Luciani who already worked in the fields as a child and his father had built tools to facilitate them in miniature for him and to facilitate them in the daily grind

[9] If it was not for Monsignor Capovilla that night even wanted to look out the window

[10] and this is the sample that ¾ of a century continue to inocularci in all the sauces quote for the hundredth time for his first race and Employer's Vincenzo – Celana the Seminary of the Good Pope as he ?

[11] Finding the deadly, invested in race car out of the exit row despite police and organizers intimassero everyone to stop.[











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