The Caterpillar and the Butterfly

A small caterpillar walking toward the great mountain.

On his way there was a Cricket who asked him “where do you go??”
Without stopping to walk, the caterpillar said,: “Last night I had a dream, I dreamed that I was on top of the mountain and from there I could look across the valley. I liked what I saw and so I want to make it happen.

Surprised, Cricket said as he walked away, the caterpillar:

“You must be crazy! How are you going to get there ???? You, a small caterpillar??For you, a stone will be a mountain, a small puddle will be a sea, and any branch will be impossible to pass a barrier.”
But the little caterpillar was already far away and did not hear him.

Her little feet would not stop moving.

Then he heard the voice of the cockroach:
“Where are you going with much effort?”
Già un bel po’ sudato, il piccolo bruco rispose:
“Last night I had a dream, sognai che ero sulla cima della montagna e da lì potevo guardare tutta la valle. Mi è piaciuto quello che ho visto e cosi voglio realizzare il mio sogno.”
Lo scarafaggio si mise a ridere, e disse:

“Ma se nemmeno io con le mie grandi zampe riuscirei in un’impressa così difficile.
E rimase steso per terra ridendo mentre il bruco continuava la sua road.


Uguale successe col topo, il ragno, la rana e il fiore. Tutti gli consigliavano di smettere.
“Non arriverai mai..!” gli dicevano

Ma il piccolo bruco continuo a camminare, perché dentro di sé sentiva che doveva farlo.

Già stanco e senza forze, e sentendosi al punto di morire, decise di fermarsi a riposare e costruire, col suo ultimo sforzo, un posto per dormire quella notte.
“So I'll feel better.” said ....but he died.

For days, animals came to see his remains.
Here was the animal in Love, who had built his tomb as a monument to the lack of common sense.

Li was the last refuge of one who had died following a ... dream.

The Day After, the sun shone in a special way,

and all the animals gathered around what had become a warning to all of them.

Suddenly everyone gaped: because that bud grayish, I begin to break down and saw with wonder a pair of eyes and two antennae. Gradually, appeared two wings of beautiful colors ...It was a beautiful butterfly!


No one said anything because they already knew what he would do.

Would fly up the mountain to see from there on, the whole valley. And so fulfill his dream.. the dream for which he had lived and had striven to death and he was also reborn to accomplish.

All they had mistaken him less.

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