Lettera ai figli

Carissimi Venerdì 7 /12 I have called several times on both the handset and the landline phone at home, also leaving messages on the answering , but unfortunately, as has become customary, I have not received any response from you and this I confess, I am very sorry and I is a source of suffering . Note such rudeness. Logical that I can not expect me to respond Alessandro, that does not even know hold the handset, but at least you Giorgio Daniela or do not understand your attitude towards me. For months,, I do not call if not years; even you did the recent October, for my birthday. Vi ricordate di me e rispondete alle mie telefonate solo nell’immediata vicinanza delle udienze del divorzio e questo la dice lunga sul vostro potenziale EsserE condizionati. Ormai avete un età per poter scegliere e decidere con la “vostra” testa. This does not mean to be rude or vulgar further and answer with a vaffa an ass like last call, Giorgio true only for the fact that you can preventivavo a protected despite my request for a meeting to see, I sbraitavi him telling me that you're old enough to do what you want.. even if it were, however this does not allow you to be further offensive And all this just because I miss you, indeed sorry miss.. and so much and I'm not ashamed to admit it

I am compelled to write to you on the advice of my attorney, inter alia, as has already happened otherwise "Someone" then settles to the acts or writes to the Judge stating that it's me that I'm not interested children, that there phone and even (absurd) I want to meet you

So it seems to me high time now that everyone take their responsibility and then face the direct consequences. That time that beyond the ephemeral temporary appearances then gives indeed gives back with interest, rimorsi rimpianti o quiete e serenità a seconda del proprio personale agire. E’ vero ho rischiato perché vi ho educato ad essere liberi, but at the same time I have taught you well to bring respect and even greeting the unknown. Yourself answer, I assume with grace and patience operator of yet another business proposal, while, then you treat your father worse than a shit and that is with total indifference

Your Father precise and even a stranger

This is certainly not your attitude does you credit, and you do not have certainly learned from me that I will be also very limited brain (how many times you Giorgio in an offensive way I have "cataloged") but I do not miss some of the least of the least education.

I just hope that your attitude this is just a form of unconscious reaction, per il solo fatto che occhio non vede cuore non duole

Otherwise I would suffer even more in front of your blatant ignorance unnatural rude I made a myriad of mistakes, I'm full of flaws and distortions but I consider myself still a good Father, because aware of its limitations. I have given you (life if you please) ma soprattutto la libertà di espressione senza mai manipolarvi il Pensiero (if you please) and I always put the children as a primary asset to be cultivated once again excuse me if it is.. ancora poco
Con immenso affetto vostro Padre Oliviero

Clicca qui a lato per leggere ..una lettera speci..Ale

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