

These days the word earthquake has done several times company, an almost daily that impressed us with its roaring tragic and distressing

I myself answering an unexpected phone call from a person of the feminist movement that he would point out the impropriety of my office that I protected them in the face of absurd imposition of the Juvenile Court answered the: It will be even earthquakes

I guess even the day after the quake here

As every Wednesday from a year now I see the children under protected

The meeting takes place in the library of my town, I do not wish no parent an ordeal like that, waiting for better times I am left with nothing but try to spend this short time in the best way, not to further harass these "poor" three guys . Often after having said all(?) , play cards: Ale Dani against George and the sottoscritto.Per Ale try to involve the child more self-conscious handicap, I recall several times and tell him to stop distracting otherwise I lose my concentration and so then they win. Here he is with enormous efforts dangles contracts twists but in the end you put the pen in his mouth a real achievement in a funny way and then snorts as if smoking, knowing that I do not want. Then he turns and kisses the assistant Irene and psychologist (how dare) , or begins to sing accurate even when almost speak, and it does so while I peek and laughs feeling almost absolute protagonist of their partial victory.

For me it has already won

The game started late today. Too many emotions they have to tell me about the earthquake which took place in the morning. Pupils and teachers have experienced the fear …20 seconds of amazement alarm dismay an increase in tension . Fear and tears are still shaken, Dani George are too excited keep talking, talk and talk, but no one notices that Ale alone with my head down keeps it all "inside" As a good dad let them express their trust and panic then turned all'assorto Ale ask his impressions. Immediately with gestures and mime, with Smorfie, glances and monosyllabic tells us about her fears .. Were you afraid: Be anto ... Did it help prof ? Come on NO!!! You are left alone? Not., And. Bit (D)eborah.

Incredible imagine the scene a disabled person who is seen only in a situation

When the earth shakes you panicking there is no rationality that takes the theories put forward sull'evacuamento all everyone is trying to escape, but not all thanks to this little girl do not even know (I'll do it as soon as possible) You were worried about you? No Ale For those who then responds? For Mom: no For Dad: no For Grandma Anna or Carla: For those not then? Aniela ..... not worried about him but for his beloved sister (which also sees little living always in-laws) and wanted to cry but did not do so because it is now a small "homo" he says. You will hear a peculiar smell diapers but for some reason I can not have them,daughter tells me that her mother said that now no more benefit of it because I can no longer have them in my house(?) We return to play Ale makes all colors(and odors) to distract and overwhelm us ..., also because I let George decide our play .... which is a whole program is finished in an amen Unfortunately the time available to us come the volunteers once he even a voluntary ultra octogenarian, their father while I can not watch them, you realize? Only then to my surprise Daniela takes off her diaper from her bag and hands it to me says : .."Here you'll need for the examination of literature that you Friday" Incredible Ale that showed all his affection commuovendola to tears remained dirty for two hours despite my proclamations, and she either had the coolness to keep the surprise to humiliate humiliate us even further .... reminds me of someone not, I'm not a girl beautiful and intelligent it is not possible to be polite indifference to hatred. This is the education that we give our children? This is justice? This time I will not say: will still be the earthquake, I am careful ... but I can feel everything inside me and bends me. Wars bombs disasters injustices even the earth snorts his anger but thanks to Deborah this earth that more and more is no longer ours, is quiet again for a bit?

Only the friendship is the true travel companion fragile beings all of us more or less afraid all more or less disabled before fierce scream of nature wound

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