Consulting Accountant
Again the mail below and insert new records in the x better understanding …sigh!!!hopefully
The ride to the mail address of the consultant which I addressed to the counts of hospitals gathered. May respond directly or perhaps you'd better let me have the requested clarifications and documentation that I will provide to bring them. Sincerely, Mr.. Flaminio Maffettini The: Alberto Di Lorenzo [mailto:Alberto.DiLorenzo @] Envoy: Wednesday 26 March 2008 17.27 A: 'Mr.. Flaminio Maffettini’ Subject: Bonfanti / United Hospitals Priority: High Hello Lawyer, I took a look at the practice in question dwelling especially on the “wonderful” and incomprehensible statement of 14/03/2006 with whom the Hospital lists all remuneration skills to return. I need to understand a few things: 1) in the period 09/04/2001 – 31/01/2003 Bonfanti has served the? If I need to see all the lists pay. If you have not worked (as I think) I need of “photograph” the retribuzione “de facto” which was paid before the event: I will do lists January, February and March 2001. 2) In February 2003 Bonfanti are returned to total € 37.795,03 (Gross) that correspond to net € 18.695,04 (His considerations in the mail 16/1/2008 are practically perfect!) 3) In December 2004 are picked up at a total of € Bonfanti 45.411,60 (Gross) that correspond to net € 31.306,85. Is it okay that there are ca 680 € int. monetary revaluation strength: e i ca 7.000 EUR gross difference in what they refer to? And if it were possible (I will not dwell on why) I need to inspect all l’annualità 2000 (slips from January to December 2000): believes it is possible? A resent. ——————————————————————————– Alberto Di Lorenzo – such +39 035 217514 – fax +39 035 19960350 – alberto.dilorenzo @ |