
Gent ....

Catalbano memory and precise that "everything" was born during my last trip to bike and just to the end of June when just approved in England, I could not put the photos in the folders of the site[1] (all.1) Since I do not do you reply to email it to your phone, I thought to interpose to my office so that would be a through and guarantee; just so you are prepared to create me a folder that allowed me to pass the bay problem. The same is the only one that still allows me to enter the picture but with time-consuming, so that you yourself once back from the trip (the end of August) apologizing for the inconvenience me esortavi to make before fully renovating the old (?) Site, in a short time but especially to.. a prezzaccio

I confirm it is true we were not 3 In this volte 4, if you consider the encounter we have had outside your house (which is also your office) when exhausted by the long and nerve-wracking waiting sollecitarti I went to a meeting for the management mode of the renewal site; I remember well that occasion because I gave you autorizzavi to record meetings ( I also have a recording of this statement of yours) I prepared the recorder turned on before each meeting, for fear that then took the emotion of the expected coveted event, I forgot I had and it's right there on the street (you said that I could call in the office) I confirm you that the agreed price was in the black, tax-free while I laid stress on the contrary I wanted to stay in the law also still have a shred of warranty, you tagliavi short by saying do not worry I'll try to mark down the sum and make sure that the bait figure as agreed and I confirm you as well that you would have paid € 100 deducted without your knowledge (?) to Tetragono for Canon 2013 of the Site. then instead..

1Nd meeting breve ed infruttuoso, went to empty since sorry you told me that you do not work the Internet line (?)(!), when you told me of your southern roots and your parents at the nursing Gleno ( Nursing home where I work and also criticized recently)

2Nd meeting call me in the morning telling me that the same urgency for a customer to me you moved the meeting instead all H.10 per le h11.30[2]; in that short time you did to time just to show me the draft without even pretending to make me choose a watch or other structure as saying it would be easy then insert the contents, I have always said that accurate would I want to[3]

For the occasion, I begged at least to change the bike fitted to the new header, since it was not my Bianchi, but after several misunderstandings and various other expectations only after 2 I saw inserted weeks, but it will take me cut and other 2 weeks ( all duly documented and patiently) to finally see my magic in the whole bike logo, So it is ridiculous to say now that you've devoted body and soul to the renewal site

3 Nd meeting x road see above

4 Nd meeting the turning pointWhen for the occasion ..., in fact the only true seat, you suggested that you were not more socio Equanta and that the Company has not existed for years(!). Understood the hint I asked you to have written the bill as soon as possible and hence the surprise of the term of your current company ( that you told me was a virtual link only for the renewal imbasamento site ) and then in the discovery note that the content provided by you were not faithful to the original , indeed that the same was in certain parts tampered.

For this reason I reserved for serious use the competent authorities in case I had to point out anomalies about , hence the need for require a written agreements made from here to submit your complaint.

I suffered a serious injury, a waste of time money and energy, is from August that I can not handle the current site, without actually having achieved anything in return. I think I'm still a good person and for the proper action you renew the request of your bank for the payment of the work done (payment sought in the penultimate your email) though in your last e-mail (29.11.2012) now you say that you feel offended (?) and do not want to be paid more rather than having anything to do with me . Too close so simple affair also saw your facility lies in raccontar. For this reason, I'll give you another chance, but only up today[4] (30/11/2012) request for re-payment and conclude that most worthily the already twisted ragguaglio

Reserving, however, any specific claims about the above. Regards

Sorisole 30/11/2012 In Fede Bonfanti Alviero Oliviero Alfiero

[1] Despite my reminders and renewal fee, this issue is still outrageously repeats

[2] Yet here I have everything well documented, as well as with the email with sms stored. Well as that of h 6.55(?) the day of my birthday with whom you scusavi for yet another postponement and my long wait and be patient because you were obliterated from work ; but now I read in your email that you have left all the others follow quickly soak for (?) if it were true that to create a site uses 3 months I challenge you made me a prezzaccio

[3]Pure photo galleries that you said that in the meantime (nel'attesa a meeting and your explanations) you preferred the old ones you insert (free) not to make noise as you did before to put them to explain to me that the lotus operation. Meanwhile vain promises and expectations as agreements to receive fixed tables and explanations to make me completely autonomous operation site and also speed up the work

[4] Domaniè already December and we dance from August absurd to think that it is from this summer or perhaps better said for years that bear some unpleasant inconsistencies lapping certainly border on illegality in part ... I had to drink so as not to drown

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