

After a long bike trip ended 23 August, so as not to sit idle and keep my workout I faced several Ferrate between these…

Monte Coren of Brembilla (Bg) Wednesday 29 August 2012
On Ferrata meeting 3 sympathetic Milan
Ferrata Pesciola Sunday 09 September 2012
On the occasion of 15Anniversary of the SIM Group ( Sorisole in Mountain) we climbed 15 peaks in the same day ; being a component in the company of their sympathetic Duilio I chose to climb the Ferrata Pesciola located on the Plans for Valtorta (Bg) We then continued to the top and we meet from neighboring with the largest group that has reached the top Minonzio to finish then all together to eat and drink in joy in the nearby refuge Lecco

After Pesciola reach the nearby summit Minonzio

Ferrata Medale ( Lecco) Saturday 22 September 2012
Christmas ( Class 29′) explains to me over the way to deal with how to make the best goat cheese
Ferrata Medale In the ascent meeting Emanuele and Simon(Claudio) 2 cute boys in Saronno I snap some photos then once the ascent I go to the lake to dissolve the pain in the legs
Ferrata Range 2 Piani d'Erna (Lecco) Thursday 25 October 2012
From Brumano(Bg) I reach Piani d'Erna of Lecco and then go back after 12h walk through the jagged granite .. Childbirth “Later (8.00) because ‘ the only store open aspect x buy something to eat .. the itolar apologizes 8 what then?) tells me that they are not early risers of the rest in this period, the country goes into hibernation

Beech trees

Magnificent scenery

The former mines in the Past

Resegone nice in front of the rear …below and above

The Manager of the Shelter Monsezi is an Indian simpaico called Beljack Ezis
Location Costa

After an endless series of stairs ( x this is called the strike fire)

I reach the 1st leg of the Range 1

The Tibetan bridge

Remarkable is the difference in height to cross .. untrained leg muscles begin to feel cramps..

..but the beautiful scenery makes you forget the fatigue

From this part of the crucifix challenging and long range ferrata 1ne I walk a short distance but given the time (16,00) Late, I decide to continue on the path 1 and then take the short (20′) De Franco railway that leads directly to the summit of Resegone

Ferrata DE Franco

Refuge Azzoni

from the summit you can see the different lakes lariani,,,as the sun goes to sleep ... you are late 5.05 PM ... and the way back is still long x Brumano

jagged granite peak of …car .. later .. shooting at home is a wonderful day

..finally blessed water is drunk with happiness .. I seem to be the richest man on earth …
The fountain has the face of a ghost like myself for those farmers and mountaineers who have heard me go next door to their homes warm in this late hour..

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