Draft Appearance Coclusionale Separation

Draft details Concluding pe ril divorce .. the avoidance of doubt clarify… green in my corrections
1 Dear.. first of all I have to really thank you for the courage and for his work, not easy compliments, even though logically you being aware of only a few episodes of partial , I have the strength to contradict some of its considerations below list Mobbing to life You have correctly used the term more than just telling me that the former spouse expelled from his or rather: their ( and that of the children) life, forgetting the basic rule of education and good living civil: the simple respect for the person who does not stop just because it is separataSe be that the former spouse has been able to do this in the light of the day and more specifically to produce documents, images which torment I have endured in the last months of marriage when no one knew anything, and I naive and unaware of his true intent to confide my every slightest intimacy and did everything he wanted in order to comply her every wish. I leave it to you to think what he could foment a person as well ... let's face it.. so ill.. because of what it is and it is also a serious health condition : greed of money and meaning of each of his cynical and cruel to be averse. While you can understand and use compassion for a mother affected by guilt across his rage in time ... no longer tolerates no patience and understanding .

Sobering and well read in the acts of its cringe or rather their, that the writer saw his artwork Legal, should first be determined or at least prove some free insults and the many and varied insults and defamation . In their act there is a modicum of humility, indeed even use the premises of the common good as the Courts, or the public acts to formulate their every request with overbearing arrogance never a failure a gesture or a word of doubt or excuse understanding with regard to adverse party or of the will . After this due preamble, now as accurate as agreements entered into various parts of the draft of the For pop-. Lawyer closing statement that you sent me via e-mail


The 1 : Reliance OffspringMarital residence . Only a few months ago, I learned through my office then, Trussardi that the former spouse was building a house on the Maresana ( place renowned citizen). The lawyer without making me read the appearance (deposited on Saturday told me just in time, and that is, as the law prescribes 5 days before) , 2 days before the hearing of the divorce gave me the address and insisted that I go to see, indeed even photographing this house . Appalled asked for a short postponement to better understand the situation (the former spouse sends their children to school with prams sewage routes and smashed, skinned out the padding, and then builds a palace-villa with a swimming pool in the basement) but the legal enraged (him?) incomprehensibly the day of the hearing I revoked on the spot in the warrant for saying that professional ethics (?) not go against the agreements made(?) namely giving sole custody to the former spouse (?)In counterpart ... I would have gotten the real possibility of contact with the children (among other rights you already decreed) And’ so I asked for a short postponement only x better understand all that I have done wrong? Also for professional ethics then the lawyer did not forget to send me his humble parcel logically as I always paid him, and not only in pecuniary (see Vespasian) – According to the judgment of the compensation payment and the one taken 4 Years ago I bought a rather simple apartment (then under construction) suitable for disabled children but who still do not know when and if I can live there, but especially if I'll pay for it ( with the price as well in the meantime risen ) because it seems to a grammatical error (?) I am not owner of the sums set out in 1st grade and since last October also confirmed on appeal. Despite my many proclamations, in fact no legal I have never said anything about it if you do not confirm and restate the Judgment.. is precisely what I have done to make the step is not longer than my leg ..

The 2 filing of documents A well-written and reason that the previous defenders deposited without making me read the extras. You yourself lawyer, when he asked me to read the emergence of the legal who had preceded him, was a direct witness to the fact that the legal indicatami by the Bar lawyer. Pelucchi unbeknownst to me had already filed my (?) will that clearly now stridano with your current briefs


The 3 my character writes ... Bonfanti has all the numbers to see themselves recognized ... I think it's a little inadequate expression related to the theme of the rest of mica are the circus ....

– then added at the bottom of page 3 .... we know that Bonfanti did not have an easy ... OK so far I would say, however, neglecting the rest and that is .. u "nuisance, pedantic sermons continues to complain about everything and everyone and thinks that the whole world is against him, tends to hectoring, all true .. I would say that it is better not to write these things 1 because you do not actually know me for a long,and I confess that I do not sinceramene I see in what he writes here . If they crushed the balls (mi scusi la franchezza) well at least I think she would scream and this it seems for now still is not attributable to denigrate 2nd time already thinks the counterparty, so it is not the case and it's stupid to punish him or turn the other cheek ... or rather the cost.. not to be too frank, not to say .... more


The 4 Figure Debole Figure ? (person or better still say no?) Weak I would not say if after all that I had to endure are still alive and kicking reactive is also an inconsistency since their first few lines I am portrayed as a temper ... So "figure" weak no .... "Person" to help you ..... and who is not ....?


STUDY 5 sacking Dismissed from the hospital, with which we opened the dispute of compensation , and gurdiil case immediately after the separation, and I also I note that the person who has carried out this process were regrettable as well as employees of the villagers were relatives and close acquaintances of the former spouse relationship pure randomness??? I struggle to believe the beard of the crisis of mourning : separation dismissal etc.. and I would be the weak..

A half page writes will touch Bonfanti to "reconquer" the offspring will agree, however, that as long as the former spouse to stop acting like a criminal and remarmi against.. also how do if, despite the decrees in my favor I denied any contact or relationship with the same

Also in mid page 5 writes that they do not have a cell phone that is absolutely not true. True is that I'm not responding.. even they did for the recent celebrations . Still he did not answer her daughter on invitation for a meeting that you advised them. Sms : Daniela do you wanna meet us x 2 chat ? Maybe if you like eating a pizza ... let me know ciaoPĆ  Precise instead of when I gave the phone to his son Alexander the most disadvantaged ( who can not hold the device alone) I've never had any kind of response so that I doubt whether it was really activated or not


At the end of the p 5 and at the beginning of the page 6 sCRIVE that I decided to bring the person presents to the children not only do not write but I do not even think about it. I do not what I want from even closer to their home for fear of being sued.. and even this is not life believe me.. In the past, the former spouse had the opportunity to write you that I followed : simply absurd. Questa estate feci 3 Phone consecutive 3 different evenings the children always ex-husband told me to stop calling her children and who had already alerted the Police (in his own words) that would have occurred if still called . Tell me that you advocate crime I committed.. I for a while, I left out because I was afraid to call, also because in the same period "was only", for no reason I had recently revoked the mandate MARONGIU her colleague whom I chose liberamene (recalling its namesake Judge, that the origin of separation allowed me to stay with the children one more day a week ) I chose the precise legal as legal aid, by addressing the pressing directions of the Order of the lawyer ... I know that if I'm not mistaken ... that should not even intervene in my free choice ? The gifts to be given to children,not knowing how to do, I handed them to one of my very good friend Anna sig.Mostosi the peasant of the now defunct former spouse . The former mother-in-law in fact before he became ill, was the only person to be considered as correct by the children with Pag 6 not all parents have all the qualities of the world I think it is sin, and it would not hurt to write something in my favor? 1 I have always been respectful of the provisions enacted though especially at the beginning (Judge Aliprandi) I was strongly against . I recall that Judge motivated the Acts that my character is also noted by the dismissal immediately .. and when this had not yet been made the process of 1st degree among other things that I won My only form of nonviolent protest were + my children 2 I have always paid the maintenance although marked economic difficulties (especially at the beginning when fired and had not yet established the compensation)3 I adapted to any type of work pending the judgments of dismissal. I even worked in a pig artificially fertilising .... it is better to specify it ... gilts 4 I've always arranged alone without ever a companion (the former spouse instead he told their countrymen, that the separation was my choice because I had another woman .. just absurd ... then the time has proved me right now, and discover his true intent 5 and last but not least I graduated in 50 years and I think this says a lot about my temper (?) my being manic (?) or violent (?) and lazzarone (as I have always been reprimanded his uncle Gigi in front of my children, that once allowed himself to say to them ... that would be great suicidai my fault) Absurd I always had to go home of her father and uncle this to take my children , and every time they tried no reason to involve the police one day my son George crying uncle told me Papi gigi again called the police over the phone I realized that they would not come to him and told him that if they were not they would be immediately reported . I said alla'ltra and daughter ch fiuttava becoming that I graduated with great sacrifices just to have a little more consideration from them and you I put down that I had made another serious (?) error that it was time and now is the time to think about my life and no longer at their most uncomfortable While the son excited and happy to be there I was granted permission because, according to the former spouse "as I would have used" only for tenderizing (?(?)(?)(?)(


The 7 What does he mean when he writes in the bottom of the page that the mother does not want to understand the Bonfanti exchanging effects for causes


The 8 long trips by bike Without work sena children not to go crazy . I pedaled known how often it happened that my willingness They were leaving for yet another impromptu trip(?) and I remained standing in ... This year I arranged time x sooner had the legal MARONGIU asked the program for their holidays, the former spouse told me if I was ashamed to ask because his mother was sick (then came miss) but if no one tells me anything about . The same son agreed after years to bring us to the concert (Moni Ovadia) and come and sleep in my house. By sheer luck I realized that the child was agitated and something was wrong with him so it was that told me the real conditions of the grandmother and left immediately even before the concert started. The son also told me that they were about to leave for Egypt (?) (?)(?) and his mother makes me the moral to me then? That very night he passed away the former mother-in-law and the former spouse even told me when I brought her son and then so treacherous even allowed me to offer condolences to you is that our children

As for the holidays and my bike trip to Jerusalem, their pain is also known to act when they write the record show that I stayed on throughout April May June while in reality I left the 29 April and returned the 1 June so it's already a little so different ... but after their return your Mio as always I left just made themselves unavailable for that date to be the x in Treviso 1 May and seeing his son compete in the swimming championship for the disabled but was not the right place indicatomi them ... but they told me on the phone more x more information about In the bottom of the page 8 writes correctly that I was asking to have a child at a time as the now adult daughter did not want to come to me. What could I do otherwise I could certainly push from only the two prams (although in the past happened but it is certainly nice to see a scene much less dignified for the children) The former spouse against me and I said, how the hell do this every day arranged .. Apart from that she has an adequate bus to transport them did not seem an appropriate response and intelligent or which has as its purpose the ultimate good of the children. Once . I told you what I do then I have them arranged on the hump all week is sad and suffering report it, but I say this not out of malice or slander but rightly to understand and better reflect the real situation, and with whom we are dealing. It should also be said that often when I've answered the phone to prove that the disabled twin sons were at home alone .... no coment


The 9 being able to assist them should not be forgotten that for years have been well trained nurse And apparently I was a nurse and report exemplary(?) words of the former director of Health Gazzin. wonder why then with the complaint of compensation for all the fallen sons and



A to 11 use the economic aspect to punish him further about yours truly would be interesting to verify the signatures on the checks that someone withdrew without my knowledge (falsificandomi the signature) Paul S on my bank where I was only one nominee. Working in the entity hospital my paycheck was poured directly on the bank

Intersante would instead read up on offense taken during a trip made with the family together during the carnival in Venice . They came alerts for late payment and shipped back to the former spouse back in my total knowledge . Only after years of separation they came to know and I had to pay an astronomical figure

Just as it is interesting to see why only after 6 months, the former spouse informed me that he had sold the van,which by the way was made out to me . I told her why he had done since he could be useful to me :on the other hand she told me that I ought to withdraw it because now the engine had melted (?) Will you tell me why did not report the incident? Who all'avocato on duty who was playing hide and seek ? and then in those circumstances the former spouse smart smart smart(?) or better ..... I allowed the visits to the children for their own good and I was .... so happy?

In the following pages useless and impossible for me to do observations, because you are certainly more aware of the misrepresentations suffered, in the management of compensation entitled I have in fact been illegally kept in the dark for them in their efforts

Instead it would be interesting to hear the complaints from neighbors for the demolition of the really nice (I refer) home, complete with a turret, who apparently had also constraints on the part of the fine arts .... I'm just wondering what homes were available and at what price? Her lawyer has informed the figure but only the cost of purchase and not the actual prezzodell'abbattimento and now the new single(?) building


the 16 usefulness of the pool for the children.As well as therapeutic and recreational x x all, unfiglio should not be forgotten,sample is nuoto.Ci forbid only to criticize that choice and perhaps give rise "to the enemy" any criticheo a valid claim to war to those who not only do not dare to battle neppurepensare, but he thinks and hopes only to the peaceful serene convivenzanel compliance with the law and above all in compliance with the common sense ...


In these last pages concerning the management of nsrisarcimento She knows more lawyer, me always kept illegally in the dark …I repeat only would like very much to sottolinearee to correct in what scrivea page 16 when he talks about the usefulness of the pool for the children. In addition to therapeutic and playful all x, unfiglio should not be forgotten, sample is nuotoCi forbid only to criticize that choice and perhaps give rise "to the enemy" any criticheo a valid claim to war to those who not only do not dare to battle neppurepensare, but he thinks and hopes only to the peaceful serene convivenzanel compliance with the law and above all in compliance with the common sense ...

Yours sincerely and truly ... good job Bonfanti AOA

Petosino 09/07/08

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