Ars Boni and Aequi
































L’avvocato Ong..o m’impose ben 15.000.000 old lire as parcel for a protection never performed, indeed denying me my sacred rights, as for example work, waiting for the judgment of 1st degree, for unjustified dismissal from the hospital immediately.

How to deposit the lawyer handed two capons I hope so much for telling her, that will not be remembered in the annals as a modern shyster

Meanwhile after my 1st strike (well known my condition) Judge of the Juvenile Court (wife of the president of the lawyers of Bergamo) bade me to drug therapy (without any medical examination) what to do right from the doctor Ente Hospital, with which I had to argue in court that getting fired ( poi vinto to 1 °) just the coming week. I had also going against the Agency, compensation for the children of disabled (iposia of birth) for a medical error.

I refused to clear conflict of interest and the judge imposed against me visits protected

Disheartened exasperated, I started as a Another strike, this time before the Court of Bergamo



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