6^ Tappa USA Clarksville – Bowling Green

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    22 June 6 ^ = Stage USA Clarksville – Bowling Green
    Km 125 P 5.30 A.12.30 h. bc 5.30 Media 24

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    there is no …only “ridiculous” Billboards

    wrong way several times and direction

    x fortuna “crossing” 2 nice truck drivers who indicate… the retta your

    as always carcasses of animals covered by mortar to remove the stench of carrion

    I leave the Tennessee

    a carriage of another era belongs to the Mormons; contrasts see it parked in the supermarket

    the Catholic Priest and restores me Sebastian also gives me a Blessing

    …but before you get to your goal today I get another baptized by the tail of the Tornado that usually roams in the area but that goes to my same direction but in practice my luck x…. ahead of me

    I take shelter in the shop of the artist…… plays sings and sews

    Other Baptised…Unfortunately, I realize that you can not document with photos, the heavy downpours since in these circumstances the camera I put it away in your backpack….but I do not arreno.. in fact I'm going to just lightens watermelons

    I try and find a laundry waiting to read something cultural and discovered that both x “escape”…around the world over …

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