5Chapter ° = THE MUSA

Noon pale and at a crumbling wall of garden, listen among the thorns, and the thorns snaps blackbirds, hiss of snakes. The cracks in the soil or on the vetch spiar the rows of red ants.. And going in the sun ..... feel that dazzles with sad wonder how all life and his labor in this following a wall on top of that sharp shards of bottle ….stop
We have lost the sense of limit, vacuum, of silence and sacred We are all as a reality show telematic But imagine for a moment if the sun one day he forgets to arise where would all our knowledge our arrogance our tunes ? Talk show? Each word is a seed70 imagine how much weed is thrown every day in the world? How many hours the TV feeds children , how many scenes of violence are imprinted on their retina in one day, seated almost impallati eating snacks that ... Then swell logical that burst ... and you go in search of the most suitable drug. (Allegaton # 2) We adults are not better, in a culture, in a religion such as air conditioning in offices or supermarkets such as grass or synthetic S Siro that fills your lungs with plastic, an artificial life lived by proxy maybe some lawyer or bank branch that encoding of even the beating of the heart Wisdom is the goal to which every man must strive without waiting for help from above One of the major causes of poverty is the loss of , efficientism overwhelmed by the crowds of parents and society children are now totally deprived of the precious time of boredom , of long afternoons and summer days vacuum invaded by the absence of commitments. Yet just in a vacuum and that the mind becomes creative, is the absence of external stimuli that allows us to request a our identity different from all the other . For the good things it takes time ... And a touch of ... ...pietas indeed ….poetry Among the medical paradigm and the threshold of normality, therefore there is a liminal zone .. there we are The reality is difficult to interpret if not for the ability to define terms and constraints71 Important to give themselves a logical order and a limit and benchmark . In preparing my thesis,I cared more for their form, that the content just and good to respect the rules, acquire order and discipline ... but I also believe that we must be able to go .... otherwise you risk over the approval of the minds also establish the boundary between possible and impossible is a necessity of the narrative, also because in it there is a possibility to make the impossible possible72 To transgress must have some normative element, so as to be able to get out of a too narrow conception of time, you have to live a conception of time. In my paper I have tried to involve the reader without tediarlo, placing the unexpected behind the page,in other words to be clear I wanted to be dark,to demonstrate that a valuable assets should not be searched but expected S.Weil Exit to the usual patterns illegitimate to ask questions .. (Foerster) more than thesis antithesis synthesis ... Is obscure what I say ....?(the usual straripetuta cutters Professor of Perticari) Tramutarmi trying to stir things up in the moment of my ricerc-action Each paradigm after a mutation, in crisis and open to innovations, developing a new vision. In the conference Bergamo-Sciences Burt Rutan famous aerospace engineer, said that when an aide admits an error the team applauds and celebrates its humility for the preparation of background, also because the error lies behind the search, creating, the predisposition, curiosity and healthy challenge to pass him the medical paradigm, unfortunately, it is difficult to admit mistakes 73, while other disciplines are the stimulus for improvement. The error I was faithful companion in this paper, at least I had the courage to dare, demonstrate how a gesture and not only the word has a potential therapeutic power on 'More. The other one that has no defenses if it is removed from its natural context, if not responding sometimes for rhymes .. With ..... the only tool that has, precisely as in this case with a simple humble..scratch(a)

—- 70-Title last book of Ms. Tamaro Expected Unexpected Perticari 71-72-Ibid 73-Imagine a little 'what if a doctor were to do the same here in Italy


I am of the opinion that an elaborate should always leave or say something, for this I take this opportunity to break a lance in favor ... "childhood denied" Even with the spine slender, oblige them to performance of pounds of testo.Sono a convert to the school, it shows my enthusiasm in attending classes despite his advanced age. Times have changed it is no longer the school's nemesis Illich and after all it is ...always better school that shit " (Don Milani) but to the whole c 'is a limit. Poor bastards indeed .... Just born angels have the sensor to reveal that breathe during the night (who knows ... maybe some mom apprehensive fears that they forget to do so) 75 ..Yet often adulyou can transform children from systems unpredictable and non-trivial machines entirely predictable trivial (Von Foerster) The life of a child is often already too artificial and planned, with an adult is always present. I wish them to have more free time to learn to dare. To build their huts, climb trees, if not imitating Defoe's Robinson Crusoe at least that of Michel Tourner . Not so much for success tomorrow but to travel today in a long and fascinating journey even more that carries within itself. Rediscovering the smell of freshly cut grass, Hay, and the season that cambia.Al my country the asylum garden is covered with carpet. And the mothers are so happy the kids do not get dirty the shoes ...... signed? I wonder when will the spring how will these poor children to pick a flower to donate to their favorite? Meanwhile, we learn what the passage of time, on beautiful posters designed, between a sneeze and the other, with the drug in his pocket for allergy to pollen not so much ... but we do small adults —- 74-I remember about the story of the centipede. A simple ant asked :"Sorry but how do you coordinarti so good when you walk? For example, lift the paw 90novesima and at the same time lower the 120tresima and so on ?"The centipede intrigued stopped to reflect on the fact of how he succeeded in so much skill to the point that, that he could no longer move.

75-This summer I helped kids to build a hut on a tree. Their planks of wood chipboard (dangerous) ,I propped solid wood and as a backup taken from my old iron pipes exit ceta They did not know how to repay,I asked them a condition and a promise, that should have read at least one book in their alcove excited ... I was told that they had already thought over and showed mice and various comic, a kind of library: Candido Robinson Crusoe The Baron in the Trees .. I made the indifferent, but I was happily shocked an educator's dream as well as these tubes ceta, or better yet, citing the best reading of these 3 college years as a teacher says Cesena(?)In a supportive relationship I like to remember the words of a teacher of Cesena (?) , Annalisa Busato (Writing about education Canevaro Perticari) which states: "In the helping relationship would be like a special wire that is used for the internal sutures, the "physiological" that is reabsorbed and disappears without need for the rise of stitches or staples ... a process of weaving and storytelling, of wires and connections on the structure of the text = cum fabric together




Each of us has the built-in relay, that tell you what can or can not dare. I think sometimes it's good and healthy to our oil and disrupt this entropy, blurred by too much reflection74 or indigestion ..... to be able to immunize .. The disorganization is the time to maximum opening of an E 'the system chooses which bring disruption Bateson


A Sustainable Health in the first part and not on their own or with Crown Sustainable Environment 76 criticizes those parents who bring their children to play in the snow closed in diving suits then at the first strange virus in the air, puny helpless you ammalano.Lo same Carona fights for it to be reconsidered forest, out of our ethnocentrism learn to live with-be living with other. Cites as an example the simple wealth , the immense microsystem who lives in a ditch, us while we cement them. Just as we cement the streams already upstream, water no longer being reabsorbed, flows with vehemence in the valley then creating disasters. Small things, but allow a more sustainable environment, from simple respect and sensitivity of their habitat.(Annex No. 5) In my town there is a project about environmental protection : Teatrambiente . A project sponsored by the theater company Erbamil, thanks in particular to the art director Fabio Comana, is sensitive to the issues that concern us, such as environmental, with a theatrical language simple and fun. In this, were born theater on environmental issues 77, suitable for teenagers and adults; and theatrical environment or better yet, the environment: woods, oasis, parks…Fabio says ... about the encounter with the environment and ecology was a path… natural ....

76-Mauro Corona is a mountaineer climber, carves wood and lives in direct contact with nature. Sensitive concern for the environment now also writer, writes stories of animals and plants rocks fibula . Corona is a sculptor who carves the words stories that go away quickly dispersed to vent as wisps of smoke. The smoke is witnessing a fire. The wood finishes, the fire goes out. The lingering smell of smoke, which is memory. Remains the ashes of the fire is thought that the fire was. Remember it is good, is a good workout to resist and carry on ... From. In wood and stone 77-I had the good fortune, the honor and the pleasure to participate as an "actor" in a laboratory included in the exhibition The Lair of the puck remember like yesterday the joy of my children to see me play ..

Anime of the forest

What is the body of a forest?.. The trees. The trees are the body of each forest, and how our forests are different from each other,even the woods are there are so many different woods, of many trees, of so many different bodies ..... Well ...... where there is a body there is also a soul .... And we today we will tour the woods to discover their souls. It is easy to feel a soul must be very careful. Listen carefully. They may not get there the same. Because today we are no longer accustomed to hearing. For us the forest, trees, are just objects to be used to make firewood ....,to make furniture etc. ... etc... We have become deaf to the language of trees,we are no longer able to meet ... in front of the wonder of a tree that blooms. Instead the old, especially the old farmers, knew that a tree that lives for hundreds of years absorbs the vibrations of the earth, Wind, Rain, the sun and the animals and therefore it has a lot more wisdom than we can imagine. In our short trip we will hear different stories. We will see the characters of those stories a little 'fantastic and a little' not ... and when we come back here ... maybe someone .... not all.. for sure ... but someone must have heard the souls of the forest ... the have spoken.


In the forest the time you lose.. changes size, thanks to the plants releases more energy . As an educator I can not help but mention the importance of time. You've time ..says Peticari (expected unexpected) In the project ... find time for listening Attention is the spontaneous prayer of the soul S.Weil say Attention is the job of the soul I wanted to meet with Mr. (in all senses) Moni Ovadia to do an interview for the thesis. Although world famous actor, would have gladly accepted,just too caught up in the commitments he told me ... I am not master of my time... Has my unconditional authorization to use any of my writing and whatever else she needed his gesture So beautiful that I will not spoil it ... In the massive presence of virtual reality there is a risk and the threat of losing the ability of waiting. Caesar To argue it takes time and it is just that temple that we seem to have no. Hence the need to waste time to conquer, there is no need to be present, you dream of bi-empty to indicate the full S Augustine says : “ I know the time but if I had to explain I do not know " Canavero ... Knowing how to lose time to know how to find Rousseau ... lost time is a time released from the constraints and abuse whom an adult on the shoulders of a child As an educator able to wait,over cronosbiological time(I wonder why not enough) the kairosexperiential time e the euterocrono ( etero diverso, Cronia: time) Ogni persona ha tempi di sviluppo diversification,a fundamental concetto per educatore a ...Friend is i bambini rallenta78 dagli tempo Attenzione Attesa Del resto però not serve studiare trattati di felice pedagogia per poter rendere a bimbo che ti solo chiede:hai un poco di tempo x me? —78-Cartello stradale sulla strada per Cecenatico

I beni preziosi più non essere Devonian May ricercati my attesi S.Weil

4. Attesi imprevisti

Dice Perticari meraviglioso nel suo libro..i beni Devonian non essere più preziosi ricercati my attesi , l'error (errare is viaggiare) a volte può essere il di una IPOGEA culmine . Le se le cose come Osservare per la prima volta si vedesse,stupore with pure ma prepare distacco comunque CIO argues che che è uno sfondo integratore Piccolo, un po 'come quando nelle città notiamo a diverse Matson, che ci surprised orient ed ... , o Do you come opposite the nevicata improvvisa, copre Tutto e che ci poet scopre .. One estraniamento79a rallentamento delle percezioni, superare per le apparenze, o le formula precostituite, o come Prost says capire per la della semplicità Toyota. Where Io posso comunicarmi 80Vado ma ugualmente volentieri in Chiesa per la mia people stare with. Mi piace osservare le Person,VISO parrot solco il il la sua storia di un ruga e immaginarne, or peer into the halo adrenaline that each person gives off (skills that taught me Caesar) Proust talks about the signs of aging in our faces in our feelings, in our living and our dead. These are crucial learnings that could get lost or hide in a hurry or in the sound of time Finiteness: The task of the educator is to fight against death in every moment of life, combat sad passions , and evaluate the intermediate spaces not yet polluted, filled, threatened. These spaces tend to be sensitive to the threshold means to see things and live events through the lens of the end time, to know and enjoy grasp the fleeting moment (carpe diem) The struggle against death is already a ransom for the dead of injustice and oppression of every kind,a way of holding the time of the living with the dead.Always Perticari.. Against ... stupidity,the trivialization of evil and spectacular precede the memory A Jerusalem is the hill of memory where are buried the children of the Holocaust A candle is reflected in many mirrors as the number of children who die A recording repeats their names, it takes two months to call them all, slowly in order not to forget them ... So we must learn to make room for any unexpected event that occurs with only means re-evaluating and considering that possesses an error as a precious gift The educator must become spoiler these voids .....Lentus in the shade Nelle pieghe di uno Elaborato dare breathable, dare a lo spazio bianco altrimenti scritto soffoca scrivere qualcosa .... reed is pure piccola ... traccia ... " Noi siamo the storie che raccontiamo"Brunner —- 79I dint of estrangement would not want to be taken seriously and go, then to really .........

80I communicate to my house, when you break bread with my children, when I've got in foster care

Skewer. Nursind competition stories : “ We tell our profession"" A little track ... "Bonfanti Alviero Oliviero IP D 2. C / O: U.O.R.R.F. Bergamo Hospital I mailed my paper this, the competition held by the aforementioned Syndicate, but I do not even have consulted, because according to them.. was off topic (?) The congegnai to the Friars of the Hospital that publish monthly " Our Family "A magazine that reports news on our Hospital. The Friars often invite the staff to work in publishing articles of various kinds.. Father Mariano just that for my writing was too personal .... . That's why now I wanted to include in my thesis .... as the stone rejected by the builders has become the distracted and Ang…strength and sacredness of the word


81-Bauman says that the world is full there is no longer out. There are no more unexplored spaces in which to hide from the order rather than disorder that governs us or malgoverna ... as it happens to all liquids, our existential condition today it no longer holds the same form for prolonged periods ; need the use of force to keep things as they are and not to change them as a race infinite prize is simply the opportunity to continue to run . It 'disappeared the agora, your listening pleasure and belonging our universal vulnerability is well rendered by the program Big Brother . In the home cage competitors struggle to survive only for the purpose of exclusion of the gioco.L 'except in front of the camera then publicly confesses his failings and responsibilities of fallimento.Il defeated is such because he went looking for trouble and therefore , work the same way genes using biological and computer viruses as vehicles of transmission media and contacts between humans. "Are not necessarily the most useful ideas,deeper, or more true that tend to propagate more easily "Memetics studied what are the characteristics that favor the diffusion of ideas and forms the ideal study to understand the functioning of the communication media, advertising, policy, of sexual behavior, many other social phenomena.


What we still reserve the Rainbow ... everything has been discovered by now?81 Richard Dawkins,after the selfish gene offers another term success: The “meme”, that in parallel to the biological gene,defines those units of culture capable of replication and dissemination, as if they were virus intellectuals.(Virus of the mind) 82 For Dawkins ... all life on our planet is determined by the genes, particles of DNA, that exert their effects in living their bearer, determining the characteristics. This way of living beings (gene carriers) apparently curious, expresses a revolutionary new vision of evolution The traditional theory of evolution seen in the middle of the living evolutionary process (plant or animal) subjected to the pressure of the environment that favored its most suitable genes favoring individuals "best" and "stronger "were the favorites.* The modern evolutionary theory instead, seen in the core of the individual genes that "struggle" for survival. This if nothing else helps us to have a shift in perspective, and reveals a new concept: be bearers of good genes does not mean having the genes that promote OUR quality, but only their greater probability of replication. In the final analysis are not the populations of civilization more powerful and strong to be favored in the fight evolution, but the poorest and the weakest (logically is intended economic and social force, not for personal or cultural values ) *The singular story of the birds begging for food. The weaker and more cries of the mother feeds, then all pretend to be weaker? If then crying attract birds of prey, which in turn eat the biggest ... how to best preserve the breed? . Good thinking ...—————————–Anthropology therefore, not as a global study of otherness (colonialism, ethnocentrism) but field research study ethnology local (serendipity) or better glocal. Draw a line to understand the otherness then that is the same line that identifies me the other. During the course of epistemilogia the professor urged the importance of applied anthropology; how to make contemporary? At this time in my country you're building a new church and to the side of it a Way of the Cross, that in a straight line (for better economy) reach the steep hill, where the cemetery is located. I'm allowed to mention to my pastor as in Ireland (famous town on a human scale) build the roads are not straight lines or following the logic of Euclidean , but following the route of donkeys ...……classic example of intercultural. I recommended, to do the same: to alternate space for parking, for rest, for the elderly, for the person not too clever, but especially for the meeting or simply to help those who often ..falls Although life can be compared to the Way of the Cross, beauty is not to arrive before it is to participate. In an increasingly globalized world it is essential to rediscover, the importance of the traditions,of local traditions and customs, without closing in on particular identity claims. Avoid any racism, anthropology itself states categorically that we are all the same breed. Einstein himself said that we all belong to the human race, but also states : It is easier to break an atom than a prejudice Reject the fear of confrontation. Trustingly open to the world, other, the stranger, in a relationship that becomes wealth, an opportunity to build a new citizenship based on cooperation and solidarity globalizzazone. Says Father Alex Zanotelli ... " I am the people I meet , the faces that I know, I contain the faces ... not to reduce us to digestive tracts of our society more and more opulent (only semblance of) we get to know better " The same Jaguar ( and who has never?) states : I am not so much the result of my genes but of my meetings Be men with roots (traditions) and the antennas (innovations) otherwise we are doomed to relive the same story, no more with your PC or with the digital word, but with that guttural locked up in cold and gloomy caverns, with the only consolation ..... play hide and seek with the big brother

Already living is a great miracle Mervyn Peake


We are destined to die , and it is a great fortune. The majority of people, is not going to die because it is not even intended to be born .

The sperm that fertilized the egg cell, and then gave me life, was one of the billions, the different possibilities of conception,Moreover most of the procreated is intended to end up in an early abortion without his mother noticing. As the saying Dawkins in his book "The Rainbow of Life " ..individuals who could be here in my place, but in fact never see the light of day, are much more numerous than the sands of Arabia ... undoubtedly among the larvae that had never come to the world there would be the greatest poets ofKeats and scientists such as Newton Despite these difficulties, adverse you who read me and I write.. we are here Even before the embryo began to exist, my parents had to know each other and they are also the result of the combination of sperm and egg cells; and the same for my 4 grandparents, and my 8 great-grandparents, and so on 83….My mother for example, before she married my father, was engaged to the person who then became my now ex-father in law84 .I was conceived qndo, (H1300 .. sigh !! During the break which as they say is already a whole programua)immediately after my father who worked in a sawmill in Brunico (Bz) while unloading a truck, was hit by several trunks. Remained for several months in coma, then, thanks to his temperament , was restored in the best way. My mother at the same time taken for the shock, told me that he had several losses and again threatened abortion. The eighth month (a very sensitive period for the unborn, say doctors) tired of being tossed about on my own I decided to come out ... My mother was frightened further, seeing that most newborn, neomorto .. magro brutto e senza talloni, inoltre incazzata Nera anche Perce element Anchor (il3 °) maschio, (then ,tornati nel frattempo a Bergamo, approderanno altre 2 finalmente .. femmine) Think about how thin the thread of historical events to which our existence hangs staggers the mind, but at the same time to discover the joy of daily living. Everyday life is an anesthetic with a sedative that hides the wonders of the feel-created thanks to.. poets by lot every now and then we shrug off this.. numbness —– 83-Desmond Morris in his book, my life with animals so begins the description of his biography ... it all began with Napoleon, if it was not for him I would not be here now writing these words ... because it was one of his cannon balls in the Spanish war that severed the arm to my great-grandfather, James Morris, admitted that small hospital, meeting his future wife.. thus altering the whole course of my family history Always Dawkins says that would be enough to say a sneeze is not Napoleon but of a medieval peasant perhaps with the bubonic plague to begin a series of cause-effect act on something

84-In the summer holidays instead of doing the "barbershops" helped the future father as an electrician in the pull cords. Your ex-wife had not yet nata.Ero a "privileged" in fact the other guys were going to move bricks in the hot furnace

Grown while attending primary school in the afternoon I worked as a "bocia "the barber85 the country and in the evening when I came home "tired”I was doing homework ... I liked to study, I often did just that.. you homework ... but those of my brother (this one came out well x + pampered) who attended 2 upper classes to my. "Intelligent"(?) or clever? Safe dishonest. It made me copy his research for hours, but he could make me happy to be cheated, promise all sorts of attention or gift. In truth did not take much to make me happy . Sometimes even now I shudder at the thought, in winter, when we could carve our play spaces, My brother bet with friends, that once split the ice of the river I entered completely naked to bathe immersing all. While the be liked ... I went to the bottom willingly because my brother then she hugged me warmly on the other hand having had several bags of figurines as the price of the show ... I think + generavo while antibodies We were a very poor family, but still dignified 86. Become bigger after I got married maturity working and studying in the evening. Taken as an auxiliary in the Hospital, at the age of 35 I qualified as a Professional Nurse born while the 2 and simultaneously the 3rd child87 Suffered separation and then divorce, to react to the excruciating pain, I thought I'd react law of retaliation for doing what they most wanted to study .. After the 4th attempt I finished without leaving your course,my last appeal (Spanish) 88 .while already in the 1st year invited to write a biography .. I wrote an errata .. In fact ..... .... if it was not for my Granny Angela …. — 85-Once a customer nell'insaponare I made him get a little bit of shaving foam in the mouth. Taken from the customer a loud and violent slap that made me tumbling to the ground . I ran to lock myself in the bathroom I had tears in my eyes not so much evil but because of the shame and the fear of sudden outburst of my 86-The holder needs as they say, sharpens the brain, I remember to this in spite of the fantasy of the Neapolitans, I invented an original occupation at kindergarten. On Saturday I went the other barber in the country, patiently waiting for my turn and when touched would leave him to another customer, il quale I dava una Mancía . Il barbiere presumo conoscendo le nostre difficoltà economiche, I lascivious ... by nemmeno particle suo cliente i Capelli me he tagliava ( o meglio dire strappava) I o Padre con the scodella with the "sfumatura" and the macchinetta a hand .. una true tortura

87-Gemelli omozigote

88-Un professore di Spagnolo pelato vedendomi in difficoltà nel coniugare i verbi più irregolari degli irregolari me disse ..del rest non glielo ha ordinate il dottore di iscriversi all'università something gli risposi themselves nemmeno a nascere povero couples.. I scuso if all'alba dei 50 anni cerco un Pocho a effimera Gloria .. as he told me that phrase came to my mind the slap to the barber. A colleague told me that this year their appeal was more severe because otherwise everyone chose at the expense of other courses. She then apologized for his colleague confiding that is unfortunately known and ...KaKa when the mounts ol scan or the bride or dan ago ..native speakers and multilingual as well. I told her it's a boy grow ...

Ninth Angela


The sustainable environment as the same medicine can not be separated from peace to this as a feedback back to the dedication at the beginning ... I'm talking about Big Issues89, claim peace in the world and then we do not even know how to do in our hearts, even with those who have lived with for so many years together-, and then you left. That's why the dedication, to make real peace . Nadia 90 my ex-husband gave me the 4 by far the most beautiful things in my life: the wedding day and the gift of Alexander Daniela and Giorgio . I have been very fortunate in having known. I cry as I write. I wish you and your partner so much happiness, you deserve. Of course Kulo my children in the world there are so many children without parents, they have even 3 who adore them I hope to find a anch'o paperina.. says Don G. Nicolini is hard to find in the evening in bed to stretch your arm look for a "support" and this will fall dead next. Just ramble. Peace, therefore, for a more sustainable environment. We live in an extraordinary era,exhilarating yet full of contradictions. We have tools of unprecedented power. We can turn our star in an Eden or otherwise reduce it to a pile of rubble and waste. We have discovered the springs of life : the we can use for the good of all mankind in respect of the moral law, or exploit them for petty and arrogant interests, through a science which accepts no limits or limini,trampling the sacred respect for all living things today like never before in the past,humanity is before a cross-away once the salvation, is all and only ....................

Nature has made men so equal and free that no one may presume to claim any benefit, that another can not claim If someone thinks he is free and unpunished so you can believe all the other . In this state of nature men, dotati each of an unlimited right of all things, live in a selfish asocial,a kind of Bellum omnium contra omnnes and not only in actual combat but worse in the same predisposition towards it In the "war" force and fraud become the cardinal virtues Every man is enemy to every man, feels therefore in constant danger, His life is solitary poor nasty brutish. Travel armed, closes the doors, does not trust in a state of nature, everything is precarious, there is no security, trust, cooperation, there is no production, they trade, it government, not even the respect of the property or of life in this situation every common good can be destroyed, if too many people exploited by unscrupulous , a field grazing for example if used by more farmers without leaving fallow, is a good destined to destroy. Or if every adult was using the car for circular would increase traffic and pollution, when in fact decrease the circulation and no one would benefit. The common good, well if it cracks to ensure peace .... we continue to arm themselves against an armed power it seems that the only solution is to contrast a weapon similar, each one thinks to protect threatened, threat but more and more it is threatened. A vicious circle, a vortex that leaves no other way out of the war Gremville the village idiot for shelter from the rain was put in the pond with ducks Gremville therefore beyond what an idiot is also a precursor,is the master of our strategists of our politicians of our brave defenders exorbitant expenses to get the coveted balance of terror. Only in this balance is the last chance to build peace?The total disarmament seems pure utopia?However, even renouncing nuclear weapons to the gun the gun the sword will continue to be enough stones to kill the next. You can kill with infinite systems more or less sophisticated but also kill you with my tongue, with hate, contempt and indifferenzaLa peace therefore is much more than the absence of war, is an achievement that requires a daily commitment to each Breakthrough moderate based on simplicity and not on the extreme ideological expression or maybe even totalitarian utopia or even religiose.Pura?..”If the choice that faces us as it seems to be is one of the co-existence and suicide, between utopia and the self annihilation of mankind, then it is not the most courageous, more worthy of the human race,and opt for the less dangerous utopia and groped to make it a reality?” (Isac Deutscer) legum omines servants sumus ut them free possimus —- 89-The author invites the reader to focus on the use of empirical materials, warns us against mainly on three attitudes poorly effective : the simplistic inductivism, the teoricismo, and eclecticism. The first assigns little importance to the theory and uses it only after the data collection. The second attitude is typical of the general theoretical that needs no data but only of libraries, to build a table that often is only replication mode theoretical existing. Finally, the eclecticism of the scholar is classic "eternally undecided" which identifies research topics always too broad and aims as understanding all aspects, putting together all the theories because the reality is complex, and there is always something to add to his research , and eventually give birth to a work of little relevance. Silverman says the secret is to do a lot with little ... tell a lot about a small problem..

90-Love is the oldest of the mountains.. knows no boundaries of space and time


The best of the best is not to win a hundred battles percent of, but defeat the enemy without fighting in every conflict maneuvers regular in confrontation, and those unpredictable to victory Who is prudent and wait with patience who is not, will be victorious. When you move, be as swift as the wind,

majestic as the forest, greedy as fire,

immovable as the mountain from the ... 36 ploys —–

I thank so many of my countrymen in particular former colleague Crocebella92 for the interview given to me .... Rossana Gesualdo… the new-found friend Ferdi I especially thank those professors also careless.. and others for lessons impostami, but above all for making me realize that nobody is perfect, the good as the finiteness does not even exist in our Distinguished University Aware of the limit,the finiteness:

if I knew because of my ignorance I would be a wise

Quarrel. The quarrel was typical of Don Jilani, it is a middle, between the dispute and the desire to meet93 more authentic, to understand each other and understand more. The word action claiming and voice to deboli.Penso that even my presence "unexpected" was reason to teach-back: a teaching of return,of learned and understood, of in-fabric together. Dis-cutere garbo.La but always with kindness costs nothing and opens many…The Dalai Lama doors should always be used compassion a mental attitude that desires happiness not only personal but collective. A non-violent behavior that is associated with the commitment to responsibility and respect towards others94 ,and the environment in which they live. —- 91-Giorgio Nardone and Ponte nelle thanks 2003 92-My paper was also an excuse to renew relationships a little rusty and creaky 93-As in sports I think is a sign of nobility and superiority of mind to give credit where credit opponent, without him there would be no game , then may the best win ... The important thing is to admit one's mistakes maybe made of pregiudizi.L 'important not to give rise to spurious ,and then justify vile abuse against 94-L'atteggiamento instead only brings discomfort and disease. Other generates envy hinder the continuing tension in the long run is directed against.

So thanks for making me understand the importance of different, not only genetically but also precisely opinions faith and skills. Some professors have left me hanging questions that I ask you now as a reflection ...:

Dear .....

The poem is a soul aphasia?

I lived until recently in a cave without TV, I know many secrets of the forest and nature, but do not always know the language of a particular culture should I consider for this patient Anomie?

The language of the “grammelot”or the same onomatopoeic : – is a disease – a form of conventional code among workers of fatigue – or even a sublime art form?

The artists are the highest form of innovation or otherwise Neologistica the apex of a disease parafrasia phonetic?

The phantom limb syndrome is a psychiatric or psychological ? You can define a bit like there are certain lessons * ... and there are no?

Thank you for your attention Regards In witness 34522 —-* its…. often absent

Hello my name is 34522 and I ask you kindly : 15/03/05

If all the escorts of Alexander the Great95 are then died with him, who told his virtuoso gesture?

You are likely vainglory also find great gesture at all costs?

The real virtuoso gesture should not even be told?

If so what is the value of the testimony and the sense of memory ?

At what degree of specialization should I join to aspire to become one of the 36 essays? Also know ... if my question is a stupid arrogant or indispensable?

Ricoeur kant Hegel Leibniz Barth great men,great thoughts of great words but if grace is a divine gift as you can, I do not say already understand, but even describe it with words and delimited miserable human96 …Finally, do you mean by ... a prison to "measure" of man,must provide some means of escape? With cordial greetings ——- 95It is said that the soldiers of Alexander were without water, in the desert joined the stay of their water bottles for a donation to their commander, who took it and poured it on the sand together to share their fate ... that was just for him, in trying to understand the human mind with all the divine dimension

96S Augustine intent to reflect on the mystery of creation, he noticed a boy walking on the beach with a shell that carried water from the sea in a hole dug in the beach. She asked him what he meant to do. He said to him,: I want to put all the water of the sea in buca.S Augustine said, it is impossible to. The child replied that it was just for him, in trying to understand the human mind with all the divine dimension ——


The value of the memory, more than the product is worth the process remains the firm remains the memory the memory of the good act. Leaving a trace.. a flower.. a forget me * —-* Comei flowers that I donated after I graduate to the less sympathetic
My paper was a real obstacle race against time and. In part just as well as if I were in EXODUS ( based internship Annex n ° 20 ) I cook the unleavened bread, ready to leave for other ports….At Riva…On a technicality almost risked not be added even to the ultimate test. Then some things magazines, including the title ... luckily everything has settled down in life we ​​must be able also to "tacit" compromise Unique concrete aid, received: the title which by the way seems to me to be out of tune. Luckily I was left with at least the subtitle ..the finitude that care as a reference as a compass .. The original title was ..... at this point I let him decide at your leisure always been able to read it as an academic (you say the sin not the sinner) told me the thesis I just leggiucchiata.. His only comment ... we can only hope that no one reads it …. for this purpose to divulge the "seemed" that someone was afraid some of my considerations (species internship) I simply scoreggina that troubles such magnificence ? Incredible absurd and ridiculous together. In truth I well I impart to use your elbows a little to make me a little space, here is one of the reasons of the interviews to famous characters. If I had waited I presented unexpected I think that only with my Ceser hardly be here to compose the final part now .. try to understand me. Go to the compromise but woe sell or .... let our guard down as demonstrated by the recent events between t-shirts 007 recordings and ad personam laws ... Let's get back to the pointMedicine and sustainable environment Greater hospital where I hope to return to work since after 15 years of service are pending in the Supreme Court Findings for the dismissal justified (Annex No. 13) There are two renowned doctors who I admire very much the Professor and Dr. Locatelli Molteni. One reaches the body often walk the other bike. In addition to specimens egregious professionals make practical health education. When you are in the car park as any mortal in due locations. Contrary to some auxiliary who park their cars on the sidewalks expensive and bulky cornering,recommended by the department next to the Emergency Room. Cluttering often also the passage of the same ambulances. When leaving the department (golden alcove) no do not you put the coat of one of the doctor and nurse but will "show", "pose" and "prance" ,Lean also giving consult with a lot of ...moral —– 97-Nurses at the Sports Medicine only for defending the right of a user elder who was tired to wait. Once you get the doctor visited his private arrived in advance of 3 h. Users elderly accompanied by his angry wife wanted to leave . My only guilt that he had asked the doctor to try to convince him to stay, and for that ... I got laid off

This is not to prestige to Our Renowned Hospital For a sustainable environment some smelly waste should be placed with the toxic waste at a critical sweet but stern as the poet whom I met at a Intervita for the thesis Hospitalized for a delicate operation has written a book about. Commending the work of the doctors but gracefully placing among the rhymes considerations writes Mrs. Milesi ... The crooks! You cover your shoulders and go steal the signing of consent while we lose knowledge already waiting for action already shod boots stuffed green beret and matching the hall operatorThe page 7 ... yet The scream in the hallway ..... a first name and surname missing pseudonym or nickname that would protect the privacy page 50 ...and sometimes I would add calling the patient by the name of the disease I say as poets rather say these things ... not for rip eradicate but to build plant Jeremiah A serious company we can see from our University particolari.Nella for example there are only a kindness Usher Lord that give added value and luster Ateneo A name on all the Lady Clara In truth has remained a Old Door but no text .. Zerbina with the powerful truce with the myths At the end of my course I gave her a cactus full of thorns (say it with flowers) while the professors have given little attention without a grudge ... do not forget me .. I admit I have a weakness for the meek why I like to be gentle with the simple and fierce so to speak with the bullies Always in our University there are two teachers Prof Alessandra Mignatti and Dr Claudia Roffeni, that give luster in all senses,beautiful intelligent and humble and simple a difficult ... but in their case harmonious blend With my paper I wanted to follow in the fact that all people have their particular importance, but certainly no one has absolute knowledge of the depositary. Indeed, often it is the most humble people you displace with their uplifting…simplicity I myself have been puzzled pleasantly, at a recent conference between the known Julius walker and our Dean Ceruti, quite a debate on the issue of the secular state and the book.. Of any church Usually our Dean concludes pointing always to passages from the Holy Scriptures. This time he finished talking about Black Elk how to release his people from their limited point of view from "own circle”, salt on the highest point of the town and right on the mountain with the best view of the horizon, shows a multiplicity of other mountains and therefore other ... circles .... elementary? to understand it .... Always Ceruti.affermava… all of us are born, because already received and we are welcomed ... housed in a mother's womb before, environmental (ground) and spiritual then. Only in balance and compliance with these Free receptions, we can build a sustainable environment. Today more than ever we need this dependency, not so much for material goods, but goods of relationship and communion. Concluded that even word success is relative , This is a state or a past participle ? I have come to an end and not even know if mine is a state or a success?I know for sure instead, now comes the fun part…In fact, I'll have to decide what to do when you grow ....A colleague asked me why you settle for so little, and does not continue with the specialization ? Knowing my limits for me this little 98 (concerning him well?) Already it's already so for me it was a feat to have achieved the feat if laureaAnche is the remembrance poetry. When I pass by S Augustine (based faculty) now will never be the same,its stones already accustomed speak to me..a real therapy for the soul(Annex No. 15) Says Professor Fornasa99 You have to ... explode the myth that the adult who occasionally emptied tranare child and play with enthusiasm perhaps with his children to be regarded as a pathological form of infantile regression ... adds ... sometimes in life you have as well go back "to reverse" .. non why one does not know.. drive

Myricae 100 I thought that quote Fanciullino Pascoli was an indication of immaturity Align the poem with the discovery of the deeper essence of things, by the perception of voices in the smaller elements of the cosmos, herbs,flowers, animals,but especially of children and their children . The child is the one that populates the shadow of ghosts and the sky of the, who talks to the animals,the trees, the stones, the clouds, to the stars, but especially to the own heart .. —– 98Doctor says Morazzini affected by multiple sclerosis .. life is beautiful , Unfortunately, we often take for granted some of the values, that only when we are aware of their lack of importance ... . I heard a commentator at the Paralympics, Special Envoy to say ... these people other than disabled ARE extraordinarily adept at know how to make better use of their potential ... even this is relative specimens? Logic are always avoid extremes like those people who are after a delicate performance that did not previously have never even dreamed of doing , and, unfortunately, often not for pleasure but just to show others that their still be …valid ?? ..Call the rhetoric and the double hypocrisy ..... we are all important ...... nobody is indispensable ...... even the disabled also x 'Too much culture of disability is making your mind copro

99How much does a kg of affection? A pound of relationship 1kg of learning?Sometimes it is the teachers to be educated as when they impose .. children do the time of the emotions (?) Or (double bond) be spontaneous order .. 100Myricae in Latin means tamarisk, plants humble that grow to the level of the ground and that no one considers. They are the symbol of poetry that Pascoli compose your humble, a poem made of small things seen with the wonder of the child. Pascoli's poetry is extremely simple and reduced to a single subject, verb and complement, but still managed to create a suite of visual and auditory suggestions. ——- In the same book of Perticari page 87 reads ..stones breathe. .I believe that the stones respiano. Not risuccimo to perceive with our short livesSioux Chief Frank ... So what's the harm if now the complex of S. Augustine speaks to me? Other than innocent naive little boy here is mas ... Ex S Augustine Cathedral still contains all the energy of the cosmos and the Freemason101 who conceived If you rest them on his hand over a stone said to me then listen to the Cesar. When I put my hand on a sculptural work, seems to me to feel the sweat of those who built with such care and finiteness .. as an educator ... m'impongo caution in judgments sometimes ......The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone I was surprised and happy to see that in an exhibition called by the architects of Bergamo The soul of the city, entry into the first floor there was a huge poster that says a poem. We are also in their hands for a sustainable environment.. reclaim our cities. dear kind Architects Give us back ..... our spaces ....... to retrieve relationships and with them the ..... our bodies (Annex No. 4) The poem was entitled a very red top It is as if the music had traveled ancient gardens full of surprises and fascinated I had taken away : noises that inhabit them. Since oxen memory resurface thoughts, sounds,odors,vague images, become fireflies in the tall grass. Recognize individual expressions that time has grown and now took on increasing significance and poetry. It seems to be in a forest, with his head under water, the music emerge in places, as if it were a primitive musical instrument child I see myself press on a very red top ... wait for the appearance of beautiful .. image. Beautiful life is like ..I laugh to think that I'm here to write the thesis and talking about poetry,while only a short time ago I worked in a pig and then move on to the gardener and then again waiter (how many stories are heard between the tables) nelle'attesa to return to my true lavoro.Io I tried to put a little bit of poetry even in the pig masturbate When the real (taller than me) leapfrog over a poor iron . I was looking for to make sure that my hand would seem the potato . then collected the seed iniettavamo with the pears into the vagina of those poor sows in heat that spend their entire life in 1 square meter and we eat their meat.. What has this to do with the thesis? Even that is not sustainable is modified as the gratuitous violence of certain operators to these tortured animals —— 101The building started in the ground for the world's Cathedral at the bottom corresponds with the top one ..... The Cathedral makes the perceptible Universe, because it is organized according to the Word, and not according to some rationalism. It is not an administrative building, but a living body of “stones that speak”Masters .... I learned right from’ beginning of the laws of harmony. Through the initiation ... load into an inner state necessary to understand these harmonic values. Following the craft learned over the years allowed to manifest in stone, their spiritual path through which veiled symbols, but not hide, the way forward ..... The Cathedrals are the compasses, of the landmarks in the forest of symbols, that clearly speak only to those who failed to topple his way of reasoning and thinking ..... The Cathedral, in his sculptures and its geometry, actually contains the’ alphabet necessary to decipher the sacred book that embodies. Open book, because it offered the vision of all, closed book but if our thoughts and our lives are not in harmony with the message that it sends. Just as in the temples of the Pharaohs, in fact the Gothic Cathedral is a center of energy. Catalyzes the cosmic energy redistributing. It becomes perceptible through the creation on earth, peche there is no difference between the spiritual energy and other energies, those that produce the light, do trees grow, animate the water. This is the main function. The Cathedral ... reflects the harmony of the cosmos where everything is done according to number, Weight and Measure from the Great Architect ..... It is built according to the Divine Proportion mathematics, second ... The rosettes, unparalleled masterpieces of glass art, teach two essential movements of thought : go from the periphery to the center and vice versa. Their immobility is only apparent, in reality they are always in motion in accordance with the eternal cycles of the cosmos ... They are not only the symbol of the wheel, but also of the mystic rose representing the shares ..... There is a maximum of operative masons of the time: ” a point that lies in a circle that is found in a square and a triangle; if you find the point you will be saved, out of the penis, distress and danger.

—– As already mentioned, for my thesis I interviewed a famous poet Milesi Elena who wrote a book about her being terminally ill patient. Elderly but young at the same time, wise and unconscious together so well in describing the wounds of our ill health Beautiful comforting to understand that you are not alone in believing in the POETRY as a true balm for every ill and tribulation Elena told me that as a young man has experienced a bereavement. Indomitable also at the idea of ​​his lack,she started to write to fill the gap left. We unsuspecting readers culliamo us and we revel in his rhymes for so much nectar free. Writes the Riva with a gap of almost epistemologist was not talking about her . Jealous of his cross the Pain is only of those who suffer"Pag 68 gently on tiptoe, but at the same time with the boarding determination of the fate ... with the bandana abuts the seas of pirates boarding gale of fate the 62 He says I'm here. I feel much better ..You know I still had many things to say to do ..... And this dawn of its several springs An example for all. I can not present here the full intersita would not be enough merely an encyclopedia thesis .. Elena is said to be honored to have known me and I think the pig M'illumino of immense tells me The secret is knowing how to cheat a little,remove from the mind,the reason is not the meaning of certain dolenze.. then be able to praise the Magnificat maybe staff for the gift of one more day ... He has shown strength with his arm.. he has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart .. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and exalted the lowly .. .. He has filled the hungry with good .. has sent the rich away empty ... defeated cancer the 74 ..and on that boat trip on the lake in the sky seemed not only more so heavenly heavenly ..... a crock of gold hit the dew of August, resting lightly on my eyelashes Fake or Convinced Elena tells me that maybe ... The deeper you dig the pain , more joy you can contain Gibran Verses that vibrate and ... raise react to any finite . Poetry is not a feeling but a state , is not a figure but a being Thanks Elena for the cure for this I answer in kind ... Do not you remember the days, remember the moments Cesare Pavese

In every important event of our life there is always a witness , I would suggest also for graduation. My witness is my son Alexander that was a little red wire conductor of my thesis

Alessandro sitting on his wheelchair from birth,despite the separation ,with his words just stuttered, has been able to mend every tear with serenity and patience. He joined if everything and everyone, bestowing pearls of wisdom, warning example for all those lame authorities, indifferent to the real blind, and for all those people really do not know why impaired love, forgive and under ... under, maybe .... let alone live with ... Other than university teaching of Alexander is absolutely ... the best lesson Every now and Alessandro sleeps with me at night and hearing him sore gently wake him up and ask him What hurts Ale I answered ol pè Him ... then massage a little .. then he tells me ..oao.. with a tone as if to say do not worry you sleep well now No medication can relieve her ordeal, which intervention can restore his or her being battered pè? Yet he takes up his cross102 without making it weigh other What mood which rhyme can dispute its pure and purifying pain?

Even poetry… the Muse bows

102 It is hoped stem cells. I am convinced that tomorrow will bloom in spring folgie limbs as well but this will not be eternal life or finiteness Already we are arrogant now, imagine if we had eternal. Bullies we would fight each other but also with the wars never die ... but then it is worth fighting ? Is not it better fights-care says Don Milani or better to play .. ask my son Alexander the two of us we are strong but we are not eternal one day die. You tifavi from AC Milan as well not even have known that Rivera, now you have become Juventus , when we are in heaven, and will run for ipratia play football, however, you're on my team ? He looks at me laughs and says, Steep .... ...



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