1. 34^ Stage : Chekhov- Moscow (Xinsky)


2. Map construction


3. Shortly after meeting Chekhov villages with features wooden houses


4. The road cuts through the village in the mid-, a path that links the houses opposite were the inevitable channel + o – largo


5. ..like to imagine it icy.. maybe path by local people, complete with skates


6Here ... they tell me that the winter is very cold and snows a lot ... in the meantime x this becomes the supply of wood


7. the roofs are well insulated and steep slope, there are plenty of dormers, which are sometimes used as a way out of too much snow piled x


8. the windows have double glazing and are subject to special decorations


9. I reach Podolsk , a city that looks like a single, continuous open site. Here a bus cuts me incredibly the road


10.Only x x skill or luck,nn can be invested. Shortly after I reach the bus(incodato)I look into your eyes and the driver .. ke shame


11…if only I had known that near the Red Cross .. even if it is a mystery to understand how he can move such a vehicle


12. Meanwhile, the traffic becomes more dense ... I respect but do not fear because of Tir tangential


13. On the outskirts of Moscow calls me a cricket.. listen to him or her by Pinocchio ?


14. I grant him a ride ... with what I cherish most of my trip


15Appears so ... another nice bug


16The traffic is really hard and messy,There are also several incidents cantieri.Ho seen in Moscow(10/15)ke throughout my journey..


17.One lady even sotto1camion was stuck and could not get out .. but nn tuttok,I could only communicate with gestures to pull the keys


18In flashes .... if you could "breathe" the focus would still be at most, x the danger of buses that cut the gear and ..


19Absurd ... and risky manholes ... wider than the tire


20. After a 30 ^ miles from the busy suburbs definitely point to ... "Center" ...


21. In climbing a flyover, I meet a kind and sympathetic operator ecological cleaning the stairs


22I take this opportunity to clean ... x ( did not do it for several days) my magic utilitarian ... Rocinante


23. Bridge over the Moskva River.


24.Photos of the rite with all my shirts(that are always the ones that accompany me for years)


25. the jerseys are ... the Bikers Petosino Pol.Sorisolese cilciMaffioletti and cicliNoris


26. From the Moskva anywhere you look is all a wonder ... South


27. Is


28. North ... but this should not deceive ... sorry arrogance, but I venture to say that..


29. Taken from the area of ​​the Kremlin ... Moscow is a great city too bad malcostruita suffocates.. the same chaotic traffic testifies


30. I'm sorry but unfortunately my impression is shared by several people of the rest .. it is true that ....


31..with 15 million inhabitants(2005)is the 1st European cities x population,seguita of Istanbul, and the residence of approximately 1/15 of Russian citizens.


32..Moca is also so great occupies an area of 878,7 square kilometers .. it's ridiculous to judge in a few hours to visit


33. should not be forgotten that I am a simple traveler and not a tourist xcià ² x are ignorant on the subject to give credit to such a judgment


34. Souvenir photo with the shirt cycles Noris


35. Souvenir photo with the shirt cycles Maffioletti


36. More speech is given by cremino.. true heart of the city


37. Really beautiful ... wonderful ... trust me enough to move me without any rhetoric


38. So ... that smile ... x hide the excitement of being able to trample


39. Even x'nel day of my visit could enter only a limited number of people.. ..had "the Garancia"


40..a kind of special permission or recommendation .. I presented the paper to preface my Polisp.del headed by the Oratorio = Petosino


41..and I were thrown open the doors.. but not happy rilanciavo ...


42.. x get well with my bike-ronziate .. although in reality only supported facevco x = get at least part of the intent and that is to enter


43. This letter of my trip was a great idea, and obtained a good result even in the customs border


44.The square got its name in the 17th sec.dall 'adjective”Krasnaya”ke significa=bello, while nowadays almost only means Red


45. Strong attraction is the tomb of Lenin


46. Next to the mausoleum are buried the last Russian rulers and among themselves.. in gratitude the writer Chekhov


47. other beautiful buildings surround the Red Square which shares some different towers with the Kremlin


48. in particular: the Spasskaja built in the 15th century. by an architect italiano.Sulla tip,is placed a red star,in memory of the Soviet era


49. Just across from the Spasskaya Tower,is located on the famous St. Basil's Cathedral also known as the Cathedral (Pokrovki, intercession)


50. this architecture was built by Ivan the Terrible 3rd, from 1551 to the 1561


51. Faticanti


52. Particolare


54. The red brick building is located on a floor of white stone, it is composed of 9 chapels, referred 8 surrounding the Central


55. Inside you can visit precious works of art


56. From its balconies you can admire the city .. even see the Palace of DUMA


57. ..??? Wisps ?????


58. is not entirely true are the beautiful Red Square


59. Petosino Kremlin whole bike amazing .. does not seem real


60 ..I'm afraid to wake up.. x 'seems to me a dream


61. indeed it seems to me a fable


62Me back to reality ... the threatening weather and traffic that I have to deal with again


63 x luck at times I walk a path that runs to the sides of the walls of the Kremlin, which means “kreml'” namely “fortress”.


64. Inside the walls you can see the domes of the Cathedral of the Assumption, and the domes of the Annunciation of the Archangel.


65. The walls were built in 12sec and erected in the 15th sec.sono long almost 3 km and within them there are the seats of political power


66. Attention ... at this very moment passes the President


67Entrance of the Kremlin ...


68. Nice all agree ... but I was this morning that I can not find a bathroom .. x nn pisciata.X make a break, I stop at this Courtyard


69.Outside, the traffic ... I understand what it means to true happiness ... sometimes it can be simple to break free of the primary needs and physiological


70. Monument a Tolstoy


71. As strange artifice to see the art of painting hanging in the corners of the streets


72. Or transported without the frills


73Among the multitude of ... ... mere mortals..


74..x k and relate to one another are forced to make the moles in the subways .. X does not disturb the primary architect of the city traffic =


75I see ... a little gap and Park (university campus?) I decided to go x write some postcards but ... read more.. over 76 ..


76. The cicalata


77. Finally dopo 10 km of traffic near the stadium of Locomotiv Moscka find another lane reserved for bikes only


78. I confess ... I am a little tired ...


79. I leave the center and with it yet another thundering of the Moskva River on ogniponte characters .. + or - famous will dictate the orientation


80. On the outskirts traffic is still + fast and dangerous .. yet even though I was so "fragile" I did not create them any kind of inconvenience


81.40km from the center point me to a shopping center near a hotel. Unable to find accommodation in Moscow x 'full or too expensive


82..sono Kinsky. These new high rises in fact now replace the wooden houses photographed in the 1st part will be better ...???


83.X is not over me.. other 3 km along the x fields come at a resort hotel xi pilots airport


84. The guy at the recption was sorry and adamant there is no place for me .. send any isms in Italy to the lady of the Russian


85.Nn I can call x 'nn I credito.X Luckily the lady I risponde.Cerco Fale translate ke are willing to sleep well in the underground


86..or tends bar near the pond.. after a long wait in the meantime, do the shopping to the market town other 3+3 Danno km mi l'ok


87. I do the laundry,but now the sun does not heat up more, I dry them with the hair dryer ... I admire the sunset and I say that .... day boys


88.The days are getting longer(the sun rises and sets alle4 alle22)but also decidedly cool and xcià ² nn I can start early in the morning.




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