3Chapter ° = EMPATHY

"Draw a line and you will create a world". Spencer Brawn

For Habermas is not possible I without the other and the same self-consciousness can not exist without a social soil, indeed probably is brewed right from it . The stranger is not only a mirror (i-narcissus) or a means to fill the voids (I-economic) Respect differences and transform into a creative tensions that arise in other words it is not being for others but being with Others. The model incorporates the hermeneutic theory says Brawn and mizzen line that delineates the first space, is the outdoor spaces that depend on this wall .... What constitutes me separates me from the other…. the other is not the same as me and he can not be because it would deprive us of our identity The ego is deposed without being canceled. The person is here determined by the reciprocal relationship. As the Buddhist philosophy does not know a self-, but only the conditional mutual dependence of each essere.Ogni work has an effect and every effect produces a new work, a continuous Karma. In this network of multiple influences human beings live that this is not an isolated monad . How do you structure then the addiction or freedom ? 41 Also on Buddhism with the praticcasammmudpada, invites you to respect and follow its doctrine of origin influenced by every being and the mutual dependence of all beings a little 'how to throw "bridges" and not foundation (dogmas)between the different religions The rigidity of the scheme of Brawn was then replaced with a description lighter, that of the cell of the human body. With permeable walls that provide a balance and make possible an exchange process physiological need for the maintenance of life and bodies. A homeostatic model that today is also used in cybernetics as principles or adjustment. —- 41We need the freedom Popper wrote meditating on the paradoxes of democracy ............... "to prevent the state from abusing his power, and we need the state to prevent the abuse of freedom ...... and that is, as Kant says ...The inevitable limitation of freedom…. necessary consequence of human coexistence "Supreme law of the omens may be free" As the school's Strutturalfunzionalismo that sees society as an organism (and vice versa) the whole is the most important part of the . Bateson direbbe .... the whole is not just the sum of its parts ....

Love can not remain closed in on itself, searching for the other, next, the stranger. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: so here Epiphany in the face of the, with a capital as Levinas says: God can not be represented in a picture: is black or white? God has to be represented only with our hands in our arms our .... There faces the election, the exclusivity, as the rest, not everything is identical, not at all worth lying modo.Le images bind us, determine our life have the power to affect us and keep us a free look. To do this:, you identify with the other, but without losing its identity. God meets his object, but creates it ... that's why only those who can transform himself riamane. The ecumenical encounter with other religions, culture, and with the same foreign, reinforces this experience, that you track, memory ..... action. The interpretation serves as a estrangement between me and the stranger, as a symbiotic exchange between the cells. The coexistence becomes a community festival. The party is a protest against the resignation. For the life expands for those who live, the boundaries become permeable, here is that the space of common experience widens. Anthropology to one dimension does not exist, the party breaks the routine with the introduction of a totally different truth ...... the change. "We are all here for rent" my grandmother told me Angela .... perhaps because of it we are all a little foreign ........ ?
A model of the meeting thus a homeostatic model, the identity of lives boundaries In this chapter I interview a Bolivian lady who speaks to me more than medicine ... . The same Capesinos then miners, distinguish the internal space into a woman (fecondo earth body Minis ) with outer space in male (manly mountain building community ) With the arrival of the conquistadors (?) There was the use and abuse of the earth, the campesinos forced to become miners, to exist fatigue el bolus of chewed coca The same earth (Pachamama) however, claims of injuries received, miners chewing el bolus end up having children with serious genetic defects. Creatures that are then disowned considered a divine punishment, children of the community ... shame shamethe earth has eaten Too bad a wonderful wonderful land where time and space apparently remains on a human scale, but then the same interview with Bertha tells me that ... perfection is not of this world seems perfect for David instead, the past world, time once, of our old, our traditions, our roots (ok but remember that we are not plants) In this chapter for the interview other medicine .. David my villager, that follows the medicine hygienist. A "Philosophy of life"Its very special, all devoted and full of faith and religious beliefs rather than health consciousness in a broad sense. Values ​​and principles that partly share, but in stark contrast to the same declarations made of the same "people of a time"I also interviewed hunger was hunger and poverty brought you to force things to be too badPrecise once again that I do not deploy it anywhere, I just only to report already aware that in transcribing, I do not say "tradition" but a simple translation, I may well mislead the sense not only of a speech, but the very meaning of a simple word in that particular context. I apologize right now if this were to happen, I invite the reader always smart to use his head ... ——

(…) it takes a village, if only for the taste to go away. A country does not mean being alone, know that in people, in plants, in the land there is something you, that even when you're still waiting for. But it is not easy to be quiet. Possible that at forty, and with the whole world that I've seen, does not yet know what my country? Cesare Pavese The:”La luna e i falò


Folk medicine has always placed in a dimension “other” with respect to scientific medicine (or cultured). Scientific medicine has always tried to give rational explanation to every disorder of the body and mind, by linking it to certain endogenous causes to the environment where we live, and treating diseases with specific drugs mostly derived from chemical. Even deriving much from it, folk wisdom it was something very different, uniting traditions religion and magic .... 1.1 NATURAL MEDICINE The concept of Hygienism Natural Hygiene is more a way of life that a therapeutic system. It takes care of the sick with the same factors that keep you healthy : sole aria acqua pura, heat healthy food, exercise and rest well balanced between their, cleaning and joy of living. The acute disease is not treated as an enemy but an extreme means that nature puts in place to eliminate excess toxins in the body. Toxemia is the real cause of disease, who care about detoxifying the body and not administering drugs, ie other poisons .... but the fasting as detoxifying therapy 1.2 INTERVIEW DAVID To balance my paper I wanted to include a vision of health on the part of those who believe practitioner. That's why I interviewed my countryman David for years with his large family to, Ben nove figli, practice natural medicine, but especially as he is keen to stress. before hygienist am the son of God, and in his teachings discovered the secret to living a healthy life ... Due to space I try to summarize the interview directly without following, (and then having to transcribe faithfully) the grid of question / answer. I want to clarify that I undertake in reporting,as closely as possible,his version without, enter judgment about, because as well as dishonest, would be just the opposite of my true intent .. that is to give an overview on the concept of health Precise Another well, as the reader will have the opportunity to personally experience, that David himself plays in a very personal way "natural medicine", but then this is quite "natural" since no one is free from the constraints, from their beliefs and tradition and culture in which it is inserted

Davidde tells meAbout ten years ago I had a bunch of overweight ailments I was sad and listless. Tired of suffering from this stupor, I turned to several doctors, beginning with no real results, until I met the medical hygienist. I can say that by practicing natural medicine I opened up a new world and that I, Ferdi my wife and our 9 children,since then, and that for years now, we have always been in good health

I compliment and at the same time invite David to say these things in a low voice, non to the mai. It is always best not to be too safe when it comes to a subject as delicate and precarious as that of health. As David says in response : …on the contrary you have to go and shout it to the rooftops 4 winds.. mine is not arrogance ... it's not my bag of flour ... but the free gift of the Lord ... Continue David... Before talking about natural medicine can not help but mention the disease. The disease for the hygienist, for naturotopa is a gift not to be condemned or demonize, on the contrary it is a strategy that our "inner doctor" implements to help the body to react. The disease is not a symptom of an acute illness, but an expression of a chronic condition that has developed over time Example sputum, catarrh formed in the days before, is finally, finally thrown out. In each infection colitis.. vaginitis.. in each .. ite this happens Who created us has done wonderful things. Whenever something goes wrong and there is a sickness, billion people living in our bodies are organized for this to be eradicated. They worked for the life of even the most sophisticated computers can be compared to our body . There is more life in a cm2 of intestine, that living beings on earth. Our intestine is approximately 10 meters, you can well imagine how many living beings "live" our body. When we take an antibiotic is like throwing an atomic bomb. To eradicate one type of Bettero, destroy flora friend; a bit 'as when to fight the enemy in war bombard the city and with it the civilized people. Instead of Anti-bio(life)tical Should instead take the ... Pro-bio(life)tical, as for example the various enzymes that are found in foods La malattia dunque è qualcosa of is a wonderful gift. Thanks to the disease, I discovered life. Due to illness I discovered the health,even before I realized that I live. Before I choked every ailment, every ill, with the various methods that offered the allopathic medicine,classical medicine. I used suppositories, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, treating the symptom but do not remove the cause which ultimately was in a wrong lifestyle, Power excessive behavior etc.. Forgetting to be a three-dimensional creature : mind body spirit. A strong spirit helps to address more vigorously the unexpected mind with positive thinking causes you to be a proactive body awareness improves its knowledge and replica of his faculties. Like knowing the properties of saliva, as the first factor digestive42 , or the importance of fasting to relieve bowel. We learn from the animals so when we are sick we do fasting to rest in the intestine Intestine = head-. Even famous scholars of various disciplines, emphasize and make correlation between gut and head. The importance of our belly ,somatizziamo with which not only the food, but also emotions . Awareness of the natural laws made by our creator, in parallel and follow the divine laws In our DNA is the 'imprinting of God . Natural law means respecting the cycles of the seasons of the sun the moon sleep ....

The sun is fundamental,for example, one may feed of football but if there is no sun that secures it in our bones we would all be stunted.. Here comes the importance of the outdoors. The sun as an energy charge too now live indoors and then we get sick just a different virus is in the air. Several children for this already suffer from allergies ... My being a believer helped me a lot in preserving the health. In the Bible has already been written all over it,them we can find any solution ... God wrote the Bible.. I stand corrected, and I say to David .. the man is not God who wrote it, arises an interesting debate but goes beyond the topic of the interview . David continues ... All we care about the health . The first thing people ask you how you are in health, However, even if a few Christians rely on the word of god,while both rely blindly on that of doctors Should you have a disease such as appendicitis logical I would go to the hospital to get treatment, but otherwise I prefer to follow the teaching of the Bible and of the nature and ours.. Many fathers say they are being treated by this or that luminary. For the love of God, good people but I prefer to trust in the hands of God. For me the Word of God is like a guide. In Sirach for example often cited the health issue ... ...There is no wealth better than health of body.. cap38ver15 who sins against his own creator fall into the hands of the doctor.. cap30ver26 Jealousy and anger shorten the days .. the concern anticipates old age Before talking about learning, taken care of before you get sick ..(lifestyles) cap31ver24 Sleep with a stomach healthy well adjusted his spirit is free. Labor of insomnia colic and vomiting accompany man gluttonous. Have you been forced to exceed in food? Get up and go to vomit and you will be relieved. cap31ver27 In all actions, be moderate and no disease will take ...are words that should not be so clear even explained yet in spite of them are free,available to everyone, are not considered. The same gospel brings healing often caused not so much Jesus but on the faith.

In truth, David here speaks title and personal conviction. The practice of natural medicine as much importance to the spiritual factor, but by no means is in favor of or against a particular religion. Indeed, as we read in the article below one of the most well-known hygienists dot.Vetrano claims even a scientific value of this practice43 David continues It is not ... the doctor with pill you yelps. We can not just go to the specialist . We are the three dimensions naturotopa asks him about his work with the family if you have conflict ? The man of the Christian faith, is the man in the hope of faith even in the face of suffering and pain from one meaning. If Jesus gives you the cross also gives you the strength to carry. If you know there is a God who loves you accepted before you feel any of our social role profession we need to know and do not forget that we are children of God With faith we see things in another dimension and live better even though other things . In this life we ​​do not bring nothing good to leave a better life true happiness is to love the other one's neighbor as thyself summary of all the commandments The gift of faith must be cultivated day by day with the Word of God, with preghiera, a little 'how to put a brace so it will grow to be protected and not usurped . With this philosophy (?) ma was not stink? in the face of suffering the unexpected diseases heal before you. Also on Sirach says cap38 …the Lord hath created medicines from the earth and sensible man will not despise them .... Not from the laboratory to the pharmacy from the earth but many products as they are known have healing properties : chicory cabbage onion etc. ... that used by our forefathers who had no money were cured with natural products. Once everything was all better because it was more natural (?) Today there are nursing homes for the rich who are rediscovering these cures : heliotherapy mud therapies affiiritutr fienoterapia ,while we have them on hand for free in the open air, the sun precise once again not to be taken only the month in August but maybe at 50 ° throughout the year. Child not avvilirti in the disease but pray to the Lord and He will heal Many say that healed me this or that ... but the truth is always the Lord who heals no leaf falls without God forbid this explains some healings at Lourdes miracles happen "almost" (?) everyday If God was good and right should be at work all the time but with what priority ? God can not be unjust or capricious to choose who to save or punish those who believe that a god How good and generous acting on choices and exclusions perhaps through friars bleeding Create an immense cosmos and then works through a plaster Madonna crying blood ... maybe male and.. because to kill children to save and miracolare old ... and then what is the cause of healing, atheists or believers of other religions? It seems to me more a doctrine born .. its between me and David, but another interesting debate.. goes .... "beyond"

David continues ... Lifestyles incorrect lead to discomfort. Example not being able to forgive. Generates grudges that make the bad blood and ,sick. Or as I said before do not know taste of what nature offers free Chestnuts have saved generations, and the Lord gives you the free is just to collect Many say they do not hurt the digest,necessarily eat them at the end of a complete lunch. when the chestnut in itself is a complete food that ranges from just not forget that we are what we eat or better We are what we digest If those who do not eat well 90 passes into the water is best to eat 50 Eat with moderation but make energy when you are hungry you with serenity tract nutrient drink in time and measure A nice meal is a source of joy, if you overdo it alters the character of wisdom in what you do The fear of god ( not in the sense of fear, but of reverence ) and the teaching of my parents give me wisdom today is Important to educate educere bring out even from our children these values ​​Today, children are already overweight bombarded by television and advertising, no longer know how to appreciate what nature has to offer in their environment every season. For example, now that it is winter we have the orange fruits that have within itself the accumulated solar energy throughout the year. To treat bronchitis is the cabbage, that seemed exactly like the alveoli, while the interior is made of walnut as the two hemispheres of the brain is indicated for the memory of man is god who serves, also doctors, but often the simple and humble people ... like the monks who in their wisdom have been able to preserve and pass on to future generations all their knowledge ... but the man today with his science and his lab destroyed the millennia of folk wisdom made ?The naturotopa has inherited a little knowledge of these monks . Then you know David concludes Perfection is not of this world knows me say : you creperet you too ... even if you mangiet my ol panetù Sure creperò too.. maybe even before, but in the meantime as well as not to be a burden to the healthcare system…I do not spend money on medicine.. is already a grace. ..then if you're too well what more do you want??? ——

42 The famously true, for example, is always preceded dall'aquilina in the mouth . THE desire, the joy, and serenity resign at the table 43Too many experiments so-called "scientific" prove false because it is money that dictates the answer; often the scientist, claiming to profess the religion of truth, terrified of losing their jobs and its gain, manipulates the conditions of the experiment until the required responses are not guaranteed. This is not science, but deception of the public. And 'because of the inability to understand that things animate heal themselves, that people will wonder when it is treated and cured without medicine, accustomed as it is to go from doctor to doctor, continuing to feel bad. Yet he continues to repeat that this is not "scientific", as "scientific" is only what is done by a doctor. But the mere fact that all improve, even when they do not heal completely, by means hygienist, does not mean that this is a science? (Dr. In. Vetrano)

The filoteologia of David a mixture is a slightly DIY,which leads us to reflect, even if the medicine is different hygienist,I conclude by returning the common concept and most valuable 1..3 CONCEPT OF FASTING. Fasting hygienist is a physiological rest , therefore is not a test, or a penance, but a measure of cleaning that is necessary to know (Magnano The secret of Igea p. 15) Fasting is not only therapy for patients (as often appears in medical texts) on the contrary it is above all a practice for healthy, who want to defend their health . A practice to consider not only limited to the body, but a total experience that involves physical health,mental spiritual is important to know how to distinguish the true to the false hunger, often reneged for just out of habit or for emotional eating physicist is based on two activities in constant balance anabolism (building) and catabolism ( destruction of organic matter that produces radioactive = ) together form the catabolism . Every living organism becomes food, with digestion, assimilation and finally eliminates waste energy required for the digestion and assimilation of food is very high, it happens so often that the body is unable to eliminate all the waste, that accumulate producing toxemia. The body with fasting engages a purifying activity, thanks autolysis feeds on the stored reserves, as glycogen in the liver, proteins in the blood, fats etc.. Autolysis is a process driven by a marvelous intelligence somatic, In fact, the compounds are lost in the inverse ratio of their utility, the nerve centers are not affected, while abnormal tissues such as tumors, cisti, abscesses, cellulite,edema, thrombi are disintegrated primi.Il regenerate your body and fasting, and frees the person from dependence on drugs tobacco alcohol drugs , improves mental clarity, serenity, and helps the spiritual progress Fasting should not be forgotten is also an initiatory experience, iNo part are still unknown forces that sets in motion, with unpredictable effects, mysterious plans of being to which it leads. And 'this is his limit and charm Fasting in history It seems that in Japan he used to fast in front of the house of the enemy, In order to humiliate the monaco philosopher Bacon fasting delaying old age. Several healers attribute much of their powers to fasting. Ghandi with non-violence used fasting as a "unique weapon" to defeat the British colonialist regime Learning to fast food not only taste but also hearing(rediscover the value of silence) picture (-TV) sense of smell (scent of flowers) touch (like a caress) I think positive : Fasting strengthens the will to determine,but also the awareness of how is ... a good piece of bread …ma pure che …does not live by bread alone
2. A MEDICINE ... BEYOND.. Inter Vista Bertha Lady BOLIVIANA . 18- February – 06 

1-Dear Bertha Bolivia can be defined as the Tibet of the Americas? The conformation of the territory : immense plateaus,zone deserte, landlocked, ed subsection incident has, deal about your culture? For this reason it is also the country that best preserves the traditional culture?

2-What are the current values ​​and beliefs most deeply rooted?

3-Your country is the exaltation of color. The sky is a cobalt and it seems that dazzles one with the many lakes, which reflect the vegetation Barren which then returns to the sky. The color makes an impression even when it is present alone, the thin air, shortness of breath then advises, that you can only be a spectator fallacious. Come kidnapped by the syndrome of Stendal like in front of an immeasurable work of art ... I exaggerate?

4-Every place becomes an important input, it is itself the country and represents it in its entirety. The color, il village, the mountain, the food, animals and the lakes, find them everywhere mixed together. There are no boundaries precisely because there is no well-defined center. And’ a place where you can get lost because there are no riferimenti.Questo gives you joy, but confuses you almost to be kidnapped The hardest thing about all this is how to translate that into images, or in words ?

5- The population seems to absorb it all calmly respecting the natural cycle of the day. Do not run, but works hard, knows how to wait and this involves you, how can resisterne the charm, in the hectic days of our cities ?

6-Be “forced” to slow down your pace and forget the innate ethnocentrism ? Already this is therapy ..?

7-The food is the extension of the earth, the food is the land. There is no solution of continuity. The clay is eaten with potatoes, the dust grains. The crops are themselves agricultural laboratories,and pharmaceutical, inches which escape the harshness and the share.

8-Unfortunately we can not think of without thinking of Bolivia coca cultivation Mixed blessing? Legend, destruction / corruption medicine / conditioner often only remedy? How would you define, in a nutshell, our health care system? And that Boliviano? 9-Natural medicine is still widely followed? What can you tell me the healers shaman-medicine ? Here the Catholic religion is intertwined with animist ? What was your philosophy on finiteness .. ? What ceremonies, such traditions persist in their campesinos about a deceased loved one? The mother Pachamama terra è la vera panacea?

10-And what of the Sun ? The Gate of the Sun perhaps the true symbol of your land? Po'l'unico a real boundary between the divine and the arid soil.. or link between the Inca tradition of the past and present life ?

Mode = interview recording Methodology = freewheel following only tentatively grid sopraesposta Tools = ?recording ?letter ? pen, interview 2 meetings
1-I should point out that the description of my country of origin Bolivia, that's just my personal experience, can not be absolutely faithful to reality, also because for years now live permanently in Itala. In addition, the views are inevitably very different, for example depending on whether you consider the reality of rural or urban. realities are very different, as is the rest of the territory. It's one thing to live in major cities now modern metropolis, another of nell'altipiano , or down in the deep jungle

The loss of the outlet to the sea, in the past has been cause for a claim policy, often only as a pretext to project their own faults of misrule (military) , on other issues (eg conflict with neighboring Chile) Nowadays it is useless to continue to perpetuate this dilemma and regret the lost sea. The company evolves, countries will relate more, collaborate meet for example in Switzerland or in the Andean Sur America . The United democracies evolve more and more sympathetic and attentive in the foreign policy of the sur there is more that rivalry between neighboring weights . What I say is confirmed by the latest events,the lesson of Lula in Brazil, Michelle Bachelet of Chile

In truth, then it must be said that our real sea is the Lake Titicaca which is the largest and highest lake in the world . This is not got nothing to complain or claim even with Mother Nature that if one side has given us a little bleak and barren plateau, the other has given us this immense blue expanse, without forgetting the other lying, the green of the jungle, where most of the territory is still unexplored Infinite spaces as indeed it seems to be also the time is measured only by approximation We have not so much a habitat deprived our true habitat is the outside in the wide horizons. The home for the campesinos is just a place to rest, everything else is done in the light of the sun. I ritmi are dictated by the nature of the sun ... once again point out that I am speaking not of the rural and the urban

2-The most deeply rooted traditions are those related to land ; it all depends on the ground. The same miner was originally a campesino, who wanted a safer work not tied to the whims of the seasons The miners gave a major policy shift to the country; created the earliest trade unions to claim their rights , organizing the first unfortunately violent, strikes. Once free from the work of the mine, the same miner, however, returned to live in civilization, linked to the traditions of celebration and worship with the Mother Earth I think by now most of the rural population of the plateau is but I can not tell even roughly the % difficult to make a survey INSTAT still happens that some people are not recorded it anagrafe They were very few pueblitos of miners . Many mines have failed, there remain a few that extract copper Multinational companies have turned their interests in other directions
3-With the Spanish invasion there was a syncretism between Catholicism and pagan A little 'as if they had taken the first mother and they gave us a godmother But Love for Mother will always be the godmother for eternal love, but this is different .. is why there are still rural in the air these translations related to land first example the farmer to sow the land must make an offer and must follow all a ritual. Its offer is made craft products or sweets, put on the table .(Table:laws altar) . In some communities Aymara offertory is still used to sacrifice a small blade .. especially in mining communities, this to exorcise the fear of accidents, Unfortunately, once very common to their culture outer space is known as friend, experienced by the whole community, while the internal space are those places unknown, where it is easier to say that evil lurks Since They are places unknown mysterious, then you must ask their permission and forgiveness for having violated They combine so much the fact that in those places there were in the past of suffering, or even of the dead and there are still their souls,for this you need to ask their permission. This explains the meaning of the rituals of purification After the ritual is no calling (Catholic-pagan syncretism) the party and agape The Aymara culture is closely linked to the passages of life -. For each step, there is a ritual, as for example the baptism , offer in this case somelio (incense) . These rituals are also linked to the cycle of the seasons or the time such as the feast ever more deeply felt and that is that of the patron community . You can dance, si beve .. si vive This all makes sense lived in community-there is no man only : only the man is sick
3-. The vibrant colors of the fabrics of the campesinos and even their pets, need to be perceived and distinguished in the 'immensity Andean plateau,to give 'boundaries' to' intellect or better to be a reason. The color actually serves to counter the arid nature. The farmer lived all his life in this arid and rocky landscape and by contrast uses these bright colors The contrast as well as a philosophy of life conflict with the color the sufferings of the hard work and the many sacrifices, cha to the average tourist and captured by its "gloss" sometimes he does not emerge, because it is common knowledge that all is not gold that shines . The Landscapes of the rest as the feelings are still several, each of them lives in a subjective way in the Central Plateau are all affected 5 meaning = The view of the lake with blue sky and understood that blend together Hearing is struck by the silence only real sound is the wind that makes music = once trapped in their musical instruments The strong smell the perfume of the tough
4-The cult of the dead is strongly felt after a burial is preparing a community dinner in his honor after a year you must (imperative upon my word ) prepare a mesa ( altar) with the photo of the dead person. The altar is set up with bread or cakes to offer to people who go there to pray Even on the day of the dead, relatives use make an offering to those who come to pray at the tombs of their loved ones Offers change depending on whether the familgiaa is more or less well-off the 1st day of the Triduum of the dead at noon come the souls of the dead ... is anxious l '
5-Always at noon on the day dell'Ekeko feast of abundance , the 24 January needs to be done bless cherished items is a pagan ritual tied to the god of 'abundance accounted for the occasion by a person overloaded with objects and with appearance of the breed Andina : namely small person, naso aquiline, hair blacks, almond eyes. Logical that if you go to S. Cross the Cochabamba, because of the different hybridization profoundly change the appearance Andina ) For the occasion, there is a fair where you can find everything . Each object is recreated by hand so minute. Generally you buy the item you want more, which may be the thesis to graduate (would be my case) rather than a car or another ... and then at noon we go to church to have it blessed Again a pagan ritual that goes with the Christian
7- There are well 99 types of potatoes you could write a book about, The corn and different types of land often used as a medicament example with clay wraps . Grow foods that you can retain ,Central Plateau is the difficulty in preserving food without electricity there are countries located 5ooo meters above sea level
8- Everything we've talked about so far can not ignore the coca . Everything .. everything.. depends on the coca When the Spaniards arrived imposed exploitation of the earth in search of gold. The farmers were forced to become miners, and to withstand many hours of chewing coca So use it step abuse A po 'come revenge of the wounded land The coke for Indio 500 Years ago it was still a medicine if you have a headache, a stomach or any other harm, Take the Coca coca tea as a medicine against altitude sickness . it is normal to go to the bar and ask for an infusion of coca, here is how we ask unncaffè. At one time instead of the coke was sacred was placed sobre la Mesa (intermediate) The leaves as an offering to the gods themselves were read,maybe acnhe only as falling, interpret particular events The coca leaves were also chewed duramene the wake, When it's dead at home, sit in a circle and chew coca Right now I am told that is used for different products ointments and creams, syrups others Then it was discovered cocaine request from the external market, even if they are now, unfortunately, so also is used by Bolivians who are no longer limited only to produce it here and also not always wise to use but the abuse bully
9-The man is sick Lamalttia isolated The community is seen as an extended family.. for this reason..isolated man is sick .. In the communities of campesinos the person with a disability , is seen as a divine punishment, a consequence of a sin committed. The disabled child is condemned to live or die ... bad The families are ashamed of their disabled relative, therefore prefer to keep it hidden in your home or hospitalize better in some institute .. generally gestisti by missionaries
9-The disease is a dysfunction,una fratture, an imbalance between your'll cover the nature and the cosmos For example if you do violence to the land without asking permission ,for punishment you get sick. Sometimes the community has fallen into reports that psiaot and after that it was more because he : The earth has eaten You then need to make a series of rituals to ask for forgiveness.
9- All communities Aymara have un sciamano reference is usually a senior person that custodians of knowledge is often well Alcalde (Mayor) only a male can cure,while only one woman Matron specializes in attendance at birth. Almost all babies are born at home. They possess rudimentary but effective. For example, if the baby is breech,put the pregnant woman on a blanket and gently make the jump until the unborn child does not put you in a position caudal They practice then massage the mother who should not touch water or other natural elements, until in his body back to normal temperature. In pueblitos Plateau natural medicine is still widely followed today , and this for the lack of pharmacies, and drugs (always very dear) but especially for the excessive distance from the city In every house there is practically a herbal. Recognize gather herbs and roots and be able to then process and store of women is a skill that usually then handed down to the children orally and by direct experience . It is always passed on to voice their traditions as well , in forms of short stories , often legends
9-In the capital La Paz approximately inhabitants .. , currently there are only 3 Ospedali L'Hospital Obrero (worker) The hospital belongs to the public of Muneipata run by the Missionaries The General Hospital with a catchment area predominantly private. The doctors are studying at universities, Catholic or State. The training of health is good although it is too based on the scientific study, and Western medicine, then in fact lack mentality machinery and drugs. Doctors in La Paz manages to do what sector of employment while difficult then they choose to work in the Central Plateau Where in addition to the sacrifices and the lack of facilities serving a particular preparation and motivation are not common
10- The children of Lake Titicaca Manco and Monetaryl'Adamo ed Eva the Incas were the sons of Inti God of the sun. His father having grown up gave them a golden staff. Only quandoi would find a land where they would be able to thrust could base their kingdom and this was the Lake Titicaca. Manco builds the outside the building before the monument then, mona working wool and keeps the house and the Animalie .... visser happily let them Inti 3 commandments : not be rascal do not steal do not be a liar
9- Matriarchy plateau has always existed because the earth is female all that is outside is masculine and public, what is internal is feminine and especially the woman is the real hub of the community , while the mayor that represents the wisdom, usually is a uomo.La community is an extended family is no solidarity there is a kind of primitive communism = solidarity between the pueblo
00- The most important celebrations during the year are Christmas and Easter and carnival , but even more, the feast of its patron in particular nell'altipiano. The parties are heard in a very different way if you lived in the beautiful rural or urban. For example, in the rural area becomes large party you can dance and drink ... , and this never without first having offered alcohol to the earth. In any event there is always the present earth In the urban,instead the party is most felt and lived in neighborhoods perhaps the poorest , the inhabitants of the "center" instead tend to "alienate" they say ... I do not belong Here in the city during the day of celebration for example, to your mom or Easter The newspapers and television devote themselves entirely to the theme of the party, while local radio stations broadcast only classical music .. This will make you live, indeed re-experience the event Consolidate a sense of belonging, already very strong, that binds you to the traditions of the country to the homeland .... Unfortunately, this reverence is also paid to the love of the Fatherland. That is good I say unfortunately because it depends on how it is interpreted there may be a misunderstanding. Military governments do not always have the good of our country, witness the several coup ( coups) We should not forget that Bolivia holds the sad record of coups Even today in the primary and secondary schools before classes, in honor of the HomelandyouL 'Alzabandiera si canta the National Anthem. Finally I mention that in recent elections has been elected for the first time in Bolivian history a capesinos one that represents us one of us ....... that this is el Morales .. our .. chat ........... Bertha gracias ..
00 Unfortunately, due to lack of work many Bolivians migrate . Here, for example,, are in great demand carers. The Emigrant you do not recognize in the city that hosts the. They live in precarious, in contact with sick people not self-sufficient, often in solitude, without speaking to others for a long time They have lived in community life , now struggling just to understand the simple concept of privacy is the Marked longing. This becomes the source of many psychosomatic diseases The most successful people have emigrated reference groups to redress the balance a mutual aid, but it's still a symbolic reading of different, a context stranger Sometimes just a simple object an amulet to re-hear their land. A cure-all for their roots, torn both here in the land of origin stateless persons by force ... certainly not by choice. As a remedy, giving rise to new symbols, even new archaisms Here's the ointment mentisan (placeo) becomes the panacea for all ills, not so much for the active substance more or less valid because a residue but a symbol of their land far away ...
A man only, isolated, is a sick man Bertha almost made me touch, the charm of the plateau. A wild harsh environment but also charming, seducente the MISURA d'uomo ...? But even here the perfection is not at home, if only for the fact of not accommodate the disabled person in the community, kept segregated or even abandoned to its fate44 Divine punishment for disabled, for having done her violence to mother earth For this the earth 's ate. Then you have to ask for forgiveness to the Pachamama Maybe even just to exorcise the anguish, is unfounded fears, the fear of the different ...

44 A little 'as King Oedipus (literally swollen feet ) abandoned because cripple , indeed dis-graced


Who has traveled a little knows that the health system in Italy is a flagship . During the earthquake of 89 'I was as a volunteer in Armenia with the Civil Protection. The hospital of Spitak was a circus tent. In the operating room there hung some fly-adhesive strips, such as those that were used once in the stables (at the time of the hooves of the tree) Resting on a chair, c’era un siringa di vetro, that a huge nurse (Local), with a lot of boots and bib (stained ...) reclined and then fill. He used the same syringe , always with the same needle (wrong) for all hospitalized. 45 Just separate to react a little at a blow I went to see an acquaintance missionary in India Only, I settled on a provisional Calcutta c / o the sisters of Mother Teresa . (Annex No. 12) Impress dying to see how many living on the street. If you are lucky collected by the nuns and just a piece of bread or a simple massage to inspire them the best therapy. Once alfalfa a person with a deep wound in the skull so as to catch a glimpse of the ventricles and from there out white worms as big as ants. The father told me that if I had had the courage to medicate without getting sick, any thing in the world I would have made more impression. The bow of intravenous phlebotherapy, was the same for all . Father always told me not to make any comments to the brothers nurses because if we stopped for a short time, for them it was a daily job. With great joy, after a few days tactfully, I managed to do the Same,the medication to the head before with the same surgical, did the medication at the foot of the other patients ... (appropriate to say) To care for children, was enough to pick them up to make them infinitely happy and you felt like shit for so much undeserved and consideration Arrived finally some Italians asked me that I said therapy attuavo against malaria: nothing I try to take it in small doses slowly ah said homeopath ?No poor …fu una risaata unica . Yet without any therapy was the only one never to have suffered disorders. Also true that I did not get around to trying all sorts of things.. Cristian three years ago as a volunteer with me in Malawi c / o the Montfort(Annex No. 11).eating mice for sharing solidarity but mostly as a challenge and then feel bad. Criticized me because I was a difficult. I asked him eat cats in Italy? No.. Answered. So why come to a foreign land to eat mice? Are ragaaaazzi. Belli hospitals missions but elephants Each Mission shows off his antagonist almost ospedaletto, instead of joining forces and making them into functional since it lacks those who manage or knows how to use Thinking back to the trip I particularly remember one time I helped shave a leper without fingers, he used among other things, a razor blade rusted, and this was all bloody. I remembered when I was a little barber and shaved with skill to do it without swearing or perhaps cursed not only because insensible to pain? Or maybe because moved by the gesture all the more beautiful if I had not written patience ... even now .. I am perfect —-

45Another detail that struck me was the note as in the stables, distinguevi effortlessly at a glance, what were the farmer's cows (50%) and those of the State (50%) were literally twice. Another detail that I remember with pleasure was the suffix jan (expensive) to its name, however, only if I meritaviPresto me in tramutai Occupant

4. FOLK MEDICINE Folk medicine is "old" as the man, but it is known that developed mainly in the Middle Ages. A period of particular anxieties and afflictions, due to the great plague epidemics and holy inquisitions Even today, however, is enough medicine practiced and widespread, although with different methodologies and perhaps less fanatical. For folk medicine is anything that set of practices implemented to rebuild balance between : ? copro and psichicche ? man and nature, ? microcosm and macrocosm. In folk medicine traditions converge disparate and treatment methods derived from various aspects of daily life. In the traditional medicine and scientific, combine religious elements, and even mythological magic rituals, and supernatural. Folk medicine goes beyond the rational, calling into question the spirits, witches and wizards. The cause of the illness, well as in the aforementioned imbalances, must be re-searched in the customs and traditions, in violation of taboo by the family, in punishment for something done,the in the evil eye by persons (or entities other than, es souls of the dead) wicked and envious, or in disharmony with some natural element. For this treatment have recourse to occult practices, the formula is RITI, to herbal concoctions and miraculous, jealously guarded by traditions, not disclosed to anyone except those considered to be the bearers of future higher capacity. I healers were charismatic people who had inherited "Ol Signal", For this they were surrounded by a mysterious aura, (un’aura mistica), capable of attracting to itself many desperate faithful and believers. They were feared because people could use supernatural forces not only to heal ills, (placebo effect) but also to infuse pain and discomfort (nocebo effect) I told my peasant Sign. Emy 85aa ..often enough the simple”signature” to heal the sick, if it was not enough, the signs and gestures were united prayers of magic formulas Magic ritual-symbolic combining sacred / profane Christian / pagan These practices joined the use of special tools or prepared, also with strong evocative value, which are often attributed healing powers It is not my intention to open a discussion on the effectiveness or otherwise of these means, but certainly has been shown but pray lowers blood pressure, gives a sense of relaxation and well-being of actual, and this helps to feel better already.
4.1 DON LUIGIOTO After graduation I want to dedicate myself to finally finish a book that for years I aspire to write : The history (legends and life) Don care of our Luigiotto Meanwhile I am proud and honored, to see Him inserted (even if in little space) in my thesis because I confess ..., I like to pay my respects to the people ... simple Don Luigioto was cured of Petosino in the 60s'. Considered a healer, possessed "ol Signal”, and knew how to govern with mastery over the 4 (indeed 5 ) elements of nature, every kind of animal, Domestic and non-malvoluto was then parish priest of (uncle of my former mother-in-law) because they wore scruffy and spoke ill the Italian (latro between the themes they said Mass in Latin) but in fact today, the parish priest no longer remembers,while Don Luigioto with its unique and humble life won admiration of so many people. The Bishop himself learned of his death came as a sign of utmost respect and consideration at his bedside ( at the time it was rare that a prelate came out of the Curia) Personally, I got to know him only vaguely, I was too young, but I know for certain that legacy has an indelible memory in the affections of many people. I wonder how it is possible that after 40 years after his death, more today on his tombstone there are fresh flowers? Is this the real secret of life ...leave a mark .. a trace of their passage? That purifies the mind and inspires the muse ? And .. I do not feel just a digestive tract that evacuates the heavy burden of its gross and stentare For the occasion of the thesis I met Signor Emy of 85 years . She was the daughter of the sacristan and was very close to the figure of Don Luigioto He had much pleasure, and in part also moved in telling his experience and see that someone is interested in him . We talked for more than 2 hours and we were in agreement that I'm going to hear it again as soon as possible proposito.Per issues of space and time can not enter his interview that I will use instead for writing the book46

46 I confess that his narrative has fascinated me and upset at the same time. I was impressed especially when told that: Now is the veterinarian confirmed the death of the infected cow,was buried with a lot of lime. In the evening, "some people" were going to dissotterrala to eat flesh.. the famously element .. famously The sign. Emy she was a nurse at the asylum. He was very attached to his work in all senses, since she had to take turns ( called The Guard) of 3 consecutive days at work; interspersed con1solo day at home was very fond of his patients,you affezionava and suffered much to see so many of them were just normal people who were locked up alone for riscuoterne relatives of the rich heritage that in part was the institution itself ...

4.2 ZIA IRENE Second cousin of my father I called her anyway Aunt Irene. My aunt Irene has always lived in a room 8 m without window with a small bed and a table as the only furniture, the rest was just a mess several unique merchandise that she was selling during the week. Peasant and merchant was a woman gruff but I was very fond of, both to me and to all other children. Often we helped in the fields or in the sale of odds and ends that exposed on her ever-cart, on Sunday outside the Church. She reciprocated us more and more that honestly. In the week after applying the manure in the fields lying on the cart, passed with the same, for the ways of the country to sell detergents . I had specialized, and with a funnel drilled as a microphone screaming …natrulina…on the side of the detergents were no loose candy that occasionally, with his hands not always well cleaned (euphemism very tight) I do not porgeva, to my great joy, gruzzoletto.Due a nice afternoons per week, collected skins and bones to take the rag, on those occasions among us children, hardly discussed to help. While in summer you had to book for time to help break the ice, he kept wrapped in a simple bag. The lucky on duty as well as eat the granita free, he could have the money to go to the movies ... then fatigue but also fun, always in the beautiful season, was flip the hay, with an eye on the time and the other clock, because invariably the 15 there was the Tour of Italy and the snack tavern . I still do not know if I was more excited to see the first few times the TV, without understanding how they could be there all those runners and those mountains together, inside that little box, or if you simply incredulous because before I had a slice of gingerbread and I gustavo in small sips my foam nigra Then off again ... working on that wagon ..., where the hygiene if you did not want ... certainly was lacking our imagination. I write this to trace the fact that .. yet we survived all right ...and at the same time we unconsciously immunizzavamo not so much to the various germs mangy but the laws of life .They say that she also had healing powers. I remember it was very good at doing istruciù a type of massage disappointments She knew treat sprains and tires on my nerves and make practicing massage with sonza (pork fat) Though small Aunt Irene confided to me that ailments were mostly due to the fact that my ghera to eat de .. if you can say it was better once again ...??My older brother (the Grim was too smart beautiful and pampered to work) before going to the seminar helped (only to sell) he Irene. He tells me that even now when drinking or when he sees the foam rings in the wall of the sacristy where Irene rested his cart remembers her as if no time had elapsed. This speaks volumes about the importance of preserving these buildings as historical memory that are part of our heritage and not only .... genetic Just this week my Aunt Irene was resurrected, to be incinerated, the country grows ever more, there is a risk of deflation and its eviction of the niche. Incredibly, his body was still intact miracle ..?.. as the Pope Gioani? According to experts, this is due to the fact that she was very thin and therefore not our regular diners if they are.. served? Yet despite the precarious hygiene, we hardly even got sick on the occasion of the tasks in the classroom .... otherwise if you were at home you had to work . Re-Pensandomi baby are happy that the smoke, I was never attracted. My peers instead had a bad habit of collecting cigarette butts on the ground and then open them and cut tobacco, for rifumarlo then with the cartine.Tuttora gets me badly at the thought. In fact, often they went to collect the butts right next to Mr. A .... sputtering medallions of phlegm large and consistent ... like a bull's-eye
Ol Sopo

Angelo was an elderly person, that inspired awe and sometimes fear. Amputee to a limb, he moved with his rudimentary wooden axillary crutches, and lived by selling sacred image (santini) some swore that they were miraculous. The boys often played tricks and he had learned to defend themselves clubbing anyone with uncertain intentions, the shot went under. One day I saw him in trouble drinking from the fountain,flickering with my small hands, I handed him the water,pleased he gave me a "figurine". Not knowing yet to read I asked him what it was called the saint portrayed. Mi disse che non era una santa ma la Madonna di Lourdes, and that if I really wanted to you could use up all my desiderio.Ricordo like it was yesterday, I said: "Someday I'd like to have a real racing bike, maybe just to visit her at her house ". For the first and only time I saw him amused smile ... but I was seriously .... I am writing this to highlight how insignificant events, at times can instead become also a distance of time of the precursors of important choices, and how everything and all of us, we are somehow important in the context in which we live. Respect, the sense of tradition, of memory and memory, have no limits of time or space last year I went in bici a Lourdes I did well and a dedication to Angelo Tired but happy the last few kilometers I've paths singing with happiness . Truly a song a little out of tune ... but were known copyright ... happy without fear of .... "ERRARE"Even the teachers are wrong? I was recently at a conference organized by the Uildm "Poer marter of a differently abled"As you unravel the distance between the semantics care and indifference relations, to situations of fragility in the culture of the image A university professor said : the good terms diversabile etc. .. are often hoaxes Once they were raw in the call but there was the gesture of welcome from the community instead opposite view our storytellers Ravasio quoting the book Pimpi oseli the Belotti (which I highly recommend) stated that the disabled were previously regarded as almost always the poor di-sgraziac without the grace of god47 Avoid the ... ... (Annex No. 6) While waiting for the experts to decide the meantime we begin to call them by name ... ——

47Ravasio often referred to it as the poor disabled people in the past were a source of ridicule and marginalization considered true disgraziac without the grace of God. Bello the story of the girl without hand p 46 which is attached .. cretinism idiocy dwarfism was the norm for the people of the valleys ... I do not see the doctor says screaming to the teacher are all referring to schoolchildren who are stunted anemic lymphatic always closed in the barn to breathe letam ee microbes instead of pure air p,54 ibid

4..3 Nesto

The life and ... well ... other ... not necessarily the only live abroad, or in extreme choices My indeed, Our villager Nesto he lived until last year, in an old farmhouse, on the slopes "Mut"Mount which is only 6 kilometers from the center of Bergamo. He "lived" the Canto Alto Its a wonderful life, in direct contact with nature, inserted indeed planted in the woods, it was an integral part. It was unclear if it was he who, however with difficulty, tamed the mountain, or was the same forest that had assimilated and digested .. In fact,, for us he was a sort of guardian . "In the middle of the journey" between civilization and the hectic nature of the patient calm ; halfway between the need and aspiration of the contingent material well impelling of detachment and spiritual ascent ... Nesto despite having lived a life almost as a hermit, was made to love by gente.Non there was a lot of passerby, are not addressed a greeting, a word or an invitation to drink his coffee .. It would seem the best of life, but the neighbor's grass is known is always greener. Nesto spent a peaceful life, but also hard, mica is simple tame nature, it takes strength and patience, expectation and hope everyday, and fruits such as the rhythms you just can not hardly expect if they humbly supplicate (Attachment No. 7) This logic does not always happen and accented including, Nesto was certainly happy and content, had never seen a doctor, yet last year there is not ... It seems incredible unthinkable, and yet you have to resign .. no one has a magic wand nobody is eternal but the memory that we leave, which is then guarded as a treasure chest I went to the funeral ceremony, believed to be one of the few to honor,instead with great joy the Basilica of Sorisole was packed to capacity. Touching was the sermon, but with simple words don Giancarlo invited us to reflect, that only a few steps away from us ................ …there may be another life and beyond ... You have to fight, a culture,as a more sustainable environment and Nesto this taught us in an exemplary way .. the Canto Alto today seems to mourn his passing and we with Him ... Just outside the Church a ray of sunlight pierced the clouds bigie . The rain stopped instantly. The look of astonished people turned to the next Canto Alto, where a cloud covered the "Mut" right up to the edge of the house that was barely visible Nesto, as a sign of mourning to un suo frattale. Everyone has seen, and this is not demagoguery cadetemi, but pure and true reality once again ... if anything is poetry ....


Cesare era 48 an eccentric character loved and feared by the people at the same time Farmer, then emigrated abroad, repatriated to marry the beautiful Elizabeth Every morning, whatever the weather: rain snow storm, Ceser alle 5.45. in point he went to the country, with his battered bicycle, and singing loudly gave us the alarm. People could adjust the clock to its passage, so it was necessary. After the turn of the factory was in his true kingdom . He had more than his normal residence, a large rustic partial ruin,and it is them who spent his free time. Retired became in fact his true home. Everyone knew him, even experts local farmers consulted him , to know when and how to sow, cut back, give the water to the screw, chopping wood etc... I also had a small vineyard in his area, for this I had the good fortune and honor to know him and to be considered later in his time.. friend.. a rarity this, that granted to very few people. He confided to me that he was impressed by the way I bestial and superhuman work trying to move mountains and smooth ..., but at the same time respectful considerate habitat. To me the Ceser, instead struck his wisdom, in particular its ability to read the signs of events , and consequently always find a formula as a remedy.. He had a philosophy of life simple but original, an inexhaustible source of knowledge even though he was illiterate, I gave several lectures ...49 . His advice was most dear to hide in a secret place one CASKET "Such as the case of memories" and go and dig it up when something was not the right way. In that casket I had to put my memories and some things from the past. If you spoke a little formula, before opening the cassette, then you had the impression of reliving concrete situations and moods. I was skeptical. Stated that without real conviction, However, it ran the risk of opening just an old box containing junk or things for children…mai cresciuti ——Ceser recopied and recreated in miniature in a traditional way, everything in his world (forest) fascinated him, I wondered .. snakes birds caves roots etc... Even today in his farmhouse, nestled in the woods, in the fraction of S anna (Sorisole) you can admire the works of art, that because these, have nothing to envy to the same graffiti Altamura. They could well be included in a tourism promotion, as an expression of the popular local art 50. For the occasion of my thesis , I went to talk to his wife to ask you permission to report some considerations about his philosophy of life . Moved Mrs. Elizabeth gladly accepted . Confused and disbelieving gratified to see that someone is interested in the well know Ceser I invited one of her daughters (Cesare has 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren) , refer to some phrase or proverb that usually used to say. A few days later he handed me a paper apologizing for the fact that you did not have a "culture" proper to write better. The writing is so good you do not spoil it for him so I enclose the original thesis .51 Letter daughter I think anyone who would like to be remembered in this way from their family ... even I think this is the true meaning of life. Well I asked if I could have a picture to attach to my thesis. Mrs. Elizabeth told me that he hardly was photographed. There was indeed a beautiful photo, but only that it showed Ceser work with dirty clothes and his pants routes. deliver Me I made the same .. and thanks to the computer as a skilled tailor ricucii his pants. Mrs. happy he was moved, her beautiful eyes bright and wide open .. This fact shone believe me pays for itself, mine Tesi. Thank you, Mrs. Elizabeth ... thank you .. Ceser 52 have struck again. For inspiration on the thesis, I went back to its rustic. Material things are kept relatively well, but it is difficult to write certain atmospheres, certain memories, moods.. but then here insaight ... one .. I open the treasure chest No empty. Then .. a rustle of wind and a leaf flutters beside me. Close my eyes and feel Ceser sing again I can see him on that rusty bike but this time with the sewn pants ... but the heart is always open A wound miss you, but this is life . I picked up the leaf, but do not put in the casket, make sure the buried seed, I do so with the beautiful inscription of your obituary ... jealously guards but not the build that into my paper ———–


48Era ", because last year he, who had never seen a doctor in his life, at the age of 73 years has left us 49She taught me to see the halo adrenaline of animals and people to take pictures then brain and many other secrets that I can not say because I put them in the box . Encased in case of need. He also taught that nature is difficult to tame it does so only in appearance?…. Perhaps this is the charm 50I confess that I was impressed to see between these works, the miniature copy of the sentence that I had engraved in my exit on a slab of slate : even the most humble .... woodland animals ... then I was moved to see that part of the same sentence he found engraved on his tomb 51Writing simple and straightforward but that shines the good he has of his father

52When I think of pleasant Ceser I can not compare it to the magical Alverman. Gianni and the magical Alverman a show that has stuck in my memory of so many children and young people of that era. A young doctor named Gianni went to spend a holiday at the water mill. Here he meets the goblin Alverman ....

Lancellotto,* in, is the protagonist of the Dragon fight account. Lancelot saw the "book of lamentations",which is in a great cavern of the Black Mountains: writes it to the world. "The mountain, le heritage,stones, plants,i fiumi,see what men do. They know all the crimes of the offenders, all the pain of those who suffer through no fault. From branch to branch, the drop in full bl, di nube in nube, the complaints come to the cave of the Black Mountains and the book thickens. If this book does not exist , the plants will dry with sadness and the water would ammara. And this book is written for me, "hilt" she Pe r? “. Lancellotto : "For us. For me and a few others. We are thoughtful people and quickly. We came to know of the existence of this book and we hurried to go see it. Who threw a look at that book, she can not find peace. What book!. A similar complaints we can not answer. And we answer ". “come?"" There immischiamo in the affairs of others. We help who should be helped. And destroy those who must be destroyed. "* The dragon Eugenij schwarz


The man since the dawn, has always practiced zoomorphism In the various rituals for example, the transfiguration of the celebrant animal was deeply tied to ancestral cultural meanings that refer to agro-pastoralist civilizations and their myths of regeneration of nature,in an attempt last, of Exorcise death. The reasons or purposes of this travesty were basically two: • predict the arcane (taboo), • make peace with the gods and representations related to the rituals of fertility, were considered sacred, especially during the spring and summer solstice On those occasions it was the sacrifice of Dionysus (son of Demeter = mother earth) who offered the prisoner satyr Pluto god of the underworld, who had kidnapped his sister Kora (spring) In return Kora once freed, could go back to Earth and restore shine, life and love, the whole of creation. Dionisio 53 died fighting in mud. His body smeared, rolled in the muddy clay, was then dipped into the trough for animals : water and mud the ridavano life Even today there are traditions (natural medicine) or cultures such as the Andean (see below) where the medicines are still closely tied to the land

6.1 LA MASCHERA RITUALE Representations, that changed over time in magical-religious ceremonies, and then In propitiatory rituals in these occasions the Minister of worship, to possess more power and suggestion, he covered his face with a mask Ritual. The masks could cover the whole head, (in some cases, were part of a one-piece swimsuit) and were made with different materials: straw, bark, leaves, fabric, leather, paper mache, plastic, wax and other. The mask gave great powers who was authorized to take, and could not be made, if not seguendo accuracy rituali, such as asking permission to the spirit that you wanted to represent, offering a sacrifice . —– 53 In other ritual forms Dionysus it dies after being transformed into a goat. […]


During the rites for agriculture, masks symbolized the god of rain and fertility of those; similarly, animal masks propiziavano a good hunt, or in the case of the sorcerer ingraziavano good care The dress of the Priest changes during the liturgical year,even today there are those who argue that the dress (apron) even the doctor in white, represents a propitiatory gesture and holds a huge importance in the placebo effect (see below)

To disguise some populations joined by his Totem like the masks depicting deities, mythological characters, ancestors, spiriti maligni o Benigni, animals or magical beings. The totems protected the inhabitants, taking away spirits and diseases, for this were often considered, part of the cultural heritage of the tribe, and object of religious worship. The obelisk of our cities ,seems to recall the phallic symbol of the Totem

Even in funeral ceremonies, in some cultures, There were masked dancers, Their task was to accompany the soul of the deceased in the spirit world, so do not come back to harm the living. Even in ancient Egypt the mask was placed on the face of the deceased as a protection from evil spirits and to guide the spirit in the afterlife were then reproduced faithful masks that were used in the rites of remembrance, to have tangible image of the deceased .......... a bit like they were pictures of our day. Over time the masks were then used only for dance, shows or just plain fun Especially during the period of Italian Comedy, the mask gave a strong impetus to the emergence of our European culture. Travel metticiamenti brothels liminal zones The same actor was also often barber barker doctor if not a charlatan ... In their travels fix not only the parties, but networks of relationships to LARGA MAGLIA .


La maschera therefore represents a collective force transpersonal an archetype that communicates both with the divine (rituals), both with the vulgar (everyday) more raw. Soflocle recited by the tragedies of the court jesters, from the farcical pantomime clown of the government of the day A role important was that of the Italian comedy of the 500 ', anteponendosi learned that the elite culture of the courts or that of the monasteries, proposed to the fact as the only proponent of popular culture folk actors of the comedy had to make a virtue, polyvalent . Diplomats spies consuls,mercenaries, barbers, harlots and health "Treated 'the knowledge medicines, but especially the language, made mostly of gestures, for a better understanding of the various dialects in the tangle. With great difficulty crossed often with makeshift,the whole country and continent, borders and customs handed down plagues robbers while preservavano, a worldly culture and profane ... A pagan folklore made mostly of epiphanies carnival actors created a process of osmosis between individuality and social role scenic , as for example : the spoken identified Bologna the learned doctor, the Venetian dialect the rich merchant, that the Spanish captain, the dialect of Bergamo instead that of porters and servants who worked often in the Venetian ducat and met in brotherhood such as that of Bastagi Who wears the mask can not lay it down for reasons of magical power and role ... Gigeosky

Today no one denies the anthropological origins of the theater: dal culto (sacred and not playful) the rite as a primary impulse of every man . Ask the feast a time of suspension of space and time Then came the need for a representation of the collective experiences. From initiation rites .... primitive religious ceremonies funeral rites of the ancient Egyptians .................. then repeated in customs became Heritage (culture). From action to recreation ... ... ...Up to the worship of our day on the altar where the priest celebrates the drama of death and .... resurrection Semplicus The Dukes left to do for the good governance and political expediency, even you hogging the recitation of the best companies as a sign of prestige convinced that Laughter is the best medicine


The theater became as a system of social control. Leave externalize the vulgar their instincts and discontent was a palliative very comforting and reassuring .. Often the same actors in their works represented the Theory of humors The balance of humors was re-established with the simple externalization of the same. The treatment protocol ( and scenic) was often vomiting (expulsion of the neat little) the rutting sessuale (the old helpless) or therapy of purgative Zanni who did his belly a God, personification of all appetites. Interesting terminology of the word zani backpack (bag) zuan (John) zuanpolo (Giovanpaolo) Allechin with that reported previously by Dante The same divine into the hell of our (?) Harlequin then Mantua originates from zanni. The first was to represent the actor Martinelli (500’) Bughello of Mantua, So no one invents nothing, if anything, re-creates. The mask of the zany seems to be as black as soot on the face of the porters of Venice who unloaded coal from ships, I looked like demons and the damned, lame, bent under the weight of goods unloaded and their living The word mask (according to the study of Mignatti 54) comes from Boeda which means messy or dirty Rail = Fog that invokes the theme of ghost fear of the spirits who scare. Borda say they are also parasites that are harmful to the culture and culture as daemons that generate worms in children, frightened by stories of pure made of: larvae,spirits, underworld, beasts, horns and hooves of goats, donkey ears, satyrs, fauns (Dionisio) The Zanni over the bag55 , always has with him a stick. His Face (evil) is covered in soot and walking hopping for the missing bone . The common theme of the zany is the journey to the underworld and the souls that they return to earth = populated of Shadows The Zanni was the pagan religion that the Church has tried to Christianize In San Giovanni is the summer solstice. At Christmas (sun = life light that overcomes the night) the winter solstice The Other John (is celebrated at the end of year) is the prototype of the Christian hermit in the desert56 In solitude only eats grasshoppers, struggle between good and evil, to purify themselves from the temptations 88 Parcival also moves away from the comforts , starts to grow in test, enters the forest (fundamental role in fairy tales) liminal zone mysterious, unknown, to get hurt but purified mutated and with greater force and later became Re Taumaturgo 57 Zanni returning from the underworld, , also embodies other energy, comes from the role of villain rough (Venice Bergamo = padrone service) but how did the ancient jester .. ridendo complaint A mask that brings chaos regenerator, rice purifier, synonymous with fertility, Instead of Pantagruel which remains a servo hungry, lazy and stupid, at the mercy of the appetites most scurrilous, manly love, but eternal disappointed, With the demon telluric force propitiatory, under the control of the will, man can exercise the powers precisely through the moods and passions. A symbolic evasion no longer makes sense, away because the awareness of our being ... Shadow Jung explains how these comic figures, that he associates with the Divine Trickster is a psiocologema .. that is a psychic structure archetype that dates back to ancient times. This figure is not buried in the past, but it manifests itself as a second personality, character and lower infant Jung called SHADOW58 with its reverse trend and ridicule, is the first meeting for the development of our personality, so that as the beginning of each year, or after an illness must necessarily be reborn reborn The trouble is he believed to dominate everything with reason : conscious and unconscious The "Carnival" the mask is physiological need to escape the rules and then re-enter mutated Here you need to redeem himself to leave the city to go to the master in the beautiful desert and return regenerated healed this is a little summary of the

The fiaba The tale of how Sbadilon dig dig to free the princess buried alive. Saves it but then he is no longer able to get out of the pit. Enlists the help of a bird of prey .... the eagle takes him by the heel and makes it lame = but saves his life. says the beautiful Mignatti prof .... To grow you lose something in return you buy other faculties .

In the journey to the realm of the dead (= Rebirth) still it is said that once he Sbadilon last shovelful .. saw a shadow approached, saying ohJohn ... but you.. What are you doing here?


54Nomen omen Alessandra Mignatti University of Bergamo from Zani Mercenary of the European Square and Moretti Vitali 05 55In whose interior is often depicted a child bastagio . In the dictionary of Bran 1612 is located fang = basket of thin strips of wood that can be used as a cradle. For the zanni the basket was used for the transport of coal. While in the Tuscan era tusk meant joke instead stick represented the foul fertility spring . In chiarivari (vulgar representations of the nativity with themes of helplessness and horns bastardagine ) the stick was painted with lilies symbol of purity

56the desert is the place par excellence present in all religions

57At the time it was thought that the king had healing powers with the simple sign. As well as those people who marked by a severe handicap or another were hump-eyed through the border between the (demon) and the sky (Angels) between the real world and the afterlife 58Gli Zani Testaverde pag 57

Harlequins Photo n ° Other than roots “Religious” that if exposed too much risk even to dry as a symbol of a united Europe, suggest Harlequin with its colored cloth, which is even mentioned by Dante starred and was loved by the whole continent

How Sbadilon (profane) also Jacob (sacred) struggle with the "mystery" and comes out lame, knows well the liminal space, the zone of turbulence the place ...SACRED.. In these places liminal : –Moses (that he was dyslexic) receiving the tablets of the law ... the sacred that goes.. Over the same word –Aronne instead builds up the Golden Calf.. the iconoclast sanctified, as concrete relationship divine religion-which means to bind together becomes already a cause of scandal and division becomes instead demanded What binds, used by the rulers for.. Divide et impera For purification from evil, the man in these areas of turbulence,as a sign of forgiveness sacrifice innocent victims a scapegoat , offering blood archaic symbol of life and fertility and sexuality (species transmission) First with human sacrifices,then animals and finally luck with simple artistic representations Already in the early archaic paintings, discovered in Altamura can be observed in hunting scenes , the offertory ritual . The thought seems to vanish into thin air, but if the history of our time, was considered as the extension from arm to arm, by the appearance of Ancient Egypt to the present day, for example, say experts, dust would be considered ... a nail filed down of original sin is perhaps the pretense of knowledge and arrogance of knowledge omniscient The same artistic representations each interprets them at her convenience Famous are stains (wet crusts of rubble) Leonardo , which were interpreted as works of art, everyone could see what I wanted most in the paintings of Caravaggio Already the "experts" of his time, interpreted meanings, the artist even unconsciously meant. His paintings among other things were "pure" narratives . As a tale that can have a chronos a before and after, so Caravaggio did not paint but told her paintings, and not everyone could understand them ... That's a painting can become a therapy for the soul if nothing else. Without being too busy otherwise already have ready a syndrome affibbiarti such as Stendhal inspired .. and .. in-stops for too much grace .... —-


I recently attended a meeting on " The crisis of the family"Rispecchiala that the crisis of society, the rapporteur Don Mangili enunciated ... the man is stretched to perfection, goes to try to compensate for that sense of emptiness that comes back every time I can not meet its demands. Then she realizes that the Other is different and it is not always as we wish Here is the real crisis of values. Sign of the times, awareness of the limits of everything?Always Don Mangili .. Faith helps because it gives meaning to life, and gives us the aspiration to a fullness and finiteness which in this case ... care Loneliness is not never loved, generates suffering, but at the same time makes us realize the fragility and beauty of the precariousness of life. It thus becomes more sensitive , more attentive to the little things, Other and more careful ....One glance Holding each other. Beauty and difficulty of this research Mangili Don gave us a sample of his wisdom and ability to summarize by saying in concluding that testimony of 'human being who is always unhappy in search of fulfillment, paradosso eats dal recent Synod came out 3 types of "categories" In marriage-believe-priests in communion we believe in the priesthood-separated believe the nuns. don William Thanks for the sermon ... Thanks also to those who are fighting the church pastors ... depraved that destroys all hope every rainbow .Gone with the Wind59 The same separation has become a source of discrimination against people a little "out of tune" Absurd state of a justice that replaces instead of supporting those in need . absurd to treat their children as a property of a 740 to declare, source of income and jobs for different professionals. People become consumer goods x prosecutors What drug can replace a child?60 Thank God the man evolves .. times and laws.. great law of foster joint but must always be lowered and lived in the reality of our miseries (Annex n ° 14) —– 59Famous Book written by some bishops who criticize the careerism and the thirst for power of the corrupt Church A church that instead of helping those who have fallen on hard times, as the "separate" prohibits the communion and community life and the bubble with a stigma . Perhaps the church is L 'Antichrist About, as the man who reacts to act , source of so much evil and wickedness is not resigned ... and wondering how does Jeremiah build or destroy build or eradicate? 60How to mourn the loved one that you fails after separation if the same prosecutors to keep alive the interest shores wound.. generating more conflicts with

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