4Chapter of the finiteness =

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What the bug is the end of the world ... for many others it is a beautiful butterfly ...

Rationality is found to the extent and in the order in the esistenza, that in the broad sense everyone realizes how finiteness. One can not understand the meaning of 'finiteness' except in relation to its opposite term usually, the infinite. Only the presumption may have you believe that from our point of view we may have undoubted prospects. If our perspective over, from which we can not do without .... add the awareness of the possibility of infinite other perspectives, our finitude would seem to be envisaged not so much as an "insurmountable barrier", but rather as a boundary a threshold that opens us to infinity61 .encounter with the Other.So Hermeneutics (interpretations) a plural, because each has its own particular experience of finiteness . Number of terms in the definition: finiteness contingency ephemeral facticity fallibility…. The world is everything that happens, accidental events Wittgenstein We are constantly exposed to the unexpected, the fallibility and cruelly suffering in the experience of the limit of our knowledge and our emotional fragility. Finiteness thus be understood as a synonym of human frailty. In a society that produces more and more marginalized, generates the experience of evil, of death and nothingness. For Ricoeur because our lives are finite, can and should be brought into the story (Annex n ° 19) especially when it comes to telling the stories of the victims so soon forgotten. The story allows us to reformulate thethe problem of the end, This does not mean simply closing but then completion This makes the man in charge of his being towards the world. Manager has provided not because of his birth, or has the autonomy of his own death, but because it is located in the world without having decided, and therefore must respond of the "grace" of being able to exist. The freedom of the finiteness, the fact of not being master of his own being makes man a debtor to the Other the other hand if it is less , sinks into the abyss of its difference Refusal pessimism and resignation is typical of Nihilism, as well as the non-sense of death, of life and the Banality of Evil as a logical consequence. The living and dying so it is not a private affair, but is a report, with others, with nature, a loyalty to the land ... to earn the freedom to groped new questions and be ready to meet the '...unexpected

——– 61Eremeutiche the finiteness john p Ferretti. 14

A finiteness that care because it makes us lighter ready to go in case of necessity or urgency, leading the curtains without too much bulky weights to lug appresso.Ri-discover the essential of life lived fully in the present each day as if it were the last 62

In this chapter, I talk about the Banality of Evil continues to manifest itself in the most unexpected of our daily lives. The importance of not claiming to defeat evil but to be there in spite of all Pantha rei Everything flows like a river of Sidartha us the capacity and the ability to know how to adapt without . The same Heraclitus with his theory of opposites. concretely demonstrates how between wisdom and folly there is only a slender thread of the border ..... Infinity of thought Leopardi prepend Alice with colored wheels and infectious joie de vivre .... after all ... already in the past tended to promote health rather than curing the disease . Epicure talk about manipulation of atoms but not so much attitudes I speak of the different mink some filosofai on the concept of pleasure and well-being and how it is healthy (only in this case) make a bet with ... Pascal sings Wherever protect me and asks the poet archaeologist Caposella ..to grace and Panikar goes further and it can happen sometimes that just ... the stone rejected by the builders will become distracted head of the corner only in appearance seems all black for the event then .... Full unjustified alarmism a pigeon wins Sanremo63 In the midst of the recession neoscurantista Parroco.di Dinners (Bg) Don Camillo Brescianini grants local, Muslims to allow them to pray to their Hallah

Without ever forgetting how to says Zambranowe are all here in exile, pure mia nonna Angela I said ... useless and harmful arrogance and greed malice.. do not forget that ... we are all here in ... rent ——- 62 The abbot Cliny taken from the greatest concern of captivity forgets and heals from his terrible stomach ache, that haunted him for years

63 The winner ... I interviewed a supermarket of certainty, only to hide the ever fragility


Primo Levi prisoner in the camp, studies and describes the behavior of prisoners, becomes a kind of social anthropologist. He writes ....in the struggle for life, everyone was fiercely only. The men from the camp were divided into 2 quite different categorie ... in Salvati e in sommersi Only those who had feared he was running for survival. The SS had a satanic knowledge of men. The more the prisoner was hated so much more power he was granted had to be cruel and tyrannical otherwise was replaced. His hatred is reserved on the oppressed to download the offense received from. The Kapo jew, era una figura demoniaca,real monster created from the camp. The oppressed to survive tended to identify with them unconsciously, maybe even just to eat more A special team of Hebrews put in the ovens countrymen .. or crazy or it suits us. Rumkowski considered the king of the Jews with ambiguities and compromises had carved out a good chunk of power even economic, within the field, but no recommendation was enough to save him, he went to the bakery with its smooth golden carriage ... The power such as drugs,they need each other,after initiation dependence, and the need for higher doses. Born to include denial of reality and returning to the needs of infantile omnipotence How Rumokoski sometimes we are blinded by power and prestige to forget our essential fragility. Basta una divisa, a flag for a lead role, a common enemy to fight to give the pretext of comrade. Even today in some companies practice bullying following the same dynamics, although more subtle,of retaliation64, as anomie, discredit, denigration, outrage etc. ... The book of Arendt banality of evil, then tells how during the criminal process, the commander of the SS Eichmann justified himself saying.. I only obeyed orders ... ——–

64The "law" of retaliation Travel by train = without water or toilets without seats as the beasts After the long journey :Thirsty for days see the water dripping from the bins but they can not drink because polluted. The criminals without scruples in crucial places of the command. The intellectuals in the work of laborers, Jews themselves put their own countrymen in the ovens, to destroy not only physically but also in the spirit. Signs used to humiliate : ?The louse is your death ... ? After the latrine wash your hands, but the sink is unclean and it is useless for cleaning ?Caution: Danger of death ?Work makes you free. After the hangings will march to the sound of fanfare. Chosen for the crematorium to double ration of soup . Anomie and serial number imprinted in the flesh (like beasts to the slaughter) . mismatched shoes narrow routes danger.. swollen feet(Oedipus) . Feel naked without defense if not the skin Diarea always soup liquid. Tablespoons Without lap the bowl as caniAl daily outdoor appeal lasted for hours had the participation of the wounded and the dead Football match with the Kapos and the SS did not have time to be, it has continuously urgency, to survive to the next. Elder Khun ... thank god for not being chosen .. someone spits sula his prayer because he is alive in the place of another guy .. survive the worst usually the most selfish insensitive employees the hounds ...


We are the undisputed masters of our lives , but often in our psyche apparently normal hides the indifference that the tumor is perhaps the most relentless psychic. In a fake optimism of hedonism in truth we are sick of frustration esistenziale.Di face of so much evil, corruption, dishonesty takes us a sense of inner emptiness , not a sense of life. According to some psychologists, common problems of contemporary society, such as loneliness, the feeling of rootlessness and loss of confidence in life are the main causes of the increase in different diseases. A company that wants to perfect claimed climber always on the run in search of the ephemeral maybe 65 , so you can not breathe made shortly by the frantic race, and you do not even warms the heart The deafening noise of the media and their dichotomies not only mask the drama of evil, but also turns off the moral sense and the meaning of life and the struggle for peace itself is not a very free and static, but it reaches a daily price of considerable waivers A religion that you just want and suffering martyr in the path of "salvation" ...Eva with pain thou shalt bring forth children….Adam with pain will come forth food from the earthIn pain ... man lives like reasoning or unreason ...? When the earth emerged from the waters, Saved Noah makes a sacrifice of thanksgiving, God says He will not send more like a punishment because evil is so ingrained in the man who is not worth it affirms Plato: if I know the idea of ​​good I can not do evil. Today we know that the tools of good data from the technology are also the tools of evil most atrocious . Auschwitz happened despite or perhaps because of "technology" Man has created death machines never before seen. It seems incomprehensible that an omnipotent God, so also is merciful "If God is good because the bad. If God is good because it is silent in front of the slaughter of innocents? Perhaps because it is silent sickened by our actions or perhaps because as Simone Weil: ..God enters the world not by his own power but as a beggar begging for love Today more than ever we are faced with many ethical questioned dilemmas with more horns It seems that there are no absolute truths as Protagoras says ..” man is the measure of all things” Euthanasia switching to therapeutic cloning abortion Topics from the inclined plane. Have at least a different choice and not only suffer more or less subtle impositions Such as opposition to abortion is based primarily on the premise that from conception the fetus is a human being a person, but you can not draw a dividing line: before and after a person is.J .J. Thomson considers different theories about abortion Considered unacceptable, even at the cost of the life of the mother, suffering from a serious illness. Suppose that a pregnant woman learns to have a serious illness that prevents you prune the pregnancy to term if not with the certainty of death The fetus has the right to life, Pure mother, both have an equal right to life. The mother has the right to decide what will happen in her body: everyone agrees. Both are innocent who is threatened or those who threaten it does because of a voluntary fault ... how and who decides, the monetina? The truth of the philosophers themselves are not much help in front the theme of death Levinans says that the thought of death is not thought Epicurus avoids the obstacle:useless to be disturbed when she's not there I'm there and when I'm not there she Socrates discusses the ,with detachment and dignity drinks the cup of hemlock. Perhaps the most human of the living Christ who looks just at the last moment prayed to the Father who is in heaven and urges: away this cup from me. There have not been absolute truths in the epistemological field or immutable principles in ethical, each judge the truth value based on its experience life itself sometimes puts you in absurd conditions of having to decide on the life of your caro.Penso there is nothing more burdensome, better if our existence was at stake. Better to let others choose, delegate this choice maybe the doctor then remorse for not having, but the time it first then comes the responsibility for all. What scares is not death but the pain, is the inability to precisely choose to have the chance to feel more active and protagonists. So it is not just a matter of biology thin line between life and death but it is also a matter of biography 66 I visited the Cotolengo I was stunned I wonder are human beings have a soul? Made headlines not long ago, the news of the mother who knew that despite his twins born without skull, had decided to carry the pregnancy to term. He did it as a gesture of love to do so then that the same infants for worst, had at least been able to donate organs . But I wonder if they do not die ? Make use of 'Epochè? The bigger the bigger question should be mediated response Today, however, is no longer permitted to pause for reflection or is capable of responding to drum swing or you are obscured. On the head of all not the sword of Damocles hanging but the remote control .... I wonder why you have to sacrifice all the limelight ... to media.Certo would be a wonderful gesture that of the mother, if he had quietly take up their cross without much fuss and noise is well known ... ….makes more noise than a tree falling in a forest death that life growing Among stories of suffering and euthanasia are those of hope for example in the use of stem cells, to heal degenerative diseases, and disabling. Perhaps the powerful science deep down want the same thing that God wants: Happiness The risk is the delusion of omnipotence that can lead to the opposite annihilation because of the fact: “If God is dead, then everything is permitted"Dostoieski As the ring of Gyges 67 wish-fulfilling and makes those who possess omnipotent King Midas asked to turn everything he touched into gold for this starved Solomon asked simply give me the wisdom of good governance The real power our true treasure is not in the ring but in our . The love of knowledge (Pilosophia) and the love of life but above all love of neighbor Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, everything else is surplus ... which makes it invalid and heavy heart to prepare this thesis I have read several famous authors from Aristotle to Kant S. Agostino but the best teaching has given me the free Alice with his wheelchair from the wheels as colorful as his words and his poesie.Grazie Alice thanks everything is relative less love ...This philosophy is also

—- 65 Ephemeral an insect that lives only one day 66 Turoldo father when he was told that he had a serious form of cancer he felt so relieved because now he could understand and explain the reason of his terrible pain the rest do not forget that we are all here for rent

67 In every age there is the legend of the talisman that allows you to get everything you want. Plato speaks of the ring of Gyges with magical powers ... but if all they had would lose its effectiveness, indeed it would be harmful ... the true good date for this is Justice


For Jack (my idol) life is only pain and sorrow. The waiting is the best time,better to sell almanacs The illusion seems to be the only lifeline The maiden who comes from the countryside,the village on Saturday would make sense with a bit of empiricism, rivoltar the sleeve and understand how hard it is to earn the hard-meca and at the same time enjoy the taste of the little things, the scent of flowers, the buzzing of a bee, the eyes of a beautiful woman or marvel at the new rising of the sun Leopardi, even without the lamp of Diogenes, states that all men are gone Part warring between their, part navigando, part biting one another, the killing themselves not only by their own hand,the drenching idleness,stillandosi part of the brain on the books,or carousing and disordering in a thousand things; studying all the streets in order to against his own nature and evil. The end of life is happiness, but happiness seems impossible today. Ancient man had the heroism and illusions, had the great passions and distracted from what he did not understand the emptiness and anguish. But then everything has fallen. The knowledge of things leads man to the desire of death, continue a life in which we have known the misery and nothingness, it is impossible. The illusions made the happiness of man, but with the important difference that then life was also dying and living today will die Yet the poet himself in the most difficult period he wrote one of the most poignant poems: the broom A praise to the life that rebels against the "desert " (Annex n ° 18) Praise to the man who although disabled is a source of hope and harmony From wheelchair Alice eats up the sky with his big blue eyes still could fly and fly is an experience that everyone can do in spite of the small ALICE is now flying in the sky. Just open and read his poems: "The Book of alice" This book was born as the flowers come, born children, the clouds are born: And because they have to be born 'born for the good of the many; to sweeten the bitter and strengthen the fragile, to make it lighter and more children older children who are not the men of the future but the children of this. To make us all together a little 'more patient and careful Alice says that we should not be ashamed of anything except what to do harm,as also saith my grandmother even ashamed of being uneducated , to laugh or to cry to write ..to live

Nothing is more practical than a good theory J.Piaget


With life skills and biopsychosocial paradigm doctor, focuses not healing of the disease,but the promotion of health and participation of people. But nothing is created and nothing is destroyed only transformed. In the past,, known personalities dedicated to promoting human welfare. As Heraclitus .. the Grumpy, with the theory of opposites or Epicure with the tetrafarmaco as a cure to the finiteness and better for the theory of opposites the finitude that care

4.1 PANTHA REI The size of rationality connects to measure, but Misura Sorge, springs, inside the existence, that in the broad sense I take, as finiteness. One can not understand the meaning of 'finite' if you do not see it in relation to its opposite term, the infinite. This is the fundamental theory of the philosophy of Heraclitus. Becoming (Panta rhêi, "Everything flows") generated by the conflict of opposites and their change. The world is characterized by a continuous turn of all things, because in every sphere dominates the conflict: both men, constantly at war with each other, that in nature , whose life cycle is marked by the transformations of the elements. "All things" says Heraclitusexchange with the fire and the fire is exchanged with all things, as the merchandise are exchanged for gold and gold is exchanged with all things”. The aristocratic philosopher Heraclitus said the dark, stated that man is evil rather than cattivo ...is stupid. Although rich family made a living by wandering hermit, eating herbs and roots because he could not stand sharing the air with the stupid ... I'm allergic to stupidity as some are for pollen. Struck by dropsy ( the body of swollen ), resigned to seek treatment from doctors because .... not only cut and burn meat but also want to be paid for thisFor this reason ..., preferred to follow the advice of a healer ( then the Vanni Brands) who advised him to immerse yourself in the warmth of the manure. The therapy did not effect shit .., worsened his physical condition he decided to return to its rich dimoraEntrato hidden in the barn strewn with dung, its not recognizing the fierce mauled ... this is the result of so much wisdom ? Only myth? Stories (metropolitan) ?Plato preached moderation at the table and dies in a banquet Rousseau 68 great teacher had taken away the children entrusting them to a reformatory I assume they are legends to help us understand ... once again ... that no one is infallible ——- 68Ho Debole one per educator Rousseau, as for Frobel and Pestalozzi , that as a fund supplement will apply the best tool at our disposal.. la natura . The educator must be a little as I said the same Ceser a .... gardener


For Epicurus, the real pleasure can only be reached by following a few rationally virtue, like yourself for example continence and prudence. All is fair, when it promotes the happiness, understood as the absence of pleasure and pain. Pleasure / pain arise from the senses,death deprives feelings so why bother Just the fear of death are born more sorrows. For example because we fear the bite of spiders ? • only for the fear of pain, • then for fear of suffering, • and finally the fear of death. Always wonder what's the worst thing that can happen to us ? L =a Morte And 'rational fear the pain, the dead no . When death comes I'm not there more; worry prematurely wasting energy and increases both physical pain and mental. Without fear of the symptoms we live better, approach with greater vigor everything. Epicurus to govern, the problem of death, and fear develops a theory :

5.1 UNIVERSAL THEORY We are all ignorant about Death (no one has been dead) La Morte incute ansia (those who believe in the immortality , non the present a) Even more confused we do not distinguish between die and be dead If life is short, so is the pain because we tend to be afraid If unbelief is difficult not to believe in the Death ... Epicurus biological processes tetrafarmaco well as to overcome the anxiety of death

5.2 THE TETRAFARMACO 1. fear not the gods if there are blessed and merciful and do not deal with ants 2. All the fears are irrational, the fear of the spider is a symptom of another illness RDM (Spider Pain Death) then you have to treat the cause 3. Easy to have a quiet life, just want to keep to the minimum necessary, so our happiness does not depend on luck or events (theft,calamity, etc. ..) 4. The disease or kill me or heal me (in the context of the time) when I'm there, there is no Death .... and vice versa

1 Objection If there's me there is no death and vice versa …. this sentence may explain the thought of biological death, but contrasts with the doubts of the immortality of the soul

Epicurus responds with the atomic theory: the universe is composed of atoms all human beings their bodies are not Substances Fund, but only of the compounds of atoms atoms soul vanish as the compounds of a thermal reaction, where the compound dissolves temporal, as in a transformation of energy

2 Objection Epicurus does not take into account the subjective aspects (ie the atoms are colorless , I see) The atomic theory is based only on the material; how to explain the thinking? For Epicurean humans believe higher beings are special creatures . The gods exist, but not as the vulgar believe: Unholy is not who eliminates the gods of the vulgar but who apply to the opinions of the vulgar Epicurus, therefore, does not claim to have an absolute truth, but simply invites you to deepen his philosophy. Its more than a theory is a real therapy if no other consolation, because if we are only atoms, we win the fear of death and its symptoms. This already improves the lives because it helps to produce a second nature a second dress: Manipulation of atoms but not the attitudes • Meditate every thing makes us happy = strengthens the spirit. • To feed a balanced. • Reduce the wishes = less exposed to events . • Ask yourself precepts to be pursued continuously , • believe that no one is above the prudent person . • the greater good is the CAUTION origin of all virtues We are called to choose, despite our position chronic Hamlet (uncertainty) La tranquillità di Epicuro, the absence of suffering is the very soul imperturbability? Think positive to the philosopher says : “Not inspire fear God much less death, the good is easy to get, evil difficult to extend " Euripides who knows that to live and not die if the die is not living Mah. certainly is that ................. It is foolish to fear that which you can not avoid


Reasoning of opposites Pleasure Cradle : pleasure because most coveted desired and desirable If the pain is bad , the opposite of evil is good The opposite of pain is pleasure, therefore, concludes as Eudoxus is good Chrysippus opposes the pleasure opposed to pain as opposed to the more minor . An evil may object to another so both evil and something that is not a good or bad. Furthermore, not all relationships are dyadic but triadic opposition = An excess virtue (half) failure

Reasoning Cradle Eudoxus says that all living beings and non-rational, aspire to the pleasure = Therefore pleasure is the highest good Meet the primary drives The reasoning follows from the fact that it is ... desirable newborn baby tends to pleasure and avoids pain (as well as animals that are irrational) they have not yet been conditioned by society, are the best judges about the true natural tendencies toward good or evil (This is. flee from pain cry when they are hungry )

Maximize the flow Argument that it measures the satisfaction of the pleasures, increasing the desires and maximizes the satisfaction of desires increasing appetites. For Callicles the beauty and justice according to nature, let's grow their own desires as much as possible and not to restrict them. Appease them with courage, remove the taste of everything that you'll want to live without you is not living, who has no desires or can satisfy them can not be happy. The same powerful need to maximize the flow of passions and always aim to have the best things . You have to let it free rein to the passions and take off every whim who does not agree he does because he is a coward or a weak unable to meet their own instincts and desires temperance and justice only for lack of manliness and courage. Who does not need a thing is not happy? Life is like a flow of a liquid, and not the liquid itself. One who has all the pots filled and no longer has any pleasure is reduced as if it were a stone or inanimate. The pleasure of life is to pay as much as possible in the vessels:Virtue is true satisfaction of their passions

4.4 A Orci Forata

Socrates counters by saying that the best rule is to be masters of, able to dominate the passions and pleasures. Ordered life is better than the dissolute As if two men had the pitchers : • one healthy and full, • the other even if it has liquid has consumed vessels and washes. Who will live better. It will be happier? Only the foolish, therefore, give free rein to their passions. Their soul without rule and restraint, is like a jar drilled insatiable, uncontrollable and are forced to carry nell'orcio drilled water well drilled with a sieve So is the soul of fools is punctured and can not keep anything for his unbelief and rashness forced to fill them day and night to avoid suffering. His life would be like that of caradrio eating and defecating only, or as someone who has scabies and feeling the urge to scratch spend their entire life to rub? This is a happy life? As a function itching and develops the organ, so the life of hedonistic that remains infantile, looking for just the satisfaction of lower pleasures, attached to the umbilical cord or the womb. The good thing too Everyone is looking for happiness. Pleasure is the beginning and end of each blessed life, supreme fulfillment of happiness. Nice to read when he says Epicurus produce second nature a second dress manipulation of atoms but not the attitudes In modern epoca, the principles of matrix Epicurean hedonism, exerted a profound influence on the utilitarian philosophers. Among these distinguished scholars excelled Mill. Child Prodigy (wrote treaties already 8 years) Exhausted from too much study, then he noticed in his youth, that the best thing : • is not culture, • even exercise physical strength it is best to solidarity and charity ... ... if I'm not mistaken ... sorry arrogance already told someone else about 2000 years ago

4.5 The TESTA Croce ?

Pascal For our soul is thrown in the body, here is only time and size. The soul is a unit. But the unity added to infinity, not increases for nothing. The finished you cancel before the infinite. So our spirit in the face of god. There is such a great disproportion between unity and infinity between our justice and that of God (great and merciful) We know there is infinite but we do not know its nature. We know it is wrong to say that numbers are finite, while it is true that there is an infinity of numbers. We do not know the nature of infinity because it has an extension as we, but did not our borders. For this I do not know the existence, nor the nature of God because he has neither limits its extension. We know of its existence through faith. We criticize Christians x lack of evidence but not in a good way . God exists? The reason is in chaos it can not verify Heads or tails? for the reason you can not point it to a, it to the other question, but much less be ruled out either . Any choice is wrong but you have to bet (choose) …Yes, but what? You can lose the true and the good . We play: the reason and the will, knowledge and bliss you must escape unhappiness and error The certainty of what you are likely, is equal to the uncertainty of the gain are more likely to gain or lose and the infinite to gain ... What do we have to lose in honest and live in righteousness? There are pleasures best? We thus obtain a certain thing better life for which we have not risked anything Putting on her knees (humility) infinite before the being who speaks to us in the silence of the signs of nature, even in the face of a colleague who thoughtfully reflects a thought with amazement of Pascal, not during an appeal of philosophy, but in everyday life. How many lessons while many failures and successes


One can not speak of finiteness without talking about religion. So far I've made the Devil's Advocate, but in truth I try to keep tight my humble values,asking consultation to my patroness a nice Lady of Good Counsel. I kept them hidden to give wide-ranging and comprehensive application in accordance with any belief in truth I more I feel that doubting believer or a better shooting confess that I was glad to hear the wise Don Giovanni Nicolini (Bologna) which states that it is behind the idolatry 69, the sign of the cross or religious certainties, which is the essence of a Christian , but by how we approach our daily life, how his humanity was visited by that Other that someone called god The Dali Lama invites you to follow the religion that is rooted in their own culture, and from there start a search for deeper faith that is committed not just to a future salvation, but for the man of this, doing the obstacles of growth opportunities Panikar except oltre..

The new innocence. The lost innocence you can not recover , you can not go back It will not do good, is not good is she does not want to proclaim the goodness truth is truth herself, not defended not afraid because he has nothing to lose and 'pure trust does not trust the others in itself because it is empty of all this emptiness is the essence of the Tao Only the mystic can survive in today's society without becoming a terrorist (vilento) or cynical (uncaring) only the mystic can preserve the integrity of his being because he is in communion with the whole reality of Wisdom is "tasty" salt. Salt preserves from corruption supports his work and taste Wisdom is found in the small things unlike the knowledge that , away from the noise . If you do not find it is because you look not so much in the wrong place in the wrong way who you think is right already has ceased to be God is everywhere is a center and circumference as well nobody owns it, Christ does not make an object what do ? in the name of GOD. The essence of Buddhism lies in the eye as a barrier to the needle , it is to give up even the renunciation rid of that desire . True virtue is humility = true grace the new innocence gets rid of the desire for perfection and desire to be better. If we aim only half will not enjoy the present time which is the revelation of eternity . As Job says = the path is made by walking only a pure heart can be free to experience the divine that is not an object but the very act of being. Nirvana is outside of the conscious, is not the reason the man help even the love that is rather a motor car energy being . The Bible prohibits the appointment and also to write the name. Adam knew that Eve was naked but nudity united them and not shared = no convert the other object in order to own it instead of letting possess subdue ragionpura,doubt recover the spontaneity of knowing the name of Innocence is unpopular ..ignorance,knowledge as an adventure of growing together only man possesses self-consciousness that is the reflection . you forget yourself in the ecstasy of being becomes a member of orchestra… armonia


69Itsor contrary to 'idolatry but ... Remedy care and not only for the soul, was the Crucifix for so many poor people for nothing, it cast on him their miseries and hopes; was carried in procession not only in the fields ( to pray for a good harvest) but also in the home of the patient as a sign of true solidarity Emy told me the same and I remember altar boy about – In the midst of so many famous people quote my idol Zamebelli Teresa.Teresa is my paesana,MADRE nonna, wealthy,is one of those people who appear in silence without a spirit of service make it vital community every time I hope to have considerable strength and courage to be able to emulate


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