1. 20^ Stage : Zithomir – Kiev


2. As soon as I opened a place I stop for breakfast, with proper precautions x'solitamente are dogs "theft" inhospitable


3. here encounter a puppy that almost tear to see me ... mangiare.Decido to share what little I have other dogs and they appear immediately


4.This time, however, do not attack me ..anzi . The dogs are really dangerous xò stray ke t'assalgono when - Helen.


5. Hard to find rest stops along the route


6Sometimes ... meet the improvised street vendors selling all sorts of article here ... treat x as brooms


7. The road seems apparently safe and quiet.. but we must never let our guard down ... just a little x be in danger


8X ... .here example a truck that has punctured, after a few skids ... I suddenly cuts the road


9. Welcome


10. Welcome a Kiev


11. The mascot


12. Just arrived in the city gush a group of young people on bikes with a lot of mask ... I guess is a demonstration against smog


13. I follow them.. but I say they are not to protect the environment,but engaging in electoral propaganda of the extreme right !!!brake!!!


14. Sunday there are elections, and many young people in various ways, are engaging in electioneering


15So ... it's that without even realizing I'm in the city center, immersed in the chaotic traffic


16. Obelisk


17. The Central Square


18. Intravedo Hotel Ukraine, As ever I did not stay here ... x save a little I have to do + of 2 h. in spasmodic from your search


19. I have even recommended the Stadium Hotel but too expensive


20..via Away ... and all other hotel d 'elite, very expensive and unavailable anyway ... intolerant and "multitude"


21It does not matter to them ... if you notice any side dilapidated buildings. If nothing else, while looking after nearly 1.000 km haunt a cyclist


22. Xò ... unfortunately not want to work, for him my bike, I said without even looking at it ... it's tuttok


23.I find a hotel in periferia..con difficulties convinced the manager inflexible and only after, some of his phone calls and the help of an elderly client


24. A kind of hotel by the hour, a real process ..and I have to say also thanks, to the responsible, that immediately after strangely will polite and kind


25The difficulties ... but are not yet completed.. I stopped to eat at this restaurant named after an Italian waiter and here teases me

26. Esco leaving the food in half . I find an internet point ... and his young managers noticing my photos of the camp are playing ... black facet

27. The cicalata

28. m'addormento(albeit almost empty stomach)..with the fear of nightmares ... maybe even singing sunnambolo bell'absissina

29. x I think the positive reaction (is a good practice before sleep) and just close my eyes ... it all seems a dream

30Kiev ... Petosino whole bike looks amazing but up here in fact, in the meantime I've done it.. and tomorrow?

31 Meglio non mettersi in croce o fasciarsi la testa prima del ferita..

32. ….domani ci penseremo… intanto spedisco un SMS ad alcuni conoscenti e…buona notte

A Kiev dopo quasi 1.000 km riesco finalmente a ri-trovare un ciclista …purtroppo xò senza voglia di lavorare, tanto che senza nemmeno guardarla, for him my bike (cigolante) … è tuttok. Sempre il ciclista fannullone mi indica un hotel economico “Il President”..non vi dico … Continuala ricerca ma mi indicano ….solo hotel d’ elite, very expensive and unavailable anyway ... intolerant and "multitude" Alla fine riesco a trovare un hotel in periferia.. con enorme difficoltà riesco a convincere l’inflessibile gerente, che solo dopo diverso tempo, alcune sue telefonate e l’aiuto di una anziana cliente, si decide a concedermi una semplice stanza .It 'a kind of hotel by the hour, with many free rooms ..a true process ..and I have to say also thanks, to the responsible, which strangely, after my return will be gentle and kind The difficulties ... but are not yet completed, I stopped to eat at a restaurant by the name of Italian (Celentano) and here a waiter kidding me tells me that his colleague fluent in Italian when in truth she was a young inexperienced foreign, who could not even guess the Ukrainian. The boy (really stupid) not happy, involving her colleagues, continued to tease, to the point that even though I was hungry, I left the food in half (already paid prior to checkout) and I left really disappointed.. there is a limit to everything. I am looking for an internet point and at the end I find it in the center, in a large shopping mall located in the gallery of underground walkway (pedestrians is forbidden to cross the open sky !!! ) Here before you download photos (were still those of Auschwitz) from the card, want to see on their desktop to their content (will be a constant in all the points of Ukraine Internet) Sistemavo while ... then the photos on my stick, chanted throughout the salon (30 and + PCs) and blaring the song Little Black..ALLELUYA ... And other songs of the genre.. making comments towards me, in the local language, incomprehensible for me, but I doubt, however, were compliments ... if we have noticed that photographer ... well their hovels and their processes ... ari..alleluia


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