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Word 10-una-dolente-frattura

Dopo l’intervento chirurgico all’anca mi arrampico sul Monviso e per il Giubileo raggiungo Roma in bici trascorrendo una estate veramente “alternativa” tanto che per la 1^ volta (una vera impresa) vengo pubblicato sul Bollettino della mia Parrocchia un articolo che invito a leggere cliccando sul link sottostante

Pdf 1-una-estate-alternativa
Word 1-una-estate-alternativa


Bolgare 01.11.2016. Giro delle Cascine …eve of departure x New York

in solitudine la stessa notte parto per New York dove corro la Maratonina Solidale il sabato 5.11.2016 e la domencia 6.11.2016 after 42km at 4:16 a.m.″(by my stopwatch) June happy arrival of the spectacular Marathon

ma per il mio Giornale Locale non ci sono..
1-eco 2-eco

I go to the headquarters of the newspaper and I trust them that I was more likely to be reported in the New York Times and on the Echo of Bg..con fatigue insist for a meeting and finally I can only speak by phone with caporedatore the sports page, that tells me I can not give me space because Atalanta goes well and takes up all the sports page !!!What have I to do with Atalanta at the end opts for a corrigendum…thanks!!! what about more

insistoper parlare con il responsabile della cronaca sportiva & inoltro subito una mail alla Redazione con allegato le foto sopra =
Gent.. noted with regret that "no hesitation" this time either, and specifically on the list of Bergamo athletes who have run the New York marathon and yet I run and with hard work and a lot of determination ..tanta ..tanta below..
..Gent…after surgery (hip replacement) I claimed in January I went by bike to Rome for the Jubilee and in these days I ran the New York Marathon, a real nice surprise the show supporters that I liked and cultured as a gift / reward for my race at 4:15 a.m.′ infinite time…perhaps.. But everything is relative so that for me is equal to a victory …

Ps. and yet …as you can see…My ole have struck again…I try to always mirarle… near the heart

return and Sunday 13.11.2016..corro in Cologno fascinating lower Bergamo.. how not to do a Mexican wave with the employees of the hospital Maggiore former colleagues

x fotocronaca corsa ..clicca qui

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