Petosino Rome

April 2005

I apologize if the path is not well documented and photographed for nothing. Only after reading the script below I think that anyone can easily understand the reason for this lack

Roman Holiday

Without being the least considered, after several unpleasant scams (already well documented) receive communication from ecclesiastical tribunal Lombard the annulment of my marriage so I decided to make a strong gesture go to Rome on foot, to revoke such cancellation The most beautiful thing in my life was the wedding,though it has failed,of course this is not to deny my past

The day 19/05/2005 to h 4.30 birth, with the backpack I go to the cemetery miopaese , a prayer to my dear .. and I walk away with a heart full of sadness and my new (dig errore) A tennis shoes Cream I start to limp to the blisters on my feet The 1st night I stop in a Motel near Montodine Among various moans, turn on the TV to see the weather forecast (threatening), but the many channels only give film hard. I think is not the best start as a pilgrim ... ? But such are then? I'm surprised I even, in the morning I can not even get my shoes from evil then as I start to walk slowly, plan does not feel + pain, even approximately, Ogni 1H, to break the monotony of the walk, I run, despite the weight of the backpack A Piacenza I am doubtful whether to continue the busy Via Emilia and go downhill from Sasso Marconi (BO) or do Cisa

Before leaving I had documented on the path, and reading an article in the local newspaper about a Mrs. Angela for the Jubilee 2000 she went on foot to Rome, I went to hear about . I discover so well that Angela was like me, volunteer in Bolivia (with the Employer's S.V.& Celim)It is a small world ... Unfortunately, his story is full of inaccuracies and inaccuracies and may not correspond to Article. She herself tells me that in fact departed from Piacenza and not from Bergamo(?) and that though now you do not remember well the roadmap, I want to hear about, his cousin and fellow running Homobonus, di Canonica d’Adda . The latter will come to know that it is voluntary c / o the Ass. Exodus of Don Resmini (Employers' S V) that assists "Barboni" : the same association where I last year I made the college internship ... eh.. will.. I repeat is a small world I get a call from Homobonus cousin Angela, who tells me that after me there is a group of pilgrims followed by a camper and I recommend to wait for following their journey: la via Francigena I know so, by phone, Charles, who invites me to join them,that run on average 25 km a day and that hannodeciso Raggiunegere of Rome on the occasion of the birthday of the Pope who died in the meantime ... but I "quickly",I have now decided on 10/05/05 I want to go,to be the process of Venice (v.oltre)

The 3rd day already reach Fornovo di Taro and on the advice of Charles I ask hospitality to the Priest that after 2 h waiting (dead tired) asks me if I have a certificate of pilgrim of my pastor(?) so that with various excuses, I deny the accommodation, not even pay him gold. And physically destroyed.. continuous morally ... I reach the foot of the Step Cisa, the only restaurant open hotel, is inhospitable and dear,I will not sleep for the bed ramshackle but especially for the casino deafening unfortunately this will prove to be a constant,in almost all the homes passed for the effort I eat little: I have already lost 6 kg in 3 days ... I try to eat something but I still say they have already closed the kitchen, I ask the lie to the relief of swelling of the feet, but do not have the ice. Doctor feet and I come off the whole skin, bleed profusely and you can see the bone of the heel, I guess also because of a patch anti blisters, advised (?) by a pharmacist Codogno; even also lose blood from the rectum. The following day, despite the rain, I leave ... "race" the hotel, even in silence greeting, refusal even breakfast already included in the price already paid on arrival.

In cima al Step Cisa I find university colleagues (?) , I say trainees Prof. Lizzola (?) It continues to rain, I walk down the massacres. The pain is unbearable I decided to hitchhike. A nice copy of French brings me up in Batesville. Later they called me the children are destroyed ... but happy .... Restored grit my teeth and the next day are Mass,I buy sandals ... here are real relief. .in paradise I decide to do the Aurelia and not the classic via Francigena (I already know (see below) .The weather on the coast is more stable, with the sun I can quickly dry the clothes .. and with the salt to make anti-inflammatory therapy puciando feet in sea point Viareggio through its endless pine forest to avoid the traffic and several kilometers more . I just ... I get lost in this and 2005. I reflect on the ability of traveling in the past centuries, in the know are orient-

The pine forest of Versilia is endless .., wide and full of ungodly people say "special" , actually a real pit of perdition if they see all the…"Customs and.. the color "Shortly before wading the river Serchio, even the military meeting at the shooting range. I'm sorry but I can not pass ; given that shoot towards the sea around them advise me, where I should say(?)be a transition. The trail is non-existent, the forest becomes more dense and full of thorns and brambles

The only sign of human passage are several supplies plastic. Maybe some immigrant lives there? Only after a few days, thinking of that inaccessible place, I had the intuition of what all the junk When the sea overflowed made us, deposited in these troughs , what we humans we gave the gross . This simple fact, I confess I was very impressed .. everything in nature is "in connection with" ... no joking too

Ford the river, but then I warn ... there is the pine forest of S Rossore,Presidential and yet it seems so guarded and impassable, I also would still be a natural obstacle: L 'Arno Barbed dead tired and bloody ..., back on Aurelia and there with a bus overtake Livorno

The next morning I go to the emergency room for me to medicate. Even the Gent. Doctor's First Aid loves trekking, impresses you to see my feet, in addition to antibiotics prescribes me complete rest confident that I do get the impression of a motivated and intelligent way to anything exalted or fanatic but can not understand how a person can shrink the feet that way ... but if you are coming to that.. tells me ... there must be necessarily a valid reason that not even want to know ... but ... precise respects in fact fully agrees with my choice and tells me making me his best wishes ...


With a bus reach the nearest seaside resort and accommodation in the only campground open ....

Am I the only and perhaps the 1st customer of the bathing season just started. I ask for the receipt, unwell but the manager does not release me. I ask him a bike to go to town (a 2 km) to go shopping, tells me that they do not have. I turn the corner and see a myriad of bicycles all rusty and deflated ... that's thinking : return x to the process of Venice, absolute rest for the feet and the unavailability of the operator is .. I have an idea.. port one of those old chestnuts from the only cyclist in the village still open desert place him as best they could and then hide in a ditch and the next morning betimes to

I ride a bike ... rusty.. and so in 3 days following, through the pine forests of the Tuscan coast

With heavy backpack, blisters on her ass this time,through mostly pine (road + cutting) I already know. Meanwhile heal the wounds a little foot (thanks also to the foot in the sea), but they open the heart ... transiting in these pleasant places, paths often with my kids when we came here on holiday

While pedalo name is Charles the pilgrim friend of Homobonus,tells me that they are a Lucca and that it will stop 2 days as tourists, then knowing that I'm pedaling tells me that ..... is not valid,My pilgrimage is incorrect ... (?) From the pulpit then? Departing from Piacenza (?),without a backpack,with the camper and as a result the hotels booked. Without, Almost certainly I think backpack in less than a week raggiungerei Rome

I tell him: we are not doing a competition between pilgrims, and then I, I do not even consider this .

I write these things because they do not want to hide anything from anyone. My only intention in this journey is to trace and expose injustice For this precise that do not consider myself a pilgrim and what Serbs in the heart much less a tourist ...

Taken the way I get lost again Trap (appropriate name) The front all'intransitabile Ombrone date back to the bridge Duce (Grosetto) so called because the leader had it built, heard to say to a local farmer who wanted to cross the river : here we would like the leader I might as well write a book about my walk, there are many things seen and heard ... but now I do not want to bore After the wonderful park dell'Uccellina I go often via Aurelia,here that now has become a veritable highway,very dangerous,and without even noticing (?) I am in the beautiful Roman territory In the penultimate stage after more than 10 hours without meeting even a bar, for if I am to Bagni di Agostino S (Civitavecchia) tell me where is the Madonna who cries blood, I do not know if it was fatigue or well this is a miracle but I swear that I have had the distinct feeling that in looking at .. But she laughed as if to say : but where picio ... Go Here for the 1st time the backpack weight (I did not go to before the crisis at the thought) = 10 kg and already I had gotten rid of several things,medicines umbrella etc. Now "feel" Rome .. To avoid the ring road for the 3rd time I take a bus. In everything I have traveled a 50 km in bus, 50 in vehicle stop (Cisa) and approximately 400 km walk to the stay. pedaling on a bike battered and rusty .... if you please

Sooner or later I'll just make the full path ... with no purpose than the pleasure of it. Next time though I will use the shoes already consumed but most importantly will face the journey with a new spirit



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