
Click here to read the Trail of Orobian

Santiago Londra Gerusalemme Cairo Mosca Pechino Washington ecc.. sono solo alcune delle città che ho raggiunto in bici partendo sempre da Petosino. Given the current crisis I have adequate but not surrendered, and a true traveler, I only changed half and half, incamminandomi lungo il Sentiero delle Orobie, percorrendo così un viaggio molto interessante, scoprendo un mondo affascinante. Sono transitato lungo Blello Fraggio Salzana il Passo Baciamorti (dove venivano benedette le salme dello scomunicato Ducato limitrofo ) Mezzoldo Carona Maslana Ninth Rosio etc. .. which in terms of culture, history and hospitality they have nothing to envy to the great metropolis aforementioned.

Partito il 24 agosto attraversando ol put che bala sull'Ubione climbing I reached the Val Taleggio, to go up on the 1st shelter (Gherardi) always go back and walk the 7 September, crossing the Val Vertova going up the mountain and Poieto Salmezza I reached Canto Alto and "my Sorisole" where there is the new shelter, where I was the creator and interpreter diligent worker with the Alpine Group directed by the skilful local master builder and the handyman Given cook Teresina

Follow the trail was Orobian a dream I had since a kid, but I've never been able to achieve and now forwarded to age ... it's never too late.. for those who believe convinced; more than Orobie I struck the trail of my Childhood passing between places that only know in part or in places that on the contrary have marked my childhood such as vacation spent in the transhumance Silter Mezzoldo with my mother and brothers the family farmer Mussetti Andrea

They tell me what to do The tour of shelters it is no longer fashionable as well as decayed seems the good habit of walking or to struggle without meaning , but then I see that people spend money to go to gyms closed between plasterboard walls plasticate, free while I walk outdoors; Unfortunately, today's uses and customs have fallen into disuse, and you do not take more than the traditions that we have "marked" and has even lost the habit of walking an end in itself or as a simple prevention and wellness

Walking in the mountain environment involves all the senses, a sensory process that absorbs you and you regenerate, an area where it encloses part of our identity, of our history, that time can not erase, is for us to trample spread and defend this our precious cultural heritage. The history of every country must be sought in its traditions and its roots in the affairs or domestic, where there are no heroes or blatant actions of ambitious politicians , but they have to trace the actions of the industrious valligiano, shepherd, farmer, craftsman or the intelligent merchant does thrive family and "adorned" the village of charitable institutions. This trip so rich images full of meaning as well as ancestral, reminds me of the world's first organic pollution and ideological, it is a way of life simple but authentic from their habits gestures actions still shines through an ancient world that was acting in harmony with the laws of nature where the concept of waste had not yet entered into the culture. Each stage of a different world, the reality of the hard work alpine, home, , the transumanza, pastoralism, in boscaioli, the workers of the power and reality of rifuggisti precisely with whom I have shared meals and stories with-, and even the traces of the past as former mines or the Cadorna line with its trenches recall the absurdity of every war ... "preventive" including.

La tappa più bella: the 4 Women with Lisa Benigni infant phenomenon, mamma Francesca e le sue due aiutanti

The most interesting stage of the Tagliaferri where Francis and his nephew Ale is a veritable encyclopedia wandering while the other niece Julia knows everything but everything on the work of the woodcutter who has been skilfully, I say plays his father. The most significant stage was that of the Dam of Gleno Our small Vajont (this year marks the ninetieth anniversary) in fact was the one that gave a sense, a logic, and a rhyme in all my toil ..so as not to forget

A special thanks to CAI Bergamo as indicated, maintains and protects the "Guiding Light"

A warm thanks to all the people Rifuggisti original indeed phenomenal special people like each of us is in the eyes of the good god .. I extend a warm greeting them and thought = Amedeo GIANGIACOMO / Umberto / Fabrizio Gigi Andrea Anna Elisa / Sandro Silvia Francesca Franco Enzo / Dario Rosella / Andrea Claudio Maurizio / Marco Fabrizio / Neva Milena / Fabio MariaPia Francis / Cristian Giulia Elisa Grace Sandro Teresina DeodatoWith their faces ... strong and simple as stones, eloquently recount the human dimension and the environment of these our beloved and at the same time rugged valleys.. with them I shared meals and stories that I hope to rework and "transumare" soon in a story

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