STAGE A = CHINA TRAVEL Ola Anomalous 2011

STAGE A = CHINA TRAVEL Ola Anomalous 2011

They walk. Testing the concert x, mi invitano sul palco x fare una foto da mettere sul giornale locale insieme a + of 200 singers .. I do while I'm at the ola well as their, and leaving a really fun thing; unfortunately I do not have the photo x’ I was discharge of batteries but still different photographers present have told me that I will have the

the smile of these two girls I think that alone is worth the fatigue of travel

two ladies who spend x case can also include their

unfortunately here “fans” I drop the camera and breaking my displaj well as the ola suffers

from the capital Beijing always reach pedaling (1300km c/a) the ancient capital of Xi'an terracotta warriors and here in an Italian group meeting as well as take advantage of the x ola???

…cerco di far fare l’ola pure ai guerrieri e seppur anchilosati come si può ben vedere nella foto sotto, in part I can … x the record that I have no head

reach well Sangaj the economic capital and I go in the studio of Lorenzo Chartered Accountant Riccardi his collaborators a + serious than the highly professional…seem impassive …I also pretend indifference and pretend to see a particular painting, but I already know what to…miro .. in fact here is the abnormal ola smail that brings joy and well-being

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