53 STAGE Repvåg TRAVEL 2008

53 STAGE Repvag TRAVEL 2008









1. 53^ Stage : Karajok – Repvag


2. Map construction


3. Although the night before improbably have met in the hotel another Italian Beppe ... he bike ..pedalo in solitude


4.Beppe anywhere soon,x 'his intention is to make a unique tirade(230km) up to Honninsvag(30 km to K.Nord) where he booked the accommodation


5... I recommend to book, otherwise great risk without accommodation at 0 ° .The gent. hotel maid helps me find 1albergo Repvag


6. ma..dopo a 20 km in a landscape of mostly desolate,I reach Beppe who has problems with the wheel of his original and patented trolley


7. ..and Not just trudging on climbs


8. In pretend he descended to remain slightly detached in order to give him moral support ... and for the rest tuttok


9…tanto che sembriamo una coppia collaudata da anni…lascio a Beppe la scelta delle soste ..il come ed il quanto


10. in una di queste soste fotografo un curioso mini water..a misura di bimbo..che non avevo mai visto prima d’ora


11. Beppe benché organizzi viaggi in Norvegia (almeno cos’ dice lui)… e conosca bene il Paese..filma ogni cosa


12…..ed io ne approfitto x lustrarmi gli occhi,


13…farmi una cultura e perché no farmi una cultura


14…. and why not ... look around and take it easy for once


15The beard ... predictions ... it's a beautiful day, even if it is very cold,, between the fjords you can catch a glimpse of the newly fallen snow


16…. and always in the fjords, you can even see slabs of ice ... brr ... brrr..brrrr ...


17.every ... So ... Beppe stops and takes a deep breath and films .... films or x breather?


18.and ... While I wait for him


19.ne X ... take this opportunity to photograph details


20Develop new scenarios ...


21Even ... reindeer ... not finding better ... it happens that they go on the roof to graze


22. There are in fact several houses from the roof of grass x the best insulation ...


23X ... fight the Grim isolation ... in almost every village there is a church ...


24Some villages ... (In truth, few) have even a small school


25 ..but life here must be difficult to deal with motorcycle


26…. You can see a few people ... maybe engaged to clean your roof


27Traffic is non-existent ... the ..this see more boats than cars


28The air is clear ... ... and pure.. the feeling that tingles in the nose and expands the lungs.. Apparently enters directly into the circulation and muscles


29A unique feeling ... but it is beautiful.. live here, I repeat must be very hard if you do not you are born


30If ... we also consider the long winter nights and the exclusive economic resource


31.. ..in these small villages made of the inhabitants are fishermen only ...


32Necessarily ... and everything revolves around fishing


33... There are few other communication networks


34. Beppe is Veneto and makes me a detailed account on cod cod that is obtained by salting


35. The stockfish is always cod, but preserved by drying , well-known fact is that Norwegian


36Continues ... our brand.. I confess che..anche if I lose a little bit of media the presence of a companion is refreshing


37Also ... it was just as comforting ..in diverse and long tunnels.. to go


38. The road continues along the fjords; is carved into the rock harder


39..and it's all an inside and outside the inlets ... + o – larghe


40Hard ... there are plenty of tears already glimpsed at a distance


41. ..as the snow-capped peaks in the background of the various loops ...


42Well ... you can see in the bottom, several fish, sometimes huge ... Beppe tells me that otters are



43. We ride in a nature that seems untouched


44. ..of course ... we cycle in the largest Norwegian fjord


45The higher you climb ... and the more you ... and freezes on some "snags" touch the snow


46Still crowded ... the snow ... the sides of the road


47. With Beppe within the department of Nordkapp


48. ..Pochi km dopo e dopo 190 km c / a we leave ... Beppe goes 30km x other, verso Honninsvag ed io mi fermo a Repsvag


49Seemed at hand ... but that is not visible from the picture, and I'll have to do more km, within and around a small peninsula


50. and 'late ..the sun starts to go down, but it is only an illusion ...


51. Repsvag ... some reindeer welcome me ...


52... With lots of flags ... the flags are hung ... that homes


53. In the village there is also a small church with a small cemetery


54Do not miss the small port ...


55Missing ... the lighthouse ... but not the guardian


56. My accommodation


57. I shower and do a short walk.. meeting German tourists returning children have fun playing the same ... tell me ... that


58…Some days I go to NordKapp with their camper x take a souvenir photo.. but to no avail x'il bad weather will not allow it!!!


59. Mi siedo nel tavolino in fondo a dx con una visuale da mozzafiato. Attendo x lungo tempo la cena ma ne valeva la pena ..ottima


60…logicamente a base di pesce…il bel quadro a mio lato… non rispecchia minimamente la bellezza del reale che mi sta attorno


61…un paesaggio da favola


62. la terrazza della locanda da sul porticciolo


63.…con tanto di baccalà appeso


64. ..non inganni la luce…


65.. ormai e’ quasi mezzanotte…ma nonostante ciò, alcuni pescatori partono x la pesca


66. Altri pescatori sopraggiungono.. e mi invitano ad uscire con loro al mattino presto…


67…ma viste le + che precarie previsioni meteo,gentilmente rifiuto.Il tempo dovrebbe rimanere bello fino alle12h.. poi pioggia a dirotto


68. Subito il pesce viene ripulito


69. …e messo negli appostiti contenitori


70. Then ... to be allocated to the market of large cities


71. And 'the last night that step so far north


72.And ... given that German tourists, continue to make merry, I decide to take a walk


73. On the promontory there are piles of wood that tell me they serve as a beacon of reference x when there is dense fog


74.autoscatto ... ...


75. I had been warned that the midnight sun has a particular light but I do not think it was so seductive


76.. light plays hide and seek ... ..pare disappear


77.. but then reappeared a moment later ..., with equal splendor


78Undisturbed ... even the reindeer continue to "ruminate"


79While the landscape ..., seems like magic ..mutarsi


80The illusion ... a moment of sunset


81Already ... but the sun is revealed.. and its rays strike ...


82. a snowmobile.. here tell me that winter is the only means of transport that works x 'even the fjord freezes


83.The sun will be confirmed?..I miss her so little to the goal finale..speriamo.La light reveals and conceals at the same time and confused ...


84All our ... large and small ... miseries.. but nevertheless


85.. in the face of so much splendor and magnificence ..elevo my THANK YOU.. M'illumino of immense and as a reflection of in-conditioned ...

86. .PREGO ... ...

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