1. 23^ Stage : Romny – Sumy


2. Map


3…mattino presto anticipo il sole, che qui si sveglia molto presto


4 ..punto la strada …e ri-parto


5..sono in buona compagnia…qualcun altro è già sveglio


6. Alcuni muratori sono già all’opera ; una specie di trave fa da carrucola… certo che la 626 si fa desiderare


7. il resto del villaggio dorme ancora infatti si vedono più oche (sentinelle) that people


8. la Lactis locale è già all’opera


9. certo che la botte che contiene il latte non è il massimo della purezza


10. Sulla strada noto un altro strano veicolo con tanto di targa


11…con tanto di trazione anteriore


12.La Chiesetta(chiusa)testimonia la fede locale.La Croce Ortodossa ha l’asse basso inclinato x l’appoggio dei piedi (4 chiodi x 4 arti)


13.l’inclinazione ricorda che”La Croce Justice is Libra“.Below the”old Jerusalem” on the other side stands the “new Jerusalem


14. Inevitable in every village water well


15. there are of different types and measures ... x this example is not the best, with the roof Eternit (carcinogenic)


16. Waiting with previously


17. But the bus is the one of the pupils. The driver gives me information and the teacher invites me to stop wing their school, just a few km.


18. The Dean personally monitors the arrival of each student ...


19... The same wanted to be portrayed with his camera, to make an article of my journey in their magazine


20... .which Honor and pleasure


21... ... Then with a little regret ... we salute you


22…Non distante dalla scuola alcuni monumenti ricordano la nostra storia


23. Un cartello arrugginito come certa memoria


24…mentre un altro cartello mi da il benvenuto ( Pahion)


25. pedalo immerso in campi smisurati


26. ma questo non vuol dire che il tragitto sia sempre pianeggiante anzi..


27…solo che fatico e mi è più dispendioso il mettermi a fotografare gli strappi che fanno male


28. motivo in più x riflettere quanto sia soggettivo limitato e relativo anche il più dettagliato servizio fotografico


29. Sumy è vicina


30.In periferia della città sulla bella strada, incontro corridori in allenamento…


31..alcuni di loro hanno corso anche in Italia


32…. Si meravigliano anzi stupiscono del mio lungo viaggio, del peso del mio bagaglio…della mia forza e coraggio


33... Proud .semplicemente answer is a simple common ITALIAN


34.Due to their indication in Sumy can after more than 1000 km ,to finally find a cyclist (the last was the beginning of Poland)


35... Good gracious and competent young meccanico..che I recommend also a good accommodation. Buy also some brake pads x escort


36. ... Docciato and fed not the usual disdain stroll ... Museum in Sumy


37. In Ukraine I saw a few churches and almost all closed. In Sumy floorboards at a ceremony(Saturday evening) lasted over 2 h, all standing


38. A continuous bow, and nothing but a sign of participation.. if not singing response of vocal intonations of the Priest


39. The Priest "appears" a veteran actor,every now and then disappeared behind the altar(x rest?) ke seemed a real sipario..alla end anoints you


40. the Cicalata


In Ukraine I saw a few churches and almost all closed. In Sumy curious floorboards at a ceremony (Saturday evening) that lasts more than 2 h and all standing, I was crying my heart to see those poor grandmothers resist "straight" I assume only by faith In a continuous bow down and nothing else sign of participation.. if not singing response of vocal intonations of the Priest, which looks like a real actor sailed, and every now and then disappears behind the Altar(I assume x rest or pleasant to sit ?) that opens and closes on command like a curtain ... Seek a large assembly, almost entirely women . If there had been the Eucharist does not know how to behave, whether or not as a Catholic I could communicate; I decided to follow a kind of personal ecumenism but in the end the Priest resolved my doubts, In fact ... the celebrant instead of distributing the Eucharist anoints one by one, after bowing and kissing the icon turns the head of all participants ... including me that respect for local customs, I'm certainly not pulled back.With all km journey that I miss a blessing in more I do not think I make me so bad


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