1. 14^ Cracovia- (Mine) – Tarnow


2. I leave Krakow that still sleepy


3. Along the way (often bumpy) There are various interruptions x work in progress this further complicates my pace


4. Dopo pochi km da Cracovia (10 km) soggiungo Wieliczka, popular resort x salt mines


5. I take a ticket and wait for the opening hours of ..but I realize that my guide is not English but Polish


6. Thinking of me a favor by spending 50% at least they gave me a local guide(?)(?) x fortuna 3 tourist Francesi me ... "decifrano"


7Meanwhile ... keep on going down in the elevator ... before then x endless wooden stairs


8... A work of scaffolding and scaffolding from real Carthusian


9. X ... the whole support the more ....


10. Lucky enough to have even the wood from nearby forests


11. A huge precisely carved in the salt mine, well to a depth of 200m long and with several galleries


12. strolling along a well- 3 km that leads to a large number of rooms and caves.


13. The King founder


14. We even worked in the mine Copernicus (here with the Queen) certainly not as a miner but some of his studies as an engineer ..elaborando


15 with his heliocentric theory was the forerunner of the "Enlightenment" of the minds


16. with the effigy of King founder mixes ...


17With several other gnomes ... ...


18. e…un gnomone ..


19. ,,,fra le statue (always in salt) depicting scenes work of a time



20. The mine from 1978 be part of the World Heritage Site recognized by UNESCO


21. .. "Lamppost" modern ...


22.In the immense carved in the salt mine, huge premises are located.. bar x congress halls and even a restaurant and a church,


23…. Another type of banquet


24Strictly salt water font ...


25Even Pope John Paul II ... is made of salt


26The Madonna beside them ... does not seem very convinced at all


27Representation there ... and another nearby, reminds me ... my journey



28. I take my pleasure pedalata.Con I realize that the roads are beautiful with a lane reserved.. unfortunately all ahia..vallonate


29. X incurred in the work take this opportunity to re-pass vehicles faster


30. The weather at the beautiful face just before Tarnow changes his mind and I renamed


31. In a few minutes the storm water m'inzuppa the rest do some puddles on public transport schizzandomi


32. I find accommodation right near the center of the city. I can even send the photo cd at home.


33. The laundry ..and via a shower ready to enter into this new reality


34. Jewish Ghetto


35. During World War II the city was the subject of Tarnów, by the Nazis, an extermination of its Jewish citizens.


36. In particular 1939 Tarnów aveva 56.000 inhabitants of which about 25.000 were Jews (40% of the inhabitants of the city)


37. “The pearl of the Renaissance”, so call the Old Town of Tarnów the best-known art historians in Poland.


38. Caution


39. The cathedral ... in its interior several tombs of rulers ... a church re-built in a very religious country, perhaps too??


40.. even the cops asked me x 'not in my tour includessi the shrine of Czestochowa ... or the country of Pope Wojtyla etc...


41. A Tarnów, is the largest diocesan seminary of Europa..qui there is also the seat of the oldest Diocesan Museum in Poland


42.Tarnow x is also famous as the birthplace of Jan Szczepanik.pioniere of color photography, of television and film in color


43. was born in Tarnów well as the general Józef Bem, the national hero of Poland and Hungary


44. even the walls of my hotel portrays the exploits of Józef Bem


45. Other leaders ...


46. of different ages


47. e cimeli vari che richiamano il tempo che fu ..passato x fortuna ..di guerre celestiali


48.Ridicolo tra loro un insegna( + grande dell’interruttore stesso) mi spiega come fare x vedere o forse capire meglio la diversa cultura?

49..senza fatica trovo l’interruttore e spengo la luce..mi addormento e sogno le miniere e chi con fatica portava la luce nelle tenebre

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