13 STAGE Oswcimin. KRAKOW TRAVEL 2008
13 STAGE Oswcimin. KRAKOW TRAVEL 2008
1.13 ^ Tappa Katy (Auschwitz-Birkenau ) – Krakow
2. Katy make me sleep in a kind of flophouse above a pizzeria on the other hand they offer me breakfast at a tavern by candlelight
3. Oswiecim Auschwitz =
4. Upon arriving at Auschwitz a bus .. in the picture a little more aganti well x 3 times likely to invest me cutting my way
5. On the outskirts x orient follow the rails
6. arrival at camp too early and I have to wait more than a little opening hours
7.When entering
8. Above the gate the words "Arbeit macht frei" ( work makes you free)
9. 1^ cicalata.. glossary
10. The square of the collective gallows
11. and the square of Appeal
12. Croce sul-life
13. 2^ cicalata : Imagine ...
14. Today is the memory that calls us to a different kind of appeal
15. ..impossible to escape
16. Accommodation
17. o meglio dire .. cabins
18. their internal
19. in the yard near the pole of the executions ...
20. The wall of death
21. thousands of people were shot here
21. thousands of people were shot here
22. The cell No. 18 Ancke ... what was Maximiliano Kolbe who freely accepted death to save another prisoner x
23Divided people .... ... ....
24. crematoria ... the prisoners were showering with water heated from crematoria
25.death was the normal condition of the living,was in the air,penetrates into the spinal,we must come quota. accounts without escape
26Prisoners were often ... death .. while the orchestra was playing .... drawings made secretly by prisoners ...
27.No words ....
28Suitcases ...
29Suitcase first aid ....
31.. Early ...
32. I confess ... I am shocked.. x and not just visiting.. x but ignorance and rudeness of some groups of students
33. CAUTION RISK .. so study(?) x then be so ... stupid ... we must not lower guard
34. laugh and make fools durations throughout the visit, seems excessive to me …and their professors where they were addicted ... ?
35Also ... this is a cowardly way ... to get used to the extermination of conscience and memory
36. ..Vandals are always new ... + arrogant ignorant and arrogant .... x will be said to justify .. understand .. when they are young ...
39. There is no answer,or maybe who knows, will fall in the wind. Continue to echeggiarmi in mind the song BLOWIN’ IN THE WIND
40. Lascio Auschwitz Birkenau x recarmi a a 3 x miles away, passing the old factory
41. attention deported by train
42. 2 pictures apparently identical.. but the perspective changes very simple posture x x .. imagine any particular state of mind
43. X This is why no photo no writing in the world can make the idea of a holocaust precise .. if not .. those who have lived
44. my bike with hanging behind my house .. with my shoes hanging.. ridiculous and at the same time moving
45. I say ke "place of memory" is temporarily closed, because a helicopter doing aerial shots
46. …. you have to wait a few hours ... I take this opportunity of shooting I do x
47. I could already go to Krakow and visit the city of 100 he asked.. ma come in ogni cosa ci sono delle priorità
48…invece di elevarmi nel visitare Templi a Cracovia..mi abbasso e con umile Sacralità …scendo nell’inferno di Birkenau
49 rispettando ….un filo conduttore (tema del mio viaggio quest’anno è la guerra e la sofferenza umana) …seppur con.torto?
50. Quante strade deve percorrere un uomo prima di essere chiamato uomo?..da..Blowin’ in the wind
51. Per quanto tempo un uomo deve guardare in alto prima che riesca a vedere il cielo? ..da..blowin’ in the wind
52. E quanti mari deve superare una colomba bianca prima che si addormenti sulla spiaggia? ..da..blowin’ in the wind
53. x non “allargarmi” troppo guardo e torno con i piedi x terra
54…una coccinella mi sorride
55….e mi sorride pure una simpatica Donna Polacca vedendomi inpegnato a fotografare insetti in mezzo alla strada (preciso non trafficata)
56…l’elicottero nel frattempo fa le sue ultime riprese
57… e poi se ne va
58….ed io posso entrare nel Luogo della Memoria
59…colpisce la vastità del luogo
60…e le sue tante “forme di croci”
61. ..e le sue tante forme di croci
62. . ..e le sue tante forme di croci
63. . ..e le sue tante forme di croci…ogni baracca ha un suo numero di riferimento
64. nella Baracca 13 were confined,children Poles and Hungarians.
65. The adults x mitigate their captivity they stained walls
66. Painting colorful scenes from fairy tales
67. Door to enter
68. Block 16a
69. The structure of the barracks was designed to shelter the x 52 horses, then in reality was used as accommodation for more x 400 people.
70. one each cabin heater x
71. Each sector had its own latrine, constituted simply by a series of seats in masonry without any intimacy x the detainee.
72. on each cot lay an average of five people
73. often there were notices on the walls of the "wassertrinken verboten"(forbidden to drink water).when in fact they were seated
74. Lapide..E how long can a man turn his head, pretending not to see the answer, my friend is blowing in the wind,
75. B I a / 31 – CABIN OF CHILDREN OF MENGELE demolished by bombing
76. Mengele performed cruel experiments on children prisoners,with a view to scientifically prove the superiority of the Aryan race
77. Input to the crematoria and gas chambers
78. Ruin crematorium .. how can we forget the song Sinatra?….They are ...
79Son who died ... I was a child, I died with a hundred other, past for a chimney and are now in the wind
80. Pond
81. human ashes were thrown here
82.. liquid
83Reflections ....
84And ... all set in a bucolic setting
85That .... 2 trees of different kinds and colors seems riabbraccino
86... While this seems like a fairy-tale cottage with lots of eyes and mouth ... but if you could palare
87Already ... but a little behind other crematoria
88. Memorial for the victims of the extermination camp
89. Commemorative plaques in 4 lingue polacca inglese ebraica yiddish
90. Here at the bottom of the field there are the buildings of the Zentralsauna where admission procedures were performed in the field.
91.la ... The so-called sauna x ..registrazione disinfection of the deported for forced labor
92Today ... makes you walk a catwalk "raised" on the path of the deportees
93. ..x respect the memory and it does not remain in the darkness of oblivion
94Photographic exhibition ...
95. some moving pictures of the deportees
96I end my visit ... ..esco shocked shocked
97Away ... a group of visitors "tramples Our History" ... while a blade of grass property rises against the wind
98. will be aware of what is delicate and at the same time every creature great and PRECIOUS
99.riguardo The field ... but it's not the same anymore
100And ... I realize that I also have changed indeed changed ...
101.. I go back on the bike and "invest" the lager ... as the goal.. now no more in-sensible ..of so hard
102. The road is still longish x Krakow 70 km..inoltre are several interruptions x works and the traffic makes me the wire
103. along the way I see other signs of war .
104.. I do not know how to swear ... but I end up in a beautiful bike path ... and after a 20 km reach of Krakow
105 on the outskirts of Krakow beautiful glimpses of the Vistula, the longest river (1047km) Poland
106. Curious signage : prohibition of parking boats ... x and x bikes ?
107. ..I am in the city of Krakow 100 asked this x is also called the Rome of the North
108..Famous x its historic center (Unesco heritage), x the central square ( + large Europa) x and its manicured gardens
109.Krakow is the cultural capital of the country,up to 16 sec.lo anke was politically reside here .. 28 museums and art galleries
110. The tower of Wawel Castle
111. X The time required to find accommodation (x was not at all easy) and I'm ready x the daily walk
112.. I am in the Market Square, one of the largest in Europe
113. ..deliberately decide not to visit any of the 100 he asked.. x not to hurt the other 99 ... in a basilica.. even
114..gave a concert of Mozart .. but not entered, even if only x as not to risk the Vienna State Opera(see below)
115. mi reco invece al Museo Czartoryski- where there's Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci .. but it was closed
116It's late ... and I'm dead tired .. so confused that a lamp with moon
117. The moon I see Painted x .. earth despite the late hour.. different street artists they show up and assert
118.. before I fell asleep I recall the day
119.. this time do not count the miles, but the facts ... 6 million.. I think the writing of Elie Diesel and ...
120. ..I think of the intellectual Amery such as swearing x 'in the camp did not have a religious faith nor politic to which it aggrappasi
121And I am .... .... without words