1. History 1st Stage Petosino-Rivalta Scrivia

2. Map 1st Stage Petosino-Rivalta Scrivia

3. My .. cari.Petosino 23/03/2007.Parto the cemetery of my country, the short but steep descent gives me the Dash ..

4. Champion. Rituals greetings. Wave Giorgio(strong triathlete)bar manager Valleys (Provincial Dalmine)

5.Trezzo d'Adda ... and yet it moves ... Impressive tail. They are the only medium that moves, in the street, between 2 rows of stopped vehicles.. I warm up their engines

6. If a good day starts in the morning..Convinced you know the location, not I scan the map, and I get lost in the country lanes

7. Of course yes no. Lengthen the path of 10km x "touch" the magic Certosa di Pavia, but just as I see the portal close to break mens ..

8. Track .. yyyy Tower Mangano After many busy highways and country roads remotest, finally a little bit of paradise = 10km of cycle track

9. Pavia.Minerva,Xi greci.La Athena Goddess of wisdom and wisdom seems sgridarmi.Come auspicious do you use the circle .. marcondiro .. 'ndiro, ‘ndello

10. Bridges .. that can merge or split a route, depending on the mood opportunity meeting .... limit or border ...

11. Signs .. sometimes just a few miles of travel x find countries with names strani.Basta this place to feel a little foreign or "estranged" from the things which are seen through. Slide the imagination.. fatigue weighs less so ...

12. A Po '... at a time ... every time you through a unique emotion. I think back to The Citadel scripted that gave very good idea of ​​the culture of the Lower Valley ponder ... : every river is sacred and all the villages are born on a river ... the water just like every living being

13.Voghera.G.essi ​​copyright. Ancient Art(Public Latrine) and modern. We are all artists, and leave a mark in certain contexts

14.Rivalta Scrivia Hotel Il Carrettino.Ottimo albergo che offre gratuitamente le docce (external) for all truck drivers and not passing through ... good thought

15. The meter time trial ..

16. History 2nd Leg Rivalta Scrivia.- Finale Ligure

17. Map 2nd Leg Rivalta Scrivia.- Finale Ligure

18.Novi.L.Un estremo sforzo aiuta a superare le sofferenze subite ma la troppa fatica(and Work ..)makes men stupid,parlo x esperienza diretta

19.Pass Turchino.Da months without any training,temevo questa 1^ salita.X fortuna trovo la compagnia di Alberto un Torinese

20. Fado ( Voltri ) The strength of the Order

21.Fado da Fatum=destino è pure un caratteristico canto del Portogallo che spero segretamente raggiungere e magari oltrepassare…

22. Voltri. The enchanting Riviera

23.Noli.Gara Milan-S Remo the road is closed to traffic. Apripista pedalo tra una moltitudine di gente stupita in rispettoso silenzio

24. Savona Port and childbirth.. just a dream?

19 . Turchino Pass for months without any training, I feared this 1st ascent.. Per fortuna incontro Alberto un Torinese, che mi accompagna e sostiene il passo o meglio dire la pedalata. It 's so that between a chat and the other without even realizing I'm in the top, abbondantemente prima che transitino i corridori della Milano S Remo . Giornata soleggiata ma molto fredda, a lato della strada c’è ancor la neve caduta nei giorni precedenti

20. The strength of the Order A policeman would .. Ritrae. The success of a race like that of Milan S. Remo much depends on the commitment of many people who work without being duly considered

21. Fado is also a characteristic song of Portugal ( who secretly hope to achieve and maybe beyond) , The etymology of the word Fado comes from the Latin Fatum = destiny, understood as something that dominates from which we can not escape, as the domain of the soul, the primacy of the heart on the right, things that if not regulated lead us to despair. Fado's a bit like sailors (Today cyclists?) who were leaving to new discoveries,a little 'and a little explorers' vagabonds,senza the sicurezza del percorso o del ritorno

23. Monte di Noli. Passaggio della Milano S Remo . Earlier on the same road I passed too. Una esperienza ONLY pedalare Tutto solo, in silence along the road free from traffic, through una moltitudine a gente silenziosa. Infreddolito sotto the pioggia, in my entire HEIGHT with "my house" below, people watching me surprised and a little confused, venerable almost sepulchral silence .. respectful of fatigue

26. History 3rd stage Finale Ligure – Nice

27. Mappa 3 ^ Tappa Finale Ligure – Nice

28.ALASSIO.L 'ALBA.L' azzurro è solo nella photo

29.Check-S.Remo.Giungo Milan at the finish line the next day .. moreover, each has its time,and must be respected, the important thing is to try

30. Border

31. 1Border ° but there is no border ....... I feel + European W La France

32.Menton.Turista ... for the case

33.. Montecarlo Saliscendi and several landslides, all in slope, impede traffic already perceived as chaotic.

34. Nice. Welcome

35. Kronos. Time ... and my dream .. I'm ...

36. Only mirages ? optical illusions ?

37. 2° Chrono-meter

The blue is only in the picture. The weather is lousy cold and strong wind that I hope, at least sweep away the big planks.. Gray is also the moral and my physical state. I stayed at the Hotel Plata but the night was very disturbed first by moving kids, then by infernal noise, from the nearby port, as if a crane raised and then scaricasse from metal pipes,
Just got up (h6) addirittura pioveva, and brush my teeth I inexplicably cling together . I look at the small (x 'weighed less) dentifricio comprato la sera prima e vi leggo collante per… dentiere
Per forza di cose penso +
Make the obstacles opportunities, who knows that it is a warning to save energy "less open his mouth and instead press on the pedals".
The rest are also convinced that..
se cambia prima o poi arriverà anche il sereno

30.Arrival of Milan S Remo.Il giorno seguente della Classica di ciclismo anch’io arrivo. After all each of us has his times,and must be respected, Please note the important thing is to try the van behind me garbage.. che sia un servizio scopa ? .. blessed.. if the last ... In questa giornata si è svolta pure la Gran fondo della S. Remo per gli amatori. The difference is that the path took place only on the Ligurian coast. Numerosa è stata la partecipazione dei corridori che ho incontrato più volte nel senso contrario della mia marcia. Diversi si sono ritirati ed io ho approfittato della loro scia che sconsolati tornavano alla partenza, che in ragione del circuito diveniva pure arrivo e punto di ristoro Here the butcher Bordighiera runner exprofessionista makes me and takes me to wake cycle to XX miles I wonders if I have occasion to salutargli Gotti (My fellow) who was a close friend and colleague. Learned of my trip I wonder why I do not put a sign behind the bike with Lourdes Pilgrimage written reply that if I had to write something put ... I ... I ... Donkey

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